ABSTRACT: Yemen has an appreciable amount of scoria aggregate, but a very small proportion is used as cement additionsby local cement factories in blended Portland cement production and very rarely as aggregates in to the productionof lightweight blocks. Scoria aggregates are widespread in and around the volcanic cones present in Sanaa-Amranvolcanic field. This paper presents the results of evaluation of engineering properties of natural scoria, collected fromAl-Haweri volcanic cone, NW Sanaa, Yemen as lightweight aggregate. Chemical composition and petrographicalcharacteristics of scoria were determined. The physical properties of the scoria aggregate such as flakiness andelongation indices, specific gravity, water absorption, unit weight, clay lumps and materials finer than 75µm gaveacceptable results, but the gradation indicated it would need to be processed before use in a mix. The porosity ishigh, 60.79%. The Los Angeles abrasion and the aggregate crushing values are higher than the limits of ASTM andBS specification, but the aggregate impact value is close to the upper limits of BS specification. The soundness iswithin the ASTM specification limits. Therefore, it can be concluded that scoria aggregates can be used to producestructural concrete and masonry blocks with a relatively low density. The scoria aggregates satisfied the requirementsof lightweight aggregate for structural concrete and masonry blocks purposes.
ABSTRACT: this study, swelling properties of fine grained soils that surfacing around Güdül and its environments were
studied in order to determine causes of cracks and plaster spills on 1 and 3 storey buildings in Güdül district of
Ankara. 19 boreholes with a depth of 5 m to 15 m were drilled. Groundwater was not observed except BH-4, BH-9
and BH-16. 21 standard penetration test samples and 30 undisturbed soil samples were taken from these boreholes.
Swelling pressure tests, swelling percent tests, soil classification and index tests were carried out with these samples.
The SPT N60 blow counts from which samples were taken are ranging between 12 and 49 and the mean average
N60values are determined as 25 blow counts.%59 of the soil samples are determined as low plastic clay (CL) low
plastic silt (ML) or low plastic organic material (OL). %41 of the soil samples are determined as high plastic clay
(CH)- High plastic organic material (OH) or high plastic silt (MH). The mean swelling pressure is 45.83 kPa and
the highest swelling pressure is 111.29 kPa determined from the swelling pressure tests. Activity, swelling potential,
swelling pressure maps of Güdül and its surrounding were prepared. While the activity of soil is 0.5 arround the
Emirler district, the activity of the soils is 1.4 arround Yeni district which locates 5 km north of Emirler district.
Likewise, the swelling potential and swelling pressure values are 1.5% and 25 kPa around Emirler district, while 6% and 65 kPa around Yeni district. Except for the location of BH-17, there is a significant increase in swelling
percentage and swelling pressure values from south to north direction. If the foundation soils interact with water,
swelling pressure may cause risk for 1-3 storey buildings.
ABSTRACT:Erzincan plain is located in an area, where earthquakes, landslides, avalanches, floods and other natural
disasters are mainly dominant in the upper part of Fırat River basin in the East Anatolian Region. Earthquakes of
various magnitudes occurred throughout the history of Erzincan. Earthquakes occurred in the 1939 and 1992 years
led to many casualties and lost of the properties. In the present study, in the light of regional and local geology of the
Erzincan Plain and vicinity considering its geomorphology, hydrogeology, natural resources, land-use capability,
currentland-use and its environmentel geology have been presented and related future land use planning have been
evaluated. Environmental systems have been defined in the frame of environmental geology. These systems are
mainly Erzincan Plain System, Ergandağ System and Man-made or Antropogenic System. Environmental units those
characterize each system have been identified. Thus, land-use capabilities of 26 environmental units have been evaluated depending on their general properties, index characteristics and natural disaster risks. The evaluations of
land-use capabilities have been carried out on the basis of land-use forms. The matters, which are necessary to be
considered to wards to the planning of the region in the future, have been presented. Based on the recommended plan,
it is possible to control a great deal of environmental problems and protect the Erzincan Plain and surroundings, as
ABSTRACT: The most widely used standard test methods for determining wear of the marbles are Wide Wheel (Vertical)Abrasion (WWA) and Böhme Abrasion (BA) tests. In this study, it was aimed to determine the effect of thecounterweight loads applied in the WWA experiment, sample surfaces with polished and matte surfaces and differentabrasive powders on the test results. In this study, a total of 48 (7x10x3cm) samples were used for the WWA testsand 24 (7x7x3cm) samples were used for the BA tests. As a result of the experiments, it was determined that the mattesurfaces of the marble samples reveal more accurate results in the abrasion tests. When both artificial corundum andcorundum (white fused alumina) powder are used in WWA and BA experiments, similar abrasion values are obtainedon the samples. In addition, it is determined in the WWA experiment that the anisotropy of the sample is importantand the counterweight affects the groove shape.
