ABSTRACT: The Ordovician Manitou Formatton crops out between Aspen and Minturn on Üıe westflank of the Sawateh Range to western Colorado. In this study the Manitou Formation is divided, from baseto top, in to three Utofacies units: intraclastic conglomerate, sandy dolomite, dolomite and chert Theintraclastfe conglomerate Uthofacies consists of dolomite-pebble conglomerates and contains ripplemarks, mud-cracks and horizontal feeding tracks of animals on the bedding planes. The intraclastic cong«lomerate lithofacies was deposited in an Interttdal environment The sandy dolomite uthofacies is represented by dolomites, stromatoliHe banding, and large amounts of detrital meterial, indicating a supratidaJenvironment. The dolomite and chert lithofacies is composed of dolomites and chert nodules, and chert lenses.Large numbers of ecMnodernis, brachlopods and trilobites and chert nodules* and chert lenses. Largenumbers of echinoderms, bracMopods and trilobites can be recognized İn places where recrystallizatton anddolomitizatton is not extensive, The dolomite and chert Uthofacies was deposited in a subttdal environment, Inthe Aspen-Mmturn area the original depositional textures of the Manitou Formaton has been altered completelyby recrystallization and dolomitizatioii
ABSTRACT: In this paper, a review of karstüäeaM on is given in detail and potential use of karstclassifications in engineering projects are discussed. Attention was paid ion various karst definitions, the causesand time effects on karsttficatton. Several karst classifications and different criteria were revieiwed andopinions on an engineering-oriented numerical karst ciassifieation fis presented.
ABSTRACT: The staanlte of Madenbelenltepe ham been an al ay se d by electron micropnobc and Its chemicalformula has been found to be CuÄ(Znöf7Fed,Ä)SiiSj Although the dAô values obtaJned by th© X. raydUractton coincide with that of stnnnite, its chemical composition is different, Therefor©, It i§ supposed thatthe stan ni te of Madenbelënitepe is a different species of stanntto.
ABSTBACT: Similar features exhibited by numbers of skarn zones is thought to be a reflection mi thesimilarities of the conditions operated during the skarn formation. Studes on varlDn« skarn reveal that ikarnproducing metasomattc transport can be of diffusion or infiltration types. Skarn zones mî Uludaf in view of thecondition of formation and the tMctaaem that they are exMbi^g» the difusion mechanism Is thought to beeffective in endoskarns development. The exoskarns, however, are the product of infîltratîon controlledmetasomattc transport, and the zonation within exoskarn is believed to be the result of the selective precipitationdue to pH variation from the plutonfo body towards the marbles of Uludağ,
ABSTBACT: In this article» two new practical methods of solution developed on the subject »of Mope stabilityanalysis which are paramount importance in open pits and the evaluation of feasibility studies, used whenthe need of computing the slope angles as first approximations arises are explained and the application ofthese to Konya , Çumra magnesite field are presented,
ABSTBACT: The known ore deposits on earth are being used up day by day to meet th© increasing needsof the mankind and the cost of mineral exploration and mining rises eonttntBMiily, Thus it is necessary to applynewer and more sophisticated methods for this purpose.Sedimentary environments research might reveal the genuine aspects of the mincraU/ation such as itsgeometry, its vertical and hortoantal distribution, its position and various eharacterif§tic# of different elementwhich affect the mineralization and one can quess the possible potential of it.Therefore it Is required to lmow the faciès eharacteristteg and their relationships with the mineralizationfor a sensible mining
ABSTRACT: in Çiçekdağı Mahmutlu village there are thermal water springs in two different areasalong with the fault line.The yield of the Büyük hamam is 28 1/sn and its temperature is 64 9C, The yield of Bagdafcuflu spring is1.6 1/s its temperature is 10° O.According to the analysis results applied in different years the quantity of melted material changesfrom 3102.06 mg/1 to 439&S2 mg/1,These are mixed originated waters; have gained their peculiar quality with the effects of some innersourced components and with the effects of vadoses waters heated with geothermal gradients.The water of the Büyük hamam is thermal water containing sodium, calcium, chloride, sulfate withsilicic acid, CO^ and radioactivity.Protection area of thermal waters i§ advised as three concentric stones.In addition to their usage in cures thermal waters Must be used to keep the greenhouses warm to growearly vegetables.
ABSTRACT: The aïin of this article is to give genera! informations about the polymetalH© are deposit» ofthe U.fiUSkB. The article is baaed on the lectures that given at course which was organized on 16.816*7*1981In Azerbaijan State University (Baku) of VMMM*