Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

1982 MAYIS Cilt 6 Sayı 2
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Stratigraphy of Akşehir-Yalvaç area and Ws correlation with Western Tmtfuses
Cavit Demirkol
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ABSTRACT: Thm research hm been caxried out to investigate the stratigraphy of toe area between Yalvaç (İsparta) and Akşehir (Konya), Mie area which hau been mapped, is situated to the uôrttiera partof the Western Taunia The main at e of the research is to correlate the map area and the, other partsof the Western Tourids.The oldest Mttiostrattgraphic unit of the map area to the Caltepe Limestoııe (Lower (?*). MiddleCatnbrlam). It gradationaUy passes up M to the Sultaiidede formatton (Upper Cambrian^Lower Ordo*vîclaii) which is the most Engill quartsîte of Middle-Upper D^voniton age rests on the older formationwith an unoonfonnity. The EngiUi quartsite gradatioiiaJly passes up In to the Harlak formation* Hie sue,ceding KocataEil formation is Lower Carboniferouâ in age, Ttte Beresinek formation whtoh overlies the.Koeakizü formation is Permian In age, ` . „The Mesozoic is represented by the Hacialabaz limestone of Upper Jurassic age, The Neogene formations rest on the older formations with an angular unoonformlty# Three MthostratigrapMc units ofNeogene age have been re«ogiiteed tot tiie area. These are the Bagkonak formation (fluviatile faeies), the ^Göksogİİt formati»n (flood plain faciès) and the Yankkaya Formation (lacustrine faoies).

  • Yalvaç-Akşehir

  • Stratigraphy

  • Western Tmtfuses

  • Isparta-Konya

  • Abdüsselâmoflu, §„ 1958» Sultandafi`mn 1/100,000 ölçekli Jeolojik leveleri hakmda rapor: M,T,A, Enst, Derleme Bap,, No, 2669 (yayımlanmamış).

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  • Brunn, J. H, Dumont, Jf, H„ De dracfansky, P, Ch,, Gutnic, M.» Juteau, Th., Marcoux, J., Monod, O ve Poisson, A. 1971, Outline of the Geology of the Western Taurids, in Geology and History of Turkey (Ed, A, S, Campell, Petroleum Exploration Society of Libya, Tripoli), s, 225-255

  • Bruggeman, H, 1908, Stratigraphie und Tectonic des Sultan Daf im Gebiet zwischen DofanWsar und Desdifm (Provinz Konya/Türkei), Münster, Doktora te^i, (yaymlanmamii).

  • Demirkol, Ctf 1977, Kuzey ve Orta Sultandafı`nm stratigrafisi,- Ege bölgeleri Jeolojisi VI, Kollokyumu, basılmakta

  • Demirkol O,, 1977, Yalvaç-Akşehir dolayının jeolojisi, Doçentlik tezi, Konya Selçuk Üniversitesi Yerbilimleri Bölümü (Yayml`anmamı§)

  • Demirkol, O,, Sipahi, H., Çiçek, S., Barka, A., Sönmem ş., 1977 Sultandağının stratigrafisi ve jeoloji evrimi» MTA. Enstitüsü, Arşivi,, n.

  • Demirkol, C, Sipahi, H,, 1979, Bafkonak^Çimendere-Muratbafı (İsparta1 ) yöresinin jeolojisi, TMMOB Jeoloji Müh# Odası Yayını, Sayı, 7. S. 29-88.

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  • Haude» H,, 1968» 2ur Geologie des mittleren Sultand&f südwestlich von Akşehir (Türkei), Münster, Doktora Tezi (Basılmamii)

  • Özgül, N,, Gedik, 1, 1971, Orta Toroslar`m kuzey kesiminin yapısal gelişmesinde blok hareketlerinin önemi, TJK BÜL 14, s, 75-87

  • Özgül, H., Gedik, t# , 197S, Orta Toroslar`da Alt Pa. lezoyik yaşta Çaltepe kiregta§ı ve Seydişehir for« masyonunun stratigrafisi ve Konodont faunası hakkında yeni bilgiler, TJK Bül. XVI, 2, s 39- 52

  • Özgül, N.f 1976, Toroslar`m bazı temel jeolojik öıellikleri, TJK BÜlt, 19, 1, B. 65-78

  • Spry, A„ 1969, Metamorphic Texture, Pergamon Press, London, New York

  • Travis, R# B., 1970, Nomenclature of Sedimentary rock, Bull, Am. Assoe, Petrol, Geologist, v, 04, no, 7, p. 1095-1107.

