ABSTRST: In the `investigated, area» which, is located Eastern Black. Sea region» volcanic: rooks, dominate in general.The oldest un.it cropping out in. `the area is Santonian-Maastrichtian aged Hemşindere formation, which is. composed of .andésite, basait, dacite lava and pyroclasts with intercalations of sand.st.one,marl and red limestone. This formation having a significant lateral distribution regionally,, is cut in places by the bacis and acidic intrusive rooks. The. Hemgmdere formation, is overlain Paleocene aged Rize formation which is composed of alternation of white-bordeaux colored marl, claystone and limestone. Further upwards, the Lower-middle Eocene aged Kaplıca formation.» which is. composed of thick `bedded .and coarse sandstone, and marl, follow the sequence by a slight, unconformity.The Kaplıca formation passes upward into the.Melyat formation composing of andesitic -basaltic lava,, tuff and agglomerates.. .Al these units are overlain by the Sarmadan aged Pazar fonnatioa which contains fossflifereous sandstone and marl and. conglomerates.» clay and sand by an angular unconformity. On the- Other hand, the Flio-Ouaternary (?) aged! Hamidiye formation is composed by sandstones and. conglomerates. The youngest deposits of the .area, are the Quaternary aged terrace . .alluviums* It is understood according to `the. organic geochemical analyses carried out on the samples taken from, the outcropping source rocks of `the area, `that,, no significant source rock faciès has developed, .in the in.vestiga.ted area. The existence of petroleum seapages from sea in. the town, of Çayeli, is known for long time,. These seapages might be explained by the possibility that, the generated petroleum in the bottom sediments of Black Sea has migrated through the surface along the active faults
ABSTRACT : The basement of the study area is located approximately 80 km NNW of Adana ; is composed of Permo-Carbonifèrous aged Karahamzauşajjı formation, which includes shallow and partly deep marine Hthologies, This unit is disconformably overlapped by the Jurasasic-Upper Cretaceous aged Demirkazık limestone which has shallow marine characters» Campanian-Üpper Maestrichtian aged turbiditic Yavca formation having deep marine characters, conformably overlaps Demirkazık limestone, Kızüdağ melange and Faraşa ophİolİtes are widely located at the northern part of the study area» and tectonicaËy placed over the older units, They were also overthrusted as two seperate nappes segment, during the late and post periods of Maestrichtian, Oligocene-Early Miocene aged non marine Gildirli formation composed of conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone and mudstone is placed over the Demirkazık limestone with angular unconformity, Early-Middle Miocene aged Kaplankaya formation» which consists of back-reef sediments, is conformable with GÜdirli formation at the bottom and has vertical and lateral contact with Early-Middle Miocene aged Karaisali limestone which overlaps it.
ABSTRACT: The Celaller tin mineralisation, is observed with in `the hematite and tourmaline bearing quartz veins which occur the grcïsenised marginal zones of a granite. The tin mineral is cassiterite, fThe hematite, bearing quartz veins are richer in. cassiterite than other win types, the tourmalin bearing quartz veins contain rare and. small, eassiterite crystals. The first in sit« cassiterite mineralisation found in Anatolia, occurs in the Celaller region..
ABSTRACT: Modstones an.d daystones of the trona-bearing volcano - sedimentary sequence of Neogene- age in. Beypazarı (Ankara) district were examined by x-ray diffraction technique. In addition to smectite-and illite, modstones and claystones consist, mainly of dolomite, calcite, trona, clmoptlolite» matrolite, wairakite» hexahydrite, mageesite» feldspar, rarely cMorite and opal-CX. All are audügenic in origin. Studies have .shown `that `Été fractions finer than 2 fi of trona `bearingPower horizon) mudstones .and `daystones are composed of 67% well. crystallized smectite and 33% Illite. day fractions in non trona bearing mudstones and claystones (upper horizon) are, constituted of 30% poorly crystallized smectite and 70% illite. Smectites and illite s are of trioctaedral and dioctaedral types, respectively. The exchangable interlay er cation of the smectites is Ca++. Depending; upon the geochemical conditions of the environment, clay minerals display a vertical graduational ssoning as; illite (dominant) + moderately crystallized smectite-well crystallized smectite (dominant) + illite-illite (dominant) + poorly crystallized smectite-illite. Smectite, as well as other authigenic minerals» have been formed by weathering of volcanic glassy material in neutral to alkaline conditions in playa-lake environment
ABSTRACT : Various, vokanics are observed, as in:tercaîatïons or dykes within, the Tiironian-Campanian sedimentary sequence around Akçakoca (Bolu.,. Northern .Anatolia). These volcanics are. .andésites,, basalts, .and bas.al.tic andésites .and belong to `the calcalkaline suite.
ABSTRACT: The balance of the nature is continually disturbed through the trafic.» rapid urban`isaiion, building of roads and dams, industrial production etc., Environmental problems are also encountered in the mining profession. !The natural pollution through the ftuorite deposits of a region a region around Kızılcaören village is discussed in this paper. !The detrimental effects of the fluorine compounds on. the human health are. discussed in detail
ABSTRACT : Autochthon rock units of the upper systems of Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic have been observed in the study area which lies approximately 120 km away from the northern district of Adana in Taurid region. Most of the rock units located in the area are carbonates and elastics. The appearence of the field is seen as an anticHnorium trending NE-SW, The features of faults and fractures have also growth up in the same direction. For this reason, it is possible to indicate that the study area has been subjected to the stresses trending NW-SE, Coal layers found İn Liasic units have a strike of N=S and they sometimes He toward NE or SE having a dip amount that various between 30"-50°. Kyrtomİsporistes speciosus Kyrtomisporites nasserii spores have been identified at the end of the palynologie analyses carried on the samples taken from coal veins. Therefore, Liassic age have been given to the examined coals. Chemical analysis indicate that the heating value of these coals is high and they belong to ``Greasy coal of Gothan clasification".
ABSTRACT : Until now we have thought that trees are a definite preventive for landslide. But oor stedi.es on new and ancient.landslides on various areas especially woodland areas in oar country about eight years has shown us trees aren`t a preventive in allgeologic units also has performed opposite effect