Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

2013 HAZİRAN Cilt 37 Sayı 1
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Acid Rock Drainage, and Trace Element Pollution in Groundwater in Surrounding of Kurşunlu Mine Area
Tülay Ekemen Keskin Sonay Bozdemir Filiz Ersöz
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ABSTRACT: Acid mine drainage occurs as a result of reactions with water and sulphide minerals such as pyrite.As a result of these reactions water gains acidic properties and significant water pollution problems couldrise. The study area located in Ortakent (Koyulhisar) has an active Pb-Zn-Cu mining site. The corelationand factor analyses applied to determine mineral-water reactions controlling the chemical compositionof groundwater clearly show effects of sulphide mineral bearing volcanic rocks. Sulfide minerals produceacid and groundwater contains high concentrations of SO4 and Fe. Low pH values are also responsiblefor dissolved metals (Al, Fe, Mn SO4, Pb, Zn) in the groundwater and river. Al, Fe and Mn concentrationsin the acidic waters in the study area exceed the limits of Ministry of Health-2005 Standard. In addition,several springs have SO4 and Pb concentrations higher than the limits of drinking water standards. Solidand liquid mine wastes contribute on the trace element contamination of water as well. Geochemicalmodelling showed that mostly heavy toxic metals in the acidic waters may exist largely in the form of freemetal and metal-sulphate. It is understood that the trace elements contained in the groundwater and rivercould introduce high risks to human, animals and plants.

  • Acid mine drainage

  • Factor and cluster analysis

  • Correlation

  • Koyulhisar

  • Sulfide mineralization

  • Groundwater pollution

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  • Ekemen Keskin, T , Toptaş, S , Ersöz, F . Kurşunlu Maden Alanı Çevresindeki Yeraltısularında Asit Kaya Drenajı ve İz Element Kirliliği. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 37 (2013 ): 1-26

  • Evaluation of Rock Slope Stability by Different Methods (Ünye, Ordu)
    Kadir Karaman
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    ABSTRACT: In this study, the stability of two rock slopes was evaluated by means of kinematic analysis, SlopeStability Probability Classification System (SSPC), and Slope Mass Rating (SMR). The results of thekinematic analyses have revealed that planar, wedge and toppling failures would not occur in the analyzedslopes. Based on the SSPC orientation–dependent stability analysis, the slope–1 has 100% stabilityagainst the sliding failure, and over 95% stability against the toppling failure. The probability of stabilityof the slope–2 is over 95% against the sliding and toppling failures. The maximum possible heights anddip angles of the slopes were determined according to the orientation–independent stability analysis.Based on the SSPC orientation–independent stability analysis, the angles for a safe slope are proposed tobe 75° for the slope–1 and 70° for the slope–2. According to the SMR system, the stabilities of the slope–1and the slope–2 were determined as “partially stable” and “unstable”, respectively

  • Kinematic analysis

  • Slope Stability Probability Classification System (SSPC)

  • Slope Mass Rating (SMR)

  • Slope stability

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  • Karaman, K . Kaya Şev Duraylılığının Farklı Yöntemlerle Değerlendirilmesi (Ünye, Ordu). Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 37 (2013 ): 27-48

  • Investigation of the Natural Soils and Artificial Fills Using Plate Load Test
    Nihat Dipova Bülent Cangir
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    ABSTRACT: A plate load test apparatus, which can be used for direct measurement of bearing capacity andsettlement of natural soils, improved soils and man-made fills, consists of rigid plates located on the ground,a dead load to apply pressure on the soil, a jack to transfer load and dial gauges to measure deflection.Nowadays, this test is preferred for artificial fill compaction control of motorways and airfields morethan the natural soils. The plate load test can also be used on rocks. Besides having simple components and giving results quickly, the test has some limitations. Shallow depth of influence is the most importantlimitation. Test results are affected by humidity and density of the natural soil. In this study; details of theplate load test procedure are given which have advantages especially in determination of bearing capacityand settlement of fill grounds, important aspects which should be attended to interpret test results areemphasized and some sample cases are presented.  

  • Fill ground

  • Settlement

  • Plate load test

  • Bearing capacity

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  • Dipova, N , Cangir, B . Doğal Zeminlerin ve Yapay Dolguların Plaka Yükleme Deneyi ile İncelenmesi. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 37 (2013 ): 49-62

  • Wollastonite: A Review
    Serhan Haner Dilek Çuhadaroğlu
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    ABSTRACT: Wollastonite is an inosilicate mineral, which is used in the different branches of the national economies in the world. Until 1970s wollastonite had been used as a decorative graywacke; however, from 1980s wollastonite has started to be used in many industries such as ceramics, plastic, rubber, paint, coating, metallurgy by taking the place of the aspestos in the products. Because of its unique cleavage properties, wollastonite breaks down during crushing and grinding in to lathlike or needleshaped particles of varying acicularity. This particle morphology imparts high strength, making it of considerable importance in many markets. In the reports of National Occupational Health and Safety Commision (NOHSC) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), it has been pointed out that there is no cancerogenic effect on the human body. Accordingly, this consequence gives way to the replacement of industrial minerals and fibers with the wollastonite. In this review, the information about the occurrence, the product, the consumption and the characteristics of wollastonite, its scope of use and technology are provided. In addition, the results of the studies about the toxicology and the epidemiology of the wollastonite are summarized.

  • CaSiO3

  • Calcium metasilicate

  • Wollastonite

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  • DPT, 2001. Madencilik özel ihtisas komisyonu raporu. Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı, No:2611, 204 s.

  • Dumont, M., 2004. Wollastonite. Canadian Minerals Yearbook, No:60, 5 p.

  • Fattah, H., 1994. Wollastonite-New aspects promise growth. Industrial Minerals, 21-43.

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  • Hanke, W., Sepulveda, M.J., Watson, A., Jankovic, J., 1984. Respiratory morbidity in wollastonite workers. British Journal of Industrial Medicine, 41 (4), 474-479

  • Hawley, G.C., 2010. Wollastonite: Mining Engineering, 62 (6), 84-86.

  • Huuskonen, M., Tossavainen, A., Koskinen, H., Zitting, A., Korhonen, O., Nickels, J., Korhonen, K., Vaaranen, V., 1982. Respiratory morbidity of quarry workers exposed to wollastonite (Abstract). In Proceeddings of the International Conference on Occ

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  • Maxim, L.D., McConnell, E.E., 2005. A review of the toxicology and epidemiology of wollastonite. Inhalation Toxicology, 17, 451-466

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