  • Winkler, H. G# F,, 1967, PetrogeneMs of metamorphia rook Springer Verlag,

  • Die grundlag e und méthode über die ermiitlung der grundwasser Schutzgebieten
    İsmail Hakki Kulaksizoğlu
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    ABSTRACT: Mit der Festsetzung von Wasserschutzgebieten (Für Grujidwasseir) ist ©ine Beihe von 2S.T,schwerwiegenden NutÄUngseinsehraenkunf en verbunden. Deshalb ist es notwendig, die Bemessungsgrandïagen,für die einzelnen Schutzzonen so genau wie möglich zu ermitteln» unti einerseits dem geforderten Schutzdes Gruiidwassôrs und anderseits «ten wîrtscnafttichen Belangen Rechnung zu tragen.Die Ermittlung der 50 * Tage - Linie und des neutralen Grandwaiserweges bleiben wegen der Inhom»&genitaet des Untergrundes Probleinatiseh, hinzu kommt, dass selten hydrologische, hydrogeologische Bfessdatenin ausreichender Anzahl zur Verfügung stehen.Eine Reihe von Verfahren wird beschrieben, und es werden MögEchkeiten gezeigt, wie auch mit nurwenigen Messdaten eine Bemessung der Zone II und des neutralen Wasserweges vorgekommen werdenkann. 

  • Grundwatter

  • Protected Areas

  • Principles and Methods

  • Protection Zone

  • Economy

  • HQFMANN, W. . LÎLLtOH, W., 1973, Problema.tik der Bemessung Schutzzone Für Liockergestelnsaquifere

  • KOSOHEL, H,, 1979, 50 Tage - Linie und Der neutrale Wasserweg (BGR-HANNOVBR)


  • LÎLLÎOH, W., 1972, Der Gewaesserschute aus hidrogeologischer Sicht, Insbesondere hydrogeologische ICrieterien zur Festsetzung von Wasserschutzge« bieten, (BGR - HANNOVER)

  • SCHNEIDER, H,# 1073, Die Wassergchliessungschutz des Grundwasser,

  • TRUELSEN. O„ 1967, Die Direkt - Methode zur Beştim« mung des Wasserdranges bei im Loekergestein fiissenden Grundwasserströmen,

  • Bauocite and BmıocUe Deposits in Turkey
    Ahmet Çağatay Bülent Arman
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    ABSTRACT: Within the introduction section the term bauxite is defineci and the international bauxiteassociations are introduced. In the fallowing secMonsf he geological, classification of the bauxite deposit! isgiven. The mineralogy* chemistry, and the uses of bauxite are, briefly described, Finally»:, tn the Might of theseinformation» a study of Turkey bauxite deposits are Investigated by dividing them in to areas and subareas.

  • Boxing Deposits

  • Turkey

  • Geological Location

  • Mineralogyh

  • Arda, O. ve Çağatay, A,, 1974, Akseki bölgesi örneklerinin mineralojik tayin ve tespiti, Rapor No: 134/8277, M.T,A. Enst, Lab, Dai, arşivinde, Ankara, yayınlanmamış

  • Arda, O. ve Çağatay, A., 1975, Îslahiye-Payas bölgeleri örneklerinin mineralojik tespit ve tayini, Rapor No: 69, M.T.A. Enst, Lab, Dai, arşivinde, Ankara, yayınlanmamış.

