Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

1994 MAYIS-KASIM Cilt 18 Sayı 1
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Sabah Yilmaz Durmuş Boztuğ
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  • Granitoid Petrojenez

  • Magma

  • Mingling/Mixing

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  • Barbarin, B.,, 1991, Contrasted origins for the poligenic and

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  • Boztuğ, D., Yılmaz.,, S. ve Kesgin,, Y., 1993, İç Boğo Anadolu Alkalin. Provensindeki Kösedağ Plütonu (Suşehri. - KD Sivas) doğu kesiminin petrografisi ve Petrokimyası, 46. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı, Bildiri Özleri, s. 87..

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  • Didier, J., and Baitarin, B. (eds,.),, 1991a, Enclaves and Granite Petrology: Developments in Petrology, 13, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 625p.

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  • Yılmaz, S.., Boztuğ, D. and Öztüık, A,, 1.993, The geological setting,, petrographical and geochemical characteristics of the Cretaceous and Tertiary Igneous rocks in the Hekünîıan-Hasançelebi area, NW Malatya, Türkiye, Geological Journal, Special Issue- for the International Workshop:Work in pro.giess on the Geology of the Türkiye (in press),

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  • Usage Of The Geostatistical Simulation Methods In Minemi Deposit Evaluation
    Cem Saraç
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    ABSTRACT: Tlıe simulation approach to geological problems has received considerable attention the las! few years. Applications include determination of major geologic patterns, chemical compositions of different lithoîogical units, hydrogeological patameteis such as porosity and permeability, hydi ogeological modelling, determination of mine planning and gi ode-tonnage carves. Afler a pr elimin w y review of geostatisticat simulation, conditional and non-conditional simulation and different simulation methods will be given. Ktztlyüksek-Yataardıç (Kat santıAdana) chromium mineralisation has been considered as a case study. The data is derived from 26 drillholes distributed over the area. The total depth of the 26 drillholes was 4772 m. Using a basic statistics treatment of data, a positive low skew distribution with the mean of 4.409c the standard deviation of2.437c r and the coefficient of variation of 0.55 has been observed. Expei imental variograms representing three main directions were calculated, and the Lriging hack estimation technique. Finally, conditional simulation was done and the results and the simulation maps were prepared.

  • Mineral Deposits

  • Geoistatistical Simulation

  • Lithology Unıts

  • Earth Sciences

  • Akın, AJC. (1987) Kızüyüksek - Yataaıdıç- (Karsantı/ Adana) ÖİR, 634 nolu Sahanın Madem, Jeolojisi Raporu, MTA, Geıel Müdürlüğü, Rapor no: 2252

  • Davis, M, (1987) .Frodo.cti.on of Conditional Simulations via the LU Triangular Decomposition of the covalance Matrix, Journal of Mathematical Geology, Vol.. 19, No 2, pp 91- 98.

  • Dowd, P.A.. and Saraç, C. (1993) Geostatistical Simulation Based, oo Neural Networks , The International Association for Geology,, 25* Anniversary Meeting, 10-15 October 1993, Prague.

  • Harbaugh, J.W. and Bohham - Carter, G, (1970) Computer Simulation in Geology, John Wiley and SODS, Inc., New York..

  • Journel, A.G. And Huijbregts, ChJ. (1978) Mining Geostatistics, Academic Press, New York.

  • Mantoglou, A. (1987) Digital Simulation of Two-and Three-Dimensional Stochastic Processes with a Spectral Turning Bands Method, Journal, of Mathematical Geology, Vol... 19, No 2, pp. 129-150

  • Saraç, C. and Tercan, E, (199:2) A Geostatistical Case Study of Kızılyüksek-Yataaıdıç Chromium Orebody, Geosound-Yerbilimleri, No 20, pp. 219-230.

  • Saraç, C and Dowd, P.A. (1.993) A Modified Approach • to Large Scale Geostatistical Simulation, via the LU Decomposition Method, Leeds. University Mioieg Association Journal» pp. 95- 1.02.

  • Ali Vedat Oygür
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  • Stable İzotop

  • Geochemistry

  • Mineral Deposits

  • Ore

  • Akande, S.O. ve Zenfitli, M.t 1983, Geologie, fluid inclusions and stable isotope studies* of the Gays River lead-zinc deposit, Nova. Scotia, Canada: Econ. Geol., 79,1187-1211

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  • Branam, T.D. ve Ripley , E.M.,1990, Genesis of sediment-hosted copper mineralization in southcentral Kansas: sulfur/carbon and sulfur isotope systematic^ Econ. GeoL, 85,, 601- 621.

