Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

2002 HAZİRAN Cilt 26 Sayı 1
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The Mıneralogıcal, Chemical, Physical And Mechanical Properties Of Muğla Region Marbies
Ali Bahadir Yavuz Necdet Türk Mehmet Yalçin Koca
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ABSTRACT: Block marble productions are made at fourdifferent stratigraphie level having differenttexture, colour and pattern in the Muğla region..These marble levels from bottom to* top arePermocarbonifereous aged- banded and lensshaped white marbles interbedded with the same`aged phyllites, Trias aged white marbles found aslenses within schists with different hue and paiiem.Upper Cretaceous aged emery bearing white -greyish while marbles and. Paleocene aged redcoloured Aegean Bordeaux Marble. In this paperthe mineralogicaltchemicalt physical andmechanical properties of the marble samplesobtained from the working quarries opened atdifferent stratigraphie levels were determined andthe inie dations of these roperties wereinvestigated. The Muğla region marbles, generally have lowporosity, high unii weight and are highly strongrocks having mineral sizes vary between 22ß and769 ft As the mineral sizes increasef the uniaxialcompressive strength, point load strength index,.flexural strength and Böhme surface attritionvalues,. Schmidt Hammer values and dry unitweight are found to decrease and as the dry unitweight increases the uniaxial compressivestrength,, point load strength index., flexural.strength, Böhme surface attrition value, Shorehardness index and Schmidt hammer values arefound to increase. The ratio between the uniaxialuniaxial. compressive strength (GC) and the pointload strength index (Isc50) of the Mugla marblesis found to vaty between 15 and 26 and the meanrelation is found to be represented by dc= 14„24lsc+32.

  • Muğla

  • Marble

  • Dolomite» Calcite

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  • Capillary Water Sorption Potentials Of Some Building Materials
    Adnan Özdemir
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    ABSTRACT: Surface damages, in the building materials,are occurred due to the capillary water sorptionin many building especially historical building atthe Konya City and around. In this study,capillary water sorption potential of the naturaland artificial building materials which used onthe building in the Konya district are investigated.The variation capillary water sorption coefficientswith other index properties of these materials areresearched so that variation of amount ofcapillary water sorption is determined formaterial type,. Capillary water sorption potentialsare investigated, on the natural building stonessuch as andesitic tuff used on historical andactual buildings,, trevertine, limestone and granitewith artificial building materials such as gasconcrete, concrete and pumice concrete madefrom pumice sand with cement. All capillarywater sorption experiments are carried out onseven piece samples which taken from everymaterial with prismatic shape and samedimension such as 2 x 5 x 10 cm. In experiments.,capillary water sorption coefficients for gasconcrete, pumice concrete, concrete, andesitictuffr trevertine,, limestone, granite, werecalculated in kg/(nf..saat °`~ ) as 7.3, 3.6, 4, 2..9,,0.11 0.4, 0.08 respectively., It is consequence thathighly capillary water sorption coefficients ofandesitic tuff caused on wetting which occurredin the historical building.. In addition, regressionrelationships between capillary water sorptioncoefficient and other index properties of materialsis determined in this study

  • Andesitic tuff

  • granite

  • capillary

  • limestone

  • trevertine

  • building materials

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  • Özdemır, A . Bazı Yapı Malzemelerin Kapiler Su Emme Potansiyelleri. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 26 (2002 ): 19-32

  • The Petrography And Geochemistry OfDuğkiipUi Ophiolite And Ophiolites Around Sivrihisar (Eskişehir)
    Hayrettin Özen Ender Sarifakioğlu
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    ABSTRACT: The study areas located in the north-northeastof Eskişehir and Sivrihisar are situated withinIzmir — Ankara-Erzincan Zone, consisting, of therock units related to subduction, obduction,ophiolitic melange, HP/LT metamorphism andmagmatism developed during collision betweenSakarya Zone and Anatolide. -Tauride Blockresulting from, closure of the northern branch ofNeotethyan Ocean..According to field observation. andmicroscobic investigation, ophiolite slabs exhibitdismembered and inverted series and reflect thecharacteristics of supra-subduction zone (SSZ)type ophiolites.

  • Eskişehir

  • sivrihisar

  • Neotetis

  • Ophiolite

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  • Özen, H , Sarıfakıoğlu, E . Dağküplü Ofîyolîtî île Sivrihisar Eskişehir Dolayındaki Ofiyolitlerin Petrografisi ve Jeokimyası. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 26 (2002 ): 33-42

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