  • Arda, O., Çağatay, A ve Çağlıyan, H., 1975, Yalvaç, bölgesi Örneklerinin mineralojik tespit ve tayini. Rapor No: 409, M.T.A. Enst. Lab. Dai,, arşivin, de, Ankara, yayınlanmamış

  • Ami, P, (1938), Kurzer Vorbericht über einige Ausbisse eines oxydisehen Eisen-Allumlnium-Erzes, südlich bei Zonguldak « M.T.A, Enst, derleme raporu No, 888, Ankara, yayınlanmamış

  • Bahçesi, A., Özgün, M, ve Ege, İL, 1975, Alcsekl-Seydişehir arası boksit prospeksiyonu, M.T.A.
  • Bayer, G., 1972, Möglichkeiten zur wirteschafliehen Beseitigung von Rotschlaemmen, « Erzmetal, Bd. 25, Heft 0, S. 454-457, Stuttgart

  • Baysal, D„ ve Engin, A. N.f 197Ô, Detirnienlik-Kiziltaf boksit yatafı, - H, Ü. Y, Bil, der,, cilt 2, sayı 2, sayfa 134-140 Ankara

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  • Clarke, O, M., Jr., 1966, The formation of bauxite,- Econ. GeoL, Vol. 69, pp, 1251-1264

  • Comer, J, BM 1974, Genesis of Jamaican bauxite. - Econ. Geol,, vol. 69, pp, 1251-1264

  • Çetin, H,, 1977, Ak§ehir-YalvaQ bölgesi demirli boksit yatakları istikşaf safhası raporu. - M*%A, Enst,, Maden Etüd Dairesinde hazırlanmakta

  • Evans, H, J., 1965, Bauxite deposits of Weipa, - Geology of Australian ore deposits, - Sth Commonwealth mining and metallurgical Congress, Volume 1, pp, 396-401, Melbourn

  • Geotimes, 1973, January, voL 18, No# 1, p, 17

  • Gordon, M, and Murata, K, J., 1952, Minor elements in Arkansas bauxite. - Econ. Geol., Vol. 47, pp. 169-179

  • Gordon, M,, Traeey, J. I, and Ellis, M. W,, 1958, Geology of the Arkansas bauxite region, - U. S. Geol, Survey Prof, Paper 299, Washington

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  • Hatay, N., 1907, Îslahiye-Haşsa bölgesi boksit zuhurları hakkında geçici rapor, - M.T.A, Enst, derleme raporu, Ankara, yayınlanmamış

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  • Lapparand de, J.f 1930, Lieg bauxites de la France me* ridionale. - Paris

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  • L`importance de la géologie parmi les influâmes étiologiques du guatre endémique dans la région ds Izmir - Tire
    Fethi Doğan
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  • İzmir-Tire

  • Endemique

  • İnfluames Etiologiques du Guatr

  • The İmportance of Geology

  • Rock potential as cement raw material in the vicinity of Kamn^ Ankara
    Meral Yeniyol
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    ABSTRACT: The main cement raw material«! in the vicinity of Kazan, Ankara are limestone and maris of the Jurassic ana Miocene, Limestone as Italy material, and marls as siliceous material have been estimated in sufficient reserve«, Htowever» both materials are in suitable composittanant homogenity. The conglomerate of Miocene and the sedimentaries of Pliocene, which partially overlay the marls in varying thicknesses, could be anThe various peculartttes of raw materials and the other necessary parameters for a cement factory establishment to produce Typhe I Bortlajacl Cement are feasible I» this area,

  • Kazan Region(Ankara)

  • Rocks

  • Cement Raw Material

  • Sediments

  • Conglomerate

  • ÇOPUR, M., KARAKAYA, E,, 1919, Ankara ve çevresinde yapılan çimento hammaddeleri ön etüd raporu, M.T.A, Engt., E.H.M» arşivi, , O,, 1054, Ankara ve civannın jeolojisi hakkında rapor, M/îA, Bust,, rap, no, 2491

  • GÎLLOT, J.E., 1968, Clay in engineering geology, EL sevier Publishinf Company; Amsterdam, London, New York

  • KESKİN, B„ 1ÔT4, Ankara vilayeti Kazan Nahiyesi güneybatısında Mürted jeotermal enerji arama alanında yapılan MT-1 derin sondajı bitirme raporu, M.T.A, Enst,, rap. no. 2486

  • OZANSOY, F., 1966, Ankara gevresi Neojenin jeolojik katları ve memeli fosil faunaları hakkında rapor, M.T.A, Enst,, rap. no. 2352,

  • ÖNGÜR, TtJ 1976, Kızılcahamam, Çamlıdere, Çeltikçi, Kazan dolayının jeoloji durumu ve jeotermai enerji olanakları, M.T.A, Enst,, rap*"no. 1-030

  • ÖZDEMIR, B,, 1973, Çimento Teknolojisi. Türkiye ÇL mento Sanayii T,A.Ş, yapnıı.

