ABSTRACT: Base rock of the Burgaz dam in the eastern part of the city of İzmir consists of micaschists
having different physical and mechanical properties due to weathering and fracturing. The first
aim is to compute the amount of settlement and ultimate bearing capacity value of micaschist
both in and beneath the cutoff zone by using the results of pressuremeter tests. In addition, data
from in-situ and some laboratory tests, which were used in the establishment of the relations
between elastic modulus of the micaschist rock mass (EM) and uniaxial compressive strength (σc),
EM/Eintact ratios and RQD values. Comparison of in-situ and estimated rock mass deformation moduli by
considering the RQD values was also performed. Pressuremeter tests indicate that for a dam with 115 m
height and a base width of 58 m, the settlement will vary between 2.13 and 2.26 mm. The second aim of
this work is to measure compression and shear wave velocities in order to obtain both the ratio of dynamic
elastic modulus to Poisson′s ratio (E/v)dynamic and to compare (E/v)dynamic to (E/v)static. Test results reveal a
positive linear relation of (E/v)dynamic =(E/v)static0.968. The sonic wave velocity of the micaschist is highly
related to the testing direction. This study not only discusses the relationships between Estatic and sonic
wave velocity (Vp) and Edynamic, but also the anisotropy effect arisen due to the schistosity planes with
different orientations.
ABSTRACT: Rockfall is defined by Varnes (1978) as a type of instability in which rock blocks released from rock masses
on steep slopes and move at high speed down along the slope. The rock block releases from the source point moves
downward along a trajectory until its energy is extinguished. In deterministic approaches, a large number of physical
and mechanical parameters of both slope surface and block, are used as inputs, and therefore the results are closely
related to accuracy of this number of input parameters. As a reflection of this, empirical approaches, which have
a very high practical value, are preferred especially in the preparation of rockfall maps on regional scale. The
cone propagation approach proposed by Jabodeyoff and Labiouse (2011) is a practical method for regional scale
and stands out among other empirical approaches due to uses only source area map and digital elevation model
(DEM) as input parameters. In this study, in order to test this method various field studies were carried out in
Kargabedir rockfall area based on the principle of determination of possible propagation zone on DEM. In the
field studies carried out at Kargabedir Hill, high resolution aerial photos of the region were taken using a Dron
(unmanned aerial vehicle-UAV) to obtain a high resolution DEM. Thus, a high-resolution (40 cm/pixel) DEM and
a very high resolution (5 cm/pixel) orthorectified aerial image were generated for the area. Propagation zone maps
of Kargabedir rockfall area were prepared for different energy line angle values using high-resolution DEM with
cone propagation approach. In addition, the positions and dimensions (height/length/width) of the fallen blocks were
measured in the region. The dimensions and positions of the fallen blocks were also determined from the orthophoto
and their compatibility with the site measurements was examined. It has been observed that width-length-height
measurements of the fallen blocks acquired from the field and orthophoto are compatible.
ABSTRACT: Rockfall ditches or areas can be constructed in order to protect against rockfalls in settlements that are indanger of rockfalls when the population density is not high. Nevertheless, in the design of such protection structures,essential site-specific engineering studies and analyzes are often not carried out appropriately. Therefore, rockfall ditches are occasionally not capable of preventing rockfalls. Within the scope of this study, the performance of a 2m-deep and 1 km-long rockfall ditch excavated at the upper elevation of touristic Akköy (Ürgüp) settlement in 2012in order to prevent the entrance of falling rocks to the residential area was evaluated on the basis of 3-dimensionalrockfall analyses. According to the rockfall risk classification, the settlement is under moderate rockfall risk. Thedigital surface model used in 3-dimensional rockfall analyses was generated by point cloud data obtained fromphotogrammetric images taken by unmanned aerial vehicle. During field observations, it was determined that thedimension of the previously fallen ignimbrite blocks could reach up to 2 m. On the other hand, the high persistencyof discontinuities in the source zone indicates that the dimensions of the potential rockfall blocks may be large. As aresult of the 3-dimensional rockfall analyses carried out in RocPro3D software, it was defined that the falling blocksare generally caught by the ditch excavated between the source zone and the settlement, but in some sections of theditch those blocks may continue to roll over the rockfall ditch. Eventually, Akköy settlement is still partially underthe danger of rockfalls. If the rockfall ditch is not periodically cleaned in the course of time, the extent of danger willenlarge with the decrease in the capacity of the trench.
