ABSTRACT: Epi-mesotherma! fluorite mineralization of Tertiary age occurs in allochton limestone of Late Cretaceous age. The mineralization is controlled by WNW-ESE trending young faults and related shears and extension fractures General trends of young faults are parallel to the Gediz - Simav graben system. Some dissolution cavities occured mainly m shears. Fluorite mineralization occurs in shears and dissolution cavities. Extension fractures are represented by small barite veins. Depositional texture is open space filling and represented by asymmetric banded texture in shears and symmetric banded texture in dissolution cavities. Fluorite is major ore mineral in the deposit. Calcite is major gangue mineral Minor gangue minerals are barite and uartz, No sulfide mineralization have been observed in the deposit. The host rock is limestone, Dolomitizaiton of wall rock is common and locally intense where fluorite mineralization is dominant. Two paragenetic stages have been distinguished. Mesothermal stage: Purple fluorite - quartz-green fluorite - barite, Epithermal stage: Brown calcite - pink fluorite - white calcite, Microthermometric measurements on nearly 100 two phase (1+v), phase (1) pyrimary jnclusions, yielded mean homogenization temperature of 270 C° for purple fluorite, 254 C* for quartz, 243 tf for green fluorite, 219 Cs for barite, 206 C° for brown calcite, 178 C* for pink fluorite and 160 C° for white calcite. The salinity of fluorite ranges from % 7- 84 equ iv ,wt, of NaCl, The mean homogenization temperature of monomineralic barite veins range between 219-24 fC: The REE content of fluorites are slightly variable, rangnig from from 0,11 to 5,20 ppm, Ce/Yb ratios reflect the dominant trend of light REE enrichment. The puiple fluorite harf a lower Tb^ia ratio which is indicative for earlier crystallization. Relatively higher Tb/La ratios of green and pink fluorite indicate a sequential crystallization after purple fluorite. Chondrite normalized plots an REE ratios reveal persistent negative Ce anomalies indicating high oxygen fugacities at the source area Positive Eu anomaly of purple fluorite indicates the release of Eu+2 during dolomitization limestone and oxidation to Eu+3 at deposition site and subsequent incorporation in the puiple fluorite. Negative Eu anomalies of green and pink fluorite indicate the presence of divalent Eu in the hydrothermal fluids, The geologic, geochemical and fluid inclusion data support deposition in Tertiary hydrothermal system which is characterized by sulfide mineralization and too many thermal springs around the fluorite deposit. The most likely depositional mechanism is believed to be an increase in the pH of the ore bearing fluids upon interaction with limestone which resulted in the fluorite deposition.
ABSTRACT: Ignimbrite (trass) occurs quite spreadly with in the pyroclasüc deposite of Pliocene age in the southern and western of İsparta. The level of trass depends on a tachiandesite volcanism and it`s thickness which changes between 20-150 m, Trass contains the matrix of glass which composed of feldspar (sanidine, albite), pyroxsene, amfibole, biotite and opac minerals. In addition to various rock pieces, locally carbonized plant remains are other components of the trass level. The most important feature of the Dereboğazı tass which is used as supplement material in cement production has very high puzolanic activity degree. This value is 103 kgf/cm3 which is high twice of standart value, The Blaine value which is given as 3000 cm/gr at standarts for studies specimens is found 7630 cm/gr, Specific gravity of trass is 2,49 gr/ cm3 and glasslike phase is 40 %. The total amount of SiO2 + A12O3 + Fe2O3 which are taking place at the content of sample trass is between 74-84 %, however MgO, 0,27-0.76 %, SO3, 0,0-0,30 %, The values are very suitable to standart values. In this study we tried to explain; width wide distribution and reserve of the Dereboğazı Trass which is very useful and economic as supplementary material in cement production with it`s all specialities
ABSTRACT: Mangenese mineralizations in Turkey are divided into four main groups according to their age spans,hostjocks, processes of formation and mineralogical-chemical-textural features, The frist is hydrothermal and rare hydrogenetic type manganese mineralization which are associated with chiefly radiolarian chert series. These deposits that havve high Mn-Si and low Al-Fe content occur as lenses and small thin beds in the epiophiolitic sediments of Paleotethyan, Karakaya, North Anatolian (Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan) and South Anatolian suture belts. These mineralizations are mainly small but most widley distributed group of manganese ores, CayMi is the most distinctive deposit of a chert hosted type. The second is black shale hosted manganese mineralizations that take place in the black shale horizon within the carbonates of Lower Cretaceous age in Western Taurides. These deposits are represented by relatively large reservs and are composed of rhodoçchrosite and its oxidizing products. Most typical deposits of the black shale hosted type are located in Ulukent-Denizli