Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

1985 OCAK Cilt 9 Sayı 1
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The geology and allocthonous units of the northwestern Sultandağ
Cavit Demirkol Cengiz Yetiş
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ABSTRACT: The investigated area is located m the mcsrtherii part of the We^t Taurus monutala whose tassement m Sultaııdeıde formation and age is of upper Oambrlaii-Lower Ordovîcian, This unit is unconu formably overlain by a Ua»sic-Lutettaa aged continuous rodänantary sequence, This sequence is basically Consist of pre-MaestrlehMai! carbonates and, pelagic and neriitio deposit!» of Mae»trlchttan-Lutetlait age. Hoyran ophloMtMc melange was emplaced to the region by a tectonic process at the end of Lutetian, During tha Upper Mjowne, tM& basin was filled bj a rapid terrestrial-lacustrine sediments initiated by a new period of tectonic instablMty, In the area, It is found that there are structures related tb Caledöniaaı and Alpine orogenesis. The Mesozolc and Cenozoie aged formattons were folded by the Alpine orageny, On the other hand, it may be said that Paleozoic aged Sultandede- formation was affected by both Oatedonlan and Alpine orogenesis. Sultandede formation could he said to have emerged by the pre Devonian orogenlc phases, Due to erosion, the Lower Ordovieian=Llas*!c aged rocks are not outcropped in the area, The unconformity between Llassic-Lutetlan aged sedîments and the Upper Miocene aged Bafkonak formation may be explained by the Pireneen orogenic phase, In the Pireneen orogenie phase, folds and systematic joint sets also developed to the Liassie=Lutetiân aged sequence, After the Lutetian, the vertical movements In ttie area were primarily dominant and, eonseqently, the faults developed Wmt affected the beds and also fold axes. These faults however, present some difficulty in tracing the fold axes in the long dfetances. The uplifting happened at the end of Pliocene, seems to help clarify the Rodanian onagenlc phase.

  • Sultandağ

  • Allocthonous Units

  • Geology

  • Mountain Formation Movements

  • Akay, E,t 1981, Beygehîr yöresinde (Orta Toroslar) olası Alt Kîmmeriyen dafoluşumu izleri: Türkiye Jeol. Kur, Bült. 24, 23-29.

  • Brunn, J,H„ De Graeiansky, PéCh.} Gutnic, M., Juteau, Th., Lefevre, E„ Mareoux, J., Monod, Oé ve Poisson, A,. 1971, Outline of the geology of the Western Taurids (Ed, by A.S. Cambhell). Geology and History of Turkey: Guidebook for the 13 th field-session of PESL,, L`bya, Tripoli, 225-255,

  • Demirkol,, C., 1981, Sultanda £ kuzeybatısının jeolojisi y e tteygftJrti HoyrHfi Napı ûe ilişkileri: Türkiye Blïïmsfel *?*-• TeknîK Araştırma Kurumu, Temel Bilimler Araştırma Cîrubu, Proje No, TBAG=382, yayımlanmamış,

  • Demirkol, C.f Sipahi, H., Çiçek, S,, Barka, A. ve Sönmez, Ş., 1977, Sultandafmm stratigrafisi ve jeoloji evrimi : Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enst, Rap,, 6305 (yayımlanmamış), Ankara,

  • Demirkol, C, ve Yetiş, C. (1984), Hoyran Gölü (İsparta) kuzeyinin stratigrafisi: Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enst, Derg, (Baskıda)

  • Dewey,.-J,F,, Pitman, W,OM Riyan, W,B,B`,S Bonnn, J,, 1973^ Plate teetODİcs and the evolution of the Alpine system: Geol, Soc, Amer, Bull, v. 84, s. 3137-3180,

  • Gutnic, M., Monoud, O,} Poisson, A, ve Dumont, J SF M 1979, Geologie des Taurides occidentales (Turquie) : Méms Soc4 Géol, France, LVIII, 187, 1=112,

  • Kogyigit, AiS 1983, Hoyran gölü dolayının (İsparta büklümü) tektonostratigrafik özellifi: Torosi`Jeolojisi Uluslarası Simpozyumu bildiri özetleri, 28-39, Ankara,

  • Marcoux, O„ 1978, Antalya Naplannm genel yapısı ve Tetis güney kenarı paleocografyaşındaki yeri: Türkiye Jeol. Kur, Bült., 22, 1=6, Ankara

  • Monod, O,} 1977, Recherches g`ollogiques dans le Taurus occidental an sud de Beyşehir (Turquie) : Thèse d`etat. I`univ, de Paris=Sud, Orsay? 442,