  • Craig, H., 1957, Isotopic standards for carbon and oxygen and. correction factors for mass, spectrometric analysis of carbon dioxide: Geochim.. CosmochlraAeta, 12,133-149.,

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  • Franklin, J.M., Lydon, J.W. ve Sangster, DJ7 ., 1981, Volcanic-associated massive sulfide deposits:Econ. GeoL, 75.. Anaiv. Vol., 485-627

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  • ShimazaM, fi, 198&, Oxygea, carbon and sulfur isotope staéy of `AMB deposits in Japan: Proceed 1th Quadienaial IAGOD Syoıp., 375-38L

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  • Alp Taner İrkeç
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  • Mineral Resources

  • İnternational Perspective

  • Mining

  • İndustry

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  • Black, LG.,, J.M., and George,. J.M., 1980`, Metals, outlook: ChiltorT s Automotive Industries, July, p. 28-30

  • Humphreys, D,.., 1982,,, A mineral commodity life cycle? Relationships between production, price and. economic resources: Resources Policy, v.. 8, p. 215-229.

  • Malenbaum, W., 1978, World demand for raw materials in 1985 and 2000: New York, E/MI Mining Information Services,, 126 p...

  • McK.el.vey, V,E,, 1.97:2, Mineral resource estimates and public policy : American Scientist^. 60, p.32-40.

  • Meadows, P,H.,, Meadows, P.L., Randers, W., and Behrens W.W., III, 1974,. The limits to growth: A report for the Club of Rome1 s Project in the Predicament of Mankind (2nd edition): New York, Universe Books, 176 p

  • Metalgesellchaft AG (Aktiengesellschaft), various years, Metal statistics: Frankfurt, Metailgesellschaft AC

  • RWI (Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut. für Wiitschaftsforschung, Essen), 1985, Zusammenhang zwischen Wirtschaftswachstum und Stahlverbrauch besteht doch.: Stahl und Eisen, v, 105, no.21, p. 1.117-1118.

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  • U.S. Bureau of Mines, various years, Minerals Yearbook: Washington D..C., U.S. Government Printing Office, v. L

  • World Tin, 1990, Thinner tin coatings on tinplate: World Tin, v. 1 (quoted from Tägliche Nachrichten, Metallgesellschaft AG„ February 1990)

  • Koray Kiriş
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    ABSTRACT: This study is a compilation work about the economic mineralization and tpes of deposition of gold, standing as privila ged metal among the other pt tctotts metals. Classification is made act or din g i o the modi uf p/ocess where, brief considet allons wet e accumulation and miniralization and named as platers and hxd) othermals n spectively. The classification is quite similar to Lîndgren`s {1933) Placer deposits, considering the age of formation, an sih%)ouped in to two as young and fossil, whereas hydrothermal deposits, considering the tempo atttre-prcsMire and depth of fot motion, are subgrouped in to thtee and studied as epithet mais and hypothermals.

  • Gold

  • economic Adulation Types

  • Precious Metals

  • Cost

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  • The environmental impacts and economic potential of the gas (deponi gas) formed in waste disposal sites
    İlker Şengüler Bazim Yilmaz
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    ABSTRACT: There are waste disposal sites in about 2000 residential areas in Turkey.. Because the majority of these areas have not been arrangée in accordance wiùi the N Solid Wastes Control Regulations", the methane gas formed in waste bodies cause deaths as a result of explosions and fires and create great environmental pollution. The municipalities can prevent the methane gas which forms in waste bodies in decad`es from being hazardous by constituting systems in orderly waste disposal sues and at the same time contribute to the economy by using it as a fuel.

  • Garbage Storage Area

  • Landfill Gas

  • Environmental Effects

  • Economic potential

  • ÇTJVAM, 1991., Çöp Deponi Alanları. H.Ü. Çevre Uygulama ve .Araştırma. Meıkezi Seminer Notları, Ankara.

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  • Mesude Aydan
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  • Environmental Geology

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  • Tahir Çebi
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  • Ground-Water

  • Drinking and Utility Water

  • Well Design Techniques

  • Ground Water and Wells : Edward E. Johnson, Inc.Saint Paul, Minnesota.

  • Yeraltısuları (Hidrojeoloji): M.Keınal ERGUVANLI I.T.Ü-1973-ÎSTANBUL.

  • Necla Akça
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  • Mustafa Karabiyikoğlu
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  • Aynur Geçer
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  • Log

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  • Techniques

  • Geology

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  • Schlumberger(1983). Well Evaluation Conference. Afrique de l`Ques

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  • Schlumberger Middle East S.A. (1984). Well Evaluation Conference* Egypt...

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  • Visher,G. S., Saitta, S. B., Phares, R.S. (1971). Penns-ylvanian Delta Patterns and petroleum occurrences in Eastern Oklahoma. Buïl. Amer. Assoc. Petroleum. GeoL, 55,8, p, 1206-1230:

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  • Haydar İlkem
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  • Volcanic Gas

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