ABSTRACT: This study includes hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical assessment and investigation of the flow andcontamination relationships between surface water and groundwater of the Lake Bafa and its western part.Menderes Massif rocks form the basis of the geological structure in and around the study area. Jurassic-Cretaceousmarbles belonging to the Menderes Massif, overlying Neogene lacustrine carbonates and Quaternary alluviumare the aquifer forming units. Groundwater is exploited from many wells and springs. Lake Bafa and geothermalfluid with conductivity values of 23400 and 56000 µS/cm are Na-Cl dominated waters, respectively. Seawater mixing percentages have been calculated for saline waters. Lake Bafa is recharged by geothermal water affected by seawater intrusion, rainwaters and Büyük Menderes River. Low-temperature saline karstic waters supplied from the marbles belonging to the Menderes Massif in the northwest of the Lake Bafa are used by fish farmers in the region.Groundwater with about t 2 m3 /sec is discharged to the Lake Bafa or Büyük Menderes River after usage Processes,which determine the chemistry of the lake, are mixture of these water and effect of evaporation.The seawaterintrusion is controlled by the Akköy Fault extending from the sea to the Lake Bafa.Salinity of the Lake Bafa is not asign of contamination, but the result of natural geological evolution.However, geothermal waters containing highdissolved ions discharged in to the Lake Bafa negatively affect the ecosystem of the lake. Geothermal waste watershould be removed from ammonium and reinjected in to the marble unit. This implementation has been determined asthe most suitable method for the continuity of the reservoir and ecosystem. The suitability of the waters for drinking,livestock and fish farming has been examined. The surface water and groundwater relationship is determined in andaround of the Lake Bafa, and the results are interpreted by evaluating organic-inorganic chemical analysis. Solutionsuggestions for sustainable water resource management of the Lake Bafa are presented in detail.
ABSTRACT:In hydrogeological research studies, long-term constant flow pump tests are used as a common method for
determining aquifer parameters. After the well development studies is completed in newly drilled wells, a preliminary
analysis process of the wells interaction with the aquifer should be carried out by conducting a step drawdown test.
Aquifer transmissivity (T) and the well loss parameters (C) should be determined by analyzing step drawdown
test at variable discharge rate. Thus, for long-term pump testing, accurate pump selection and more reliable
information about the transmissivity (T) of aquifer can be obtained. In this study was conducted within the borders of
Himmetdede in Kayseri province, and many observation wells and dewatering wells were opened within the project
area in order to contribute to the dewatering works of the enterprise carrying out mining activities and to reveal the
hydrogeological structure. Constant rate pump test and step test results in SK-1 dewatering well, which is thought
to be important for open pit mine dewatering studies, are discussed in this study. Aquifer transmissivity (T) and well loss coefficient (C) values were calculated using different analytical solution methods. Analysis of long-term pump
testing using different numerical methods is presented. Comparisons of the results were made and the contributions
of both analytical and numerical methods to the solution of aquifer parameters were presented.