ABSTRACT: The enlargement of settlement areas due to increasing population emerges the construction of infrastructuraland other engineering structures. The construction of engineering structures has been densely continued from thesecond half of the 1900s to the present in İstanbul. Many engineering projects are being planned for the nearfuture. The recent structures are larger and deeper than the previous structures. Thus, the planners and engineershave faced to more geo-engineering problems related with geological uncertainties. In recent years, majority of theengineering structures in İstanbul are getting denser in the Paleozoic sequence of İstanbul along both the two sidesof the Bosphorus. The Paleozoic sequence of İstanbul mostly consists of sedimentary rocks. These sedimentary rocksare crosscut by dikes with varying compositions, in random orientation and dimensions (e.g. millimeter to couple ofmeter in scale). The dike crosscutting the İstanbul Paleozoic rocks generate unexpected and unwanted conditionssuch as squeezing of TBMs, stability problems, water leakage etc. As a result, increase in time and budget of theprojects occur. This study aims to define the strength and deformation properties of dikes in İstanbul under axialloadings. Besides, the brittleness of the studied rocks and their engineering behavior in practical applications wereevaluated. In addition, the behavior of dikes and host rocks were compared regarding basic rock mass properties.Based on the test results, the uniaxial compressive strength and Youngs modulus of dikes and the host rocks aredetermined as 46-277MPa and 33-158 MPa, and 16-99 GPa and 5-57 GPa, respectively. Besides, the brittle failureof the magmatic rocks under axial loadings is obvious in the graph of strength versus strain. Once the problemsencountered particularly in tunnel constructions in İstanbul are evaluated, it is defined that the differences betweenthe strength and strain characteristics of host rocks and dikes become an important geological problems. The resultsof this study state necessitate the detailed geo-mechanical investigations during the construction and for the longterm performance of underground rock structure.
ABSTRACT: Rock mass classification systems are used for rock mass characterization and design in the preliminary stagesof many mining activities and engineering applications. There are theoretical and experimental methods for theprediction of tunnel boring machine (TBM) performance in project stage. The correct estimation of machineperformance is influenced by many input parameters of rock mass, and although it is relatively easy to predictmachine performance in isotropic intact rock environments, it is very difficult in poor rock having anisotropicbehaviour. Many studies in this area have shown a poor relationship with penetration and rock mass classifications.In this study, the performance analysis of TBM in anisotropic weak rock environment with the QTBM method, whichis used in the Tunnel No. 26 (between Bilecik and Bozuyuk), located in the Ankara-İstanbul high-speed train line,has been examined in the section until the machine is trapped in the tunnel. It is concluded that there exist problemsfor the anisotropic weak rocks in the QTBM method. It is extremely difficult to estimate the intermittent disk changetime interval in such environments, and the relationship between properties of anisotropic rock mass and machinecharacteristics should be considered together for the performance machine prediction.
ABSTRACT: Mine Information Systems contain both metalic and non metalic mines. Amog fossil fuels, coal is commonlyused one in Turkey and creating a different information system for the coal will provide important contribution frommining standpoint. For creating a Coal Mine Information System (CMIS), the first step is to establish potential coalfields and process reserve data of these fields. After the classification of the fields for management, coordinate, detailreserve, company and mining license should be added as data sets. These coal areas must have other data sets whichare geological factors (primary and secondary), environmental factors, laboratory analysis results, risk of humanhealth and occupational diseases. All of these data sets help to create thematic maps and the thematic maps can beused for access and analysis by different users. For the effective usage of the systems, these data must be current atall time.
ABSTRACT: Kula Volcanic Geopark is the one of the areas that are rarely seen in Turkeys young volcanics. Kula Volcanic Geopark is distinguished from other areas in the geopark nature in Turkey with its membership of the Global Geoparks Network. Although the geopark has a global visibility on the World, it isnt well known in Turkey. The lack of a legislation covering the entire area and a planning work to provide field management have prevented the sustainable use of Kula Volcanic Geopark. The geo-park, which is in a position to provide the conditions required for the network to become a member of the Global Geoparks Network, will be able to fulfill these requirements with this planned management. In this study, some proposals will be brought in order to ensure the planned management and sustainability of the Kula Volcanic Geoparks in protection-use bala
ABSTRACT: The use of asbestos has been banned in many countries following the recognition of the direct relation betweenmesothelioma (pleurarcancer), throat cancer, ovary cancer and asbestosis and exposure to asbestos. In our country,too, the commercial utilisation of the asbestos mineral has been banned as of 31.12.2010. Despite this ban, the risksposed by anthropogenic (industrial) asbestos exposure is still relevant due to the presence of asbestos in products thathave been released to the market before the above-mentioned date and the continuing circulation of these products in daily life. On another note, as research on medical geologic and other epidemiologic in our country shows, anotherfactor threatening asbestos safety is geogenic (environmental) exposure to asbestos. Asbestos continues to pose athreat to the environment and public health as the steps necessary to strengthen asbestos safety have not been takendespite the presence of these two decisive factors. The goal of this study is the elaboration of the problem of asbestossafety within the framework of the national asbestos profile in a historical perspective and to assess the future of thisproblem. Our study shows that our country is not only an important importer of asbestos, but also a producer. Eventhough Turkey is exposed to both anthropogenic and geogenic asbestos, awaraness regarding this issue is low onnot only the individual, but also the public level. In our country, where there is need for a strategy different from theone that has so far been followed in the face of the risks we are exposed to, a participatory (society-based) asbestosrisk management strategy that makes the reduction of the harms of asbestos a matter of state policy, that closes thegap between the laws and regulations regarding the issue and the institutional infrastructure and thereby takes as abasis the complete and systematic fight against both anthropogenic and geogenic exposure, must rapidly be devisedand adopted.