  • Smith, A.G., 1971, Alpine deformation and the oceanic reas of the Tethys, Mediterranean and Atlantic: Geol. Soc, Amer, Bull,, v, 82, s. 2039=2070,

  • Demirkol, C , Yetiş, C . (1985). Sultandağ Kuzeybatısındaki Allokton Birimler ve Jeolojisi . Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi , 9 (1) , 3-10 . Retrieved from

  • Demirkol, C , Yetiş, C . Sultandağ Kuzeybatısındaki Allokton Birimler ve Jeolojisi. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 9 (1985 ): 3-10

  • Groundwater budget of Sarayönü and Kadınhanı region
    Ahmet Güzel
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    ABSTBACT: Sarayönü and Kadınhanı plain İs formed by Upper Miocene and PlJo-Quaiternary.aged lake sediments, TMs plain Is limited from south by Middle Devonkn-aged Ltaratonea and Lover Bevonian-aget] metanuDrpMc schiste, In the lake sediments groundwater levels reached their maximum In April 1981 and their minimum in October 1981, The groundwater levels during these two periods ranged from 0,4 to 2.75 m, At this budget period the height of precipîtotjon on the plain was approximately 400 mm. On the other hand, the calculated amount of the real evapo-transpiration was Etr = 345,18 ,mm. However during1 July, August, September üı 1981 the precipitation had fallen on the plain. Because of the excess of this precipitation Wm reserve of groundwater in October 1981 were comparable increased than of October 1980s The amount of fit can be shown as ; £ §, = 13.3x100 m«. Upper Miocene and Pli-Qmternary aged lake `sédiments are charged by the Kurşunlu formation. Charge rates are Q*n ^ »3.88x10« ntf/per year, Surface flows which occur after heavy raiiis don`t last long their amount is #hown as the twenty percent «af all precipitation (Qr s= £2.2x100 ntf/year)

  • Sarayönü ve Kadınhanı

  • Groundwater Budget

  • Lake Sediments

  • Limestones

  • Ardel, A, ve diğerleri, 1969, Klimatoloji tatbikatı, İÜ. yayını: No, 1123 Edebiyat Fak, Coğrafya Enstitü sü yayım, No, 40, Istanbul,

  • Oanik, B,} 1971, Yeraltısuyu Bilançosu, MTA dergisi, sayı, 76, Ankara,

  • Castany. Gi? 1963 > Traité pratique des aux souterraines, Paris.

  • Doyuran, V,, 1983, Erzin ve Dörtyol ovalarında yeraltisu düzeyi değişmelerinin yorumu: Türkiye Jeol, Kur, Bült.f 26, a. 49-58,

  • Güzel, A., 1983, Sarayönti-Kadınhanı (Konya) dolayının- hidrojeoloji incelemesi: Selçuk Ün`.v., Müh, Mim. Fak., Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Konya, Doktora tezi 115 s, yayımlanmamış.

  • Korkmaz, NéJ 1983, Yeraltısuyu Hidrolojisi, Hidrojeolojik eğitim semineri, DSt yayım, 1988, s. 48463, Ankara

  • gehoeller, H., 1962, Les aux souterraines, Paris,

  • Schoeller, H, 1967, Méthodes pour obtenir le bilan des aux souterraines, Extrait des

  • Taner, N„ 1968, Hidrolik, cilt IV, ÎTÜ yayını sayı 732, İstanbul,

  • Wiesner, K„ 1968, Konya civa yatakları ve bunlar üzerindeki etüdler, MTA Dergisi sayı. 70, s. 178.213»

  • Güzel, A . (1985). Sarayönü ve Kadınhanı Dolayının Yeraltısuyu Bilançosu . Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi , 9 (1) , 11-20 . Retrieved from

  • Güzel, A . Sarayönü ve Kadınhanı Dolayının Yeraltısuyu Bilançosu. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 9 (1985 ): 11-20

  • Rock potential as cement raw material of Miocene rocks in the vicinity of Gençler (Manavgat)
    Nurdan İnan
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    ABSTRACT: The main cement raw materials in the vicinity of Gençler (Manavgat), are (limestone, clayey limestone and marte of the Miocene, Limestone as limy material, clayey limestone and inaris as siliceous material have been estimated m sufficient reserves. The various pecularities of raw materials anil the other necessary parameters for a cement factory estabiiishement to produce Type i Portland cement are feasible ün this area,

  • Gençler(Manavgat)