  • ÖZTUNALI, ö.t 1078, Maden Yataklan, oluşum ve deterlendirilmeleri, Î.Ü. Yerbilimleri Fakültesi


  • YENİYOIı, M,, 1980, Ankara îli, Kazan Nahiyesinin güneybatısındaki alan`m çimento hammadeleri açısından olanakları. M.T.A. Enst, E.H.M, Arşivi, K.O.J,, 1089, Eskişehir, Ankam, Bolu ve Çankırı vilayetlerinde yapılan mentan jeolojik tet« kikata dair rapor M.T.A. Enst., rap, no, 985,

  • The determination of the anorthite content of plagioclases by the application of the standart deviation method to the oc-ray diffraction analyses
    Salim Genç
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    ABSTRACT: The determination of the anortMt© contents of plagioclaieg by x*ray diffractton analyses is anextensively used method`. In order to control the results obtained during these analyses, the method known as"standart deviation" Indicating the rate of error in readings amd showing the degree of precisene§s of theprocedure to progress, may be utilized, TMs metbod here, is applied to a rock sample analysed» by a Philipsdiffractometer using (OuKa j) radiation, for the purpose of employing the graphical values of its (181) and(131- ) reflectMtm, and in this way the anortMte content of the plagioclascs is dctcriiiinctl

  • X-Ray Diffraction Analyses

  • Standart Deviation Method

  • Pagioclases

  • Determination of Anorthite Percentages

  • Bambauer, H.U., Oorlett, M. Eberhard, E, Gubser, R; Laves, F; Nissen, H.U, Viswanathan, K,( 1965, Variations in x-ray powder patterns of low structural state plagioelases, Schweiz. Min Petr, Mitt,, e, 45/1, s, 327-830,

  • Bambauer, H.IJ. Oollett, M. Eberhard, E. Viswanathan» K,f 1967, Diagrams for the determination of plagioelases using x-ray powder methods. Schweiz, Min, Petr, Mitt,f c, 47, s. 333-340,

  • Gay, P„ 1953, The structures of the plagioclase feldspars: III, An x-ray study of anorthites and bytownites, Min. Mag., c, 30, s, 169-177,

  • Genç, S., 1977, Geological evolution of the southern margin of the Bitlis massif, Lice-Kulp district, SE Turkey, Yayınlanmamış, doktora tezi, University of Wales, İngiltere,

  • Goodyear, J, Duff in, W.J., 1954, The identification and determination of plagioclase feldspars by the x-ray powder method, Min, Mag., c. 30, 306-326, ___^ # > i955j The determination of composition and thermal history of plagioelases by the x-ray powder method. Min, Mag,, c. 30, s, 648-656,

  • Moroney, M.J., 1975, Facts from figures. 472 s., Penguin Serisi, London

  • Smith, J.V, 1956, The powder patterns and lattice parameters of plagioclase feldspars, 1, The soda rich plagioelases. Mins Mag,, c. 31, s. 47-68,

  • Smith, J,R, Yoder, H.S, Jr., 1956, Variations in x-ray powder diffraction patterns of plagioclase feldspars, Am, Min., c. 41, s. 632-647

  • Exploration problems in Turkish mining
    Yusuf Ziya Özkan
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    ABSTRACT: It is thought that some important issues related with mining exploration in Turkey are emergedbecause some arrangements which are Important for mining techniques are not taking place in the NewMining Law of Turkey. In this article, author emphasizes on some changes which must be done ©r some arrangements which coukl be beneficial if they takes place in the law* 

  • Mining

  • Exploration Problems

  • Mining Law

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