ABSTRACT: Elasticity modulus and deformation modulus are used an input parameter in arch and concrete dam projects. Inaddition, these modules are used for the classification of intact rock and rock masses. Although the deformation andelasticity modulus are different from each other, they are often confused in practice. These modules are determinedby in-situ tests, laboratory tests and geophysical methods. In this study, the deformation and elasticity modulusdetermined by dilatometer tests and plate loading tests at Deriner /Artvin and Ermenek /Karaman dam sites andmodules obtained by laboratory test results were correlated. The module correlations in literature were compiledas well. Rock mass elasticity modulus (ED) of dilatometer test, rock mass deformation modulus (DD) of dilatometertest, rock mass elasticity modulus (EH) of plate loading test, rock mass deformation modulus (DH) of plate loadingtest, intact rock static elasticity modulus (ELSD) of laboratory tests, intact rock dynamic elasticity modulus (ELD)of laboratory tests are correlated with regression analysis. Empirical equations obtained by regression analysisperformed between rock modulus revealed high determination coefficient. The empirical equations proposed inthis study are developed with a number of limited number of data and every rock mass has specific properties. Theequations determined in this study should not be used for other projects or a cross check should be performed.
ABSTRACT: Basalts are common in our country and basalts are employed for different purposes. Basalts which have high durability and resistance are preferred in engineering projects. Chemical, mineralogical, petrographic and physicomechanical properties of basalts should be well- known to increase their usage areas. Studies have shown that there is a relationship between the structure and physico-mechanical properties of stones. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of different chemical, mineralogical and petrographic properties on the physico-mechanical behavior of basaltic rocks. In general, basalt stones were collected from the Marmara Region and its surroundings. Then, chemical, mineralogical and petrographic properties of the samples were determined. In the next stage, physico-mechanical properties were determined as a result of laboratory studies. Basalts were divided in to two groups according to their matrix characteristics, mineralogical composition and phenocrystalline dimensions according to test results. The first group of basalts showed high strength with high olivine content. The second group of basalts are including high rate phenocrystalline minerals, not including olivine but including high volcanic glass. These basalts give lower strength than the first group
ABSTRACT: In this study, hydrogeochemical and application characteristics of one thermal water, one mineral water and 5cold water samples in Iscehisar (Afyonkarahisar) were investigated. The schists of the Paleozoic Afyon metamorphicsform the basement rock in the study area. Iscehisar marbles are the reservoir rock of the geothermal system. Theimpermeable levels of the Neogene units form the cover rock. Meteoric waters percolate to the reservoir rocks, theyare heated at depth by geothermic gradient and then ascend to the surface as thermal waters and/or ascend to thesurface as cold mineral waters due to heat lost causing longer flow paths. The permeable levels of the Neogene rocksare the aquifer rocks of the cold waters. According to the results of the analysis; the thermal water is Na-Ca-HCO3type, the mineral water is Na-HCO3 type and the cold water samples are Ca-Mg-HCO3 and Ca-Na-HCO3 types. Itis thought that the Mg and Na ions in the cold waters are caused by the metamorphic-volcanic rocks in which theyinteract. According to the silica geothermometers, the reservoir temperatures of thermal and mineral waters varybetween 69-119°C and 46-82°C, respectively. All the ion concentrations except those of As in the cold water samples are compatible with the human consumption limits of ITASHY (2013). The ions concentrations of mineral watersample, except that of Cr, are compatible with the natural mineral water limits of DMSY (2004)