  • Miocene Old Rocks

  • Cement Raw Material

  • Limestone

  • Altınlı, Œ,, 1943, Antalya böiges nin jeolojisi M.T.A. Ens,, rap, no, 1584,

  • Arni, P, 1040, Şeytandağı (Alanya) bölgesinde boksit oluşumları, M.T.A, Ensèi rap, no, 1165,

  • Ege, E,, 1975, Akseki-Seydigehir boksit oluşumları. M.T.A, Ens., rap, no, 6414,

  • Günalay, E., 1963, Alanya bölgesi alüminyum ve demir oluşukları M.T.A. Ens,} rap, no, 3386,

  • Özdemir, B„ 1973S Çimento teknolojisi Türkiye ÇTmento Sanayii T.A.Ş, yayını.

  • Unver, F., 1979, Aknya bölgesi barit oluşumları, M,T,A, EnssJ rap, no, 6585,

  • Çayırlı, H., 1980 Antalya çimento hammaddeleri olanakları jeoloji raporu M.T.A, Ens., rap, no, 1511

  • inan, N.f 1983, Gençler (Manavrat) köyü yöresinin çtmento hammaddeleri etüdü M,T,A, Ens., rap, no, 7395,

  • İnan, N . (1985). Gençler [Manavgat] Yöresi Miyosen yaşlı Kayaçların Çimento Hammaddesi Olarak Değerlendirilme Olanakları . Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi , 9 (1) , 21-26 . Retrieved from

  • İnan, N . Gençler [Manavgat] Yöresi Miyosen yaşlı Kayaçların Çimento Hammaddesi Olarak Değerlendirilme Olanakları. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 9 (1985 ): 21-26

  • A peirologic problem of solidification thermodynamics : Genesis of magmatik layering
    Yusuf Ziya Özkan
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    ABSTBACT: Explanation« on the genesis of magmatîc layering is based on on© of the two fondamental processes : Crystal settling and importance, to which differential settling" of phases that eryptklOe together m the main cause of nıagınattc layering. With the development of new studies, the second tflheaOe becomes stronger, In this case, layering Is caused by the oscillatory changes In the mineral type and relative percentage of crystallizing- phases during Eradication. Hence, the solution of the problem to sought in the shading light on soliclfficaüon thermodynamics that cause oscillatory crystallization, İn the paper, atteanps to explain either process is critically reviewed with examples.

  • Peirologic

  • Solidification Thermodynamics

  • Magmatik Layering

  • Crystal Precipitation

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  • Cooper, J.R., 1936, Geology of the southern half of the Bay of Islands igneous complex : Nfld Dept, NAt. Res., Geol. Sec Bull,, 4

  • Goode, A.D.T., 1976, Small scale primary cumulus Igneous layering m thé Kalka layered intrusion Giles Complex, Central Australia : Jour of pet. rology, 17, 379-397

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  • Hawkes, D.D., 1967, Order of abundant crystal nuçleation in a natural magma Geol. Mag 104 473-486

  • Hess, H.H., 1960, Stillwater igneous complex, Montana ; Oeol, Soc, Amer. Mem,, 80, 280 s.

  • Irvine, T.N, 1970, Heat transfer during solidification of layered intrusuons 1 sheets and sills îbid 7, 1031-1061 — — , 1974, Petrology of the Duke Island ultramafik complex southeastern Alaska : Mem, geol. Sec, Amer,, 138 -—— f 1975 Origin of chromitite layes in the-Mu». cox intrusion and other stratiform intrusions: a new interpretation = Geology, 5, 273,277,

  • Jackson, E4D„ 1961, Primary texture sand mineral associations in the ultramaflc zone of the Stiliwater Complex, Montana : Ü.S, Geol, Surv. Prof, pap, 358, 106 s. — — , 1967, Ultramafic cumulates in the Stillwater, Great Dyke and Bushveld intrusuons : Ultrama. fie and related rocks (ed, Wyilie P.J.), John Wiley and Sons, înc,, N.Y. __„ _ 1971, The origin of ultramafic rocks by cumulus processes : Forstschr. Mineral 48, 128-174

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  • Özkan, Y . (1985). Petrojik Bir Katılaşma Termodinamiği sorunu: Magmatik Katmanların Oluşumu . Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi , 9 (1) , 27-38 . Retrieved from

  • Özkan, Y . Petrojik Bir Katılaşma Termodinamiği sorunu: Magmatik Katmanların Oluşumu. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 9 (1985 ): 27-38

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