ABSTRACT : Standart tests for the soundress of agregates for use in concrete and as roadstane agree with mlcropetrograflc indices in. discriminating between sound and unsound agregate from a single source.
ABSTRACT: The stratigraphie sequence of the Bağkonak - Çimendere-ıMuratbağı (Isparta) area which lies to the N of Western Taurus Mountains, comprises metamorphic and sedimentary rocks ranging in age from Cambrian to Neogene, The Çaltepe limestone of Middle Cambrian age is the oldest lithontratigraphic unit of the sedimentary succession of the area. The Çaltepe Limestone passes gradationally up in to the overlying Sultandede formation (Upper Cambrian to Lower Ordovician) which is the most widespread unit of the study area. The succeeding Engllli quarsite of Devonian age (Middle to Upper Devonian) rests unconformably on the Sultandede formation and Is conformaibly overlain by the Kocakızıl formation (Lower Carboniferous), The topmost lithostratlgraphie unit of the Paleozoic is the Deresinek formation (Kiddle Carboniferous). In the area studied, the Mesozoic is represented by the limestones of Upper Jurassic age (Hacıalabaz limestone). The sediments of Neogene age rest on the Hacıalabaz limestone and older formations an angular unconformity. The Neogene succession has been interpretel as representing fluviatile and lake deposits.
ABSTRACT: The mineral beneficiatlon studies on the Hasançalebi ironore deposit intlcate that the pellet and sinter concentrates contain a number-of titanium and alkaline minerals in high proportions that could result in some problems in the blast furnace processes. The mlneralogicai investigation of the samples from this deposit reveals the presence of titanium minerals in the decreasing order of abundance: ilmeno-magnetite, ilmenlte, rutile, sphene (titanite). Only the ilmeno-magnetite passes through in to the pellet concentrates while the ilmenite, rutile and sphene together with the ilmen ite-magnetite are present in the sinter concentrates. The alkaline, minerals, which ore mainly biotite and scapolite, are observed in higher proportions in the sinter concentrates than in the pel et concentrates.
ABSTRACT: The firstaim of geological studies and researches Is analysing to the scientific matter, also to support to the economy. The last ai mis very important for the developing Country Like Turkey. Alson those studies and resarches are basis duty for the geological engineer.