and its southern region, Fe contents of these deposits are higher than chert hosted deposits, whereas Al and Si are low. The third is volcanic arc hosted ores along the Black Sea coast occur in diffeternt types of metasomatic, hydro» thermal and stratabaund settings. Rock associations include dacitic tuff, reddish limestone, marl and hemipelagic claystone alternations ou Upper Cretaceous, The most important deposits of the region are locatad at Ocakli, Topkirazlar, Ebuhemjin and Guce. The Fourth is the post-tectonic sedimentary hosted ores in the Thrace Basin, These deposits are similar to those of the Oligocène Belt that occurs along the west coast of Black Sea, which includes the Chiatura, Nikopol, Varna deposits. Inverselyy gradad pisolitic ore was formed by early diagenetic processes during transgression regression cycles
ABSTRACT: In the world, platinum-group metalls (Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Ru, Rh) are found as a primary in the magmatic liquation, early magmatic and late magmatic deposits, They are present as secondary in the placer deposits. As Pt, Ir, Dsthree of them are more dominant in basic rocks, however Pd and Pt sulfure are more abundant in ultrabasic rocks, Distrubition of platinum-group metalls in stratiform and podiform chromite deposits of late magmatic stage show differences. Although Cr2O3 are present more in podiform deposits, platinum-group metalls less in the same deposits, but stratiform deposits show opposite state.All platinum-group metalls have been produved in a few countries (Canada, S. Africa, Russia, Colombia) as a 98 percent of the world production. Platinum-group metalls (Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Ru, Rh) are present less in chromite deposits ofTurkey and they are not economic,
ABSTRACT: İkitelli Organized Industrial Region is under development at the north of Küçükçekmece lake in the westof Istanbul, It is the second largest investment project in Turkey in recent years after GAP (Southeastern Anatolian Project) and based on the 1991 data, it comprises about 50 light indusüial plant cooperatives with approximately 17 000members. The consuiiction activities at this Industrial Region started prior to the suitability for development studies were earned out. In this paper, the findigs of the geological and geotechnical investigations over an area of approximately20 km2 at ikitelli Organised Industrial Region and the vicinity are presented. The geological base of the investigatedarea consists of alternating layers of siltstone-sandstone and shales of Carboniferous Age, which is known as TrakyaFormation, This formation which is generally called graywacke, is observed to be in a state of solid rock, intermediaterock and weathered rock from base to top, and this observation is verified with laboratory determined mechanical properties. In the region, Eocene aged Kırklareli and Menekşedere formations overlay discordantly the Trakya formation.The Kırklareli formation is represented by harddense limestones, and at the upper levels grades to Menekşedere formation which is represented with sandy clayey limestones interbedded with marl and both formations are observed to formthe steep slopes of the valleys due to their high strength characteristics. These formation are overlaid by Miocene agedÇukurçeşme formation consisting of sands and gravels of transgressive character, Çukurçeşme Formation possessescharacteristics of dense sand-gravel with a weak cohesiveness due to the presence of clay inclusions and bands. AboveÇukurçeşme formation, highly plastic clays of Güngören formation with occasional clayey silty sand lenses irBHCOuntered. This formation which is observed to outcrop in the areas with small slope angles tend to become unstable in excava tion slopes and leads ta earth movements, It is overlain by clayey porous limestones of Bakırköy foımation* All thesegeological units are covered with alluvial deposits. In this investigation, the 1/5000 and 1/1000 scaled geological and engineering geological maps are prepared for the İkitelli Industrial Region and the vicinity, on which all the outcroppingrock-soil formations are identified» and the physicomechanical properties of the geological units encountered are determined with laboratory tests. The thickness» structural location, fault-contact-groundwater relationships, constitutive andtexture characteristics, and strength properties are evaluated in the view of stability and suitability for constructional development considerations. Inclination maps are also prepared and the results of all the field and laboratory geotechnicalinvestigations are utilized to prepare land use suitability maps for the whole region,
ABSTRACT : Definition of the genus and species of the fosil record in sedimentary rocks in terms of taxanomie principles led to the introduction of a number of terms used in systematic paleontology. In this study on attempt is made toclear the confusion arising from the misuse of the terms that are currently used in the paleontological literature and theoral presentations by giving a crital rewiev of the terms used particularly in systematic paleontology.