Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

2003 ARALIK Cilt 27 Sayı 2
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Suggestions of Saluions for Probable Earthquakes in Istanbul, Turkey
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ABSTRACT: in 1999, two great earthquakes occurred around izmit and Adapazarı and caused tremendous damage to human lives and structures in the area. These earthquakes occurred along the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) which is one of the major structures of Anatolia, extending more than 1000 km. from east to west* There are many historical earthquakes of big magnitudes along this fault line.. There is an obvious phenomena in that the hipocentres of these earthquakes are migrating from east to west along the NAF and this implies that another big earthquake may hit Istanbul at the western end of the A[AF. Istanbul is one of the largest cities in the .Middle East representing, a. centre of economic, industrial, and touristic destination of modern Turkey. Therefore, if a big earthquake hits İstanbul, it will be a catastrophic national emergency In order to manage the potential earthquake disaster in Istanbul it is necessary to prepare a seismic disaster prevention/mitigation plan, emergency rescue plan and restoration /retrofitting plan of the earthquake stricken area from middle to long-term measures.

  • Earthquake

  • Damage

  • Analysis

  • Microzoning

  • Preventions

  • Bilge G., ve Siyahi, 1998, Deprem Etkisindeki Normal Konsolide Zemin Şevlerinde Yarı- Statik Stabilité Analizi,, İMO Teknik Dergi, Yazı 112, 1525-1552.

  • Coburn, A. W. and R.J.S. Spence, 1992, Earthquake Protection, John Wiley.

  • Agency (JICA), (2001), The Study on A Disaster Prevantion/Mitigation Basic Plan in Istanbul, including Seismic Microzonation in the Republic of Turkey, Progress Report 1..

  • (JICA), (2001), The Study on A Disaster Prevantion/Mitigation Basic Plan in Istanbul including Seismic Microzonation in the Republic of Turkey, Field Report (Volume l:Main Report:).

  • (JICA),, (2002), The Study on A Disaster Prevantion/Mitigation Basic Plan in Istanbul including Seismic Microzonation in the Republic of Turkey, Interim Report.,

  • İskenderoğlu, A , Bilgin, L , Baş, M , Yağcf, M , Özeyranlı, N , Taymaz, Ö , Ikenıshı, N , Segawa, S , Maeda, H , Nıshı, O , Koıke, ¥ , Takahashı, R , Hayashl, A . (2003). İstanbul`da Muhtemel Depremler Karşısında Çözüm Önerileri . Jeoloji Mühendisli

  • İskenderoğlu, A , Bilgin, L , Baş, M , Yağcf, M , Özeyranlı, N , Taymaz, Ö , Ikenıshı, N , Segawa, S , Maeda, H , Nıshı, O , Koıke, ¥ , Takahashı, R , Hayashl, A . İstanbul`da Muhtemel Depremler Karşısında Çözüm Önerileri. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergis

  • The Seismicity of Afyon and Ms Surroundings: Isoseist Map of 03 February 2002 Çay Earthquake, and Earthquake Risk Analysis
    Mehmet Utku M.ali Danişman Nihal Akyol Zafer Akçiğ
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    ABSTRACT: Earthquake is the most important natural disaster in Turkey. The earthquake which struck Afyon on 03 February 2002 at 09:11:28am (local time) caused great losses in human life and property in Afyon and Us surroundings (Çay, Sultandağı, Bolvadin, Çobanlar). According to the earthquake regime triggered by the tectonics of the region, 252 earthquakes with a magnitude of 4.0 and greater have struck. Afyon and its surroundings `which are under the effect of the Gediz graben, Dinar, Akşehir, and Emirdağ fault systems exist within an active tectonic system leading to earthquakes with a magnitude of 4:0 and greater once in 5 months.fVith this characteristic, the` occurrence probabilities of earthquakes in 30 years with a magnitude of 6.0 and 7,0 are 78% and 35% respectively. The greatest earthquake recorded in this area was in 1931 with a magnitude of 7.0. In terms of the Earthquake Zoning Map of Turkey,. Afyon and its surroundings, where 8 earthquakes of a magnitude of 6.0 have occurred so far, are termed as first order earthquake province. In this study, firstly,: using macroseismic observations and distributions of aftershocks, the isoseist map of the earthquake region for 03 February 2002 event is made. Secondly, the location of ihe origin of 03 February 2002 (09:11:28am, Md=6.0, Mw=6..5) Earthquake is estimated. In this effect, it can be concluded that this event is a result of Akşehir Fault Zone and it is essential to name it as Çay (Afyon) Earthquake. Abundance of geothermal fluids sampled with respect to active faults in the region, sediments and alterated deposits containing abundant underground `water, and the construction of faulty and uncontrolled buildings are the main factors increasing the damage, hazard in earthquakes..

  • Isoseist map

  • macroseismic observation

  • earthquake risk

  • magnitudefrequency relation

  • exceedance probability

  • return period

  • Akşehir Fault Zone

  • graben

  • Akçığ, Z..., Utku,. M,.,. Danışman, MA., Akyol, N., (2002), 03 Şubat 2002 Afyon-Çay Depremi Makrosismik Raporu, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi,, 15 sayfa,, Izmir.

  • Arpat, E., Aktar, M,, Berece, E., Karabulut,. H., Komut, T. ve Örgülü, G., (2002), 3 Şubat .2002 Sultandağı Depremi ön raporu. Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem Araştırma Enstitüsü, Jeofizik Ânabilim Dalı, İstanbul.

  • Besang, C, Eckhardt, F.J., Harre, W. Freuzer, H. ve Muller, P.,, (1977), Radiometrische Altersbestimungen aus dem. Jungtentiar der Türkei, Geol J.9 25, 139-167..

  • Colin,, H.,(1955), Jeolojik Harita İzahnameleri (Afyonkarahisar 72/2 ve 72/4 paftaları), MTA, Rapor No: 2244, Ankara..

  • Çevikbaş, A,, Ercan, T. ve Metin,, S., (1988), Geology and Regional Distribution of Neogene Volcanics between AiyonŞuhut, Jour. Pure and AppL Sei,, METU, Ankara, 21/1-3, 479-499..

  • Ercan, A., (2000), Türkiye Deprem Bölgelendirme Haritası, Atlas Dergisi, Sayı: 86, Mayıs-2000, No: 2000/5, Sayfa; 146-147,

  • Erişen, EL, Akkuş, L9 Uygur,, K.. ve Koçak, A., ( 1996), Türkiye Jeotermal Envanteri,, MTA, Ankara, p.480..

  • Gumbel, E., J.s (1958), Statistics „of,, Columbia University Press, USA.,

  • Gutenberg, B. ve Richter, C, F.. (1942), Earthquake Magnitude., Intensity, Energy and Acceleration, Bull SeismoL Soc Ant, Vol. 32, No. 3, 163-191.,

  • Gutenberg, B.. ve Richter, C, F. (1944), Frequency of earthquakes in California, Bull SeismoL Soc, Am., Vol., 34, 185-188.,

  • Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem. Araştırma Enstitüsü Veri Bankası,, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi İstanbul.

  • Keller, J.,, (1983), Potassic Lavas in the Oregenic Volcan i sm of the Mediterranean Area, Jour, Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 18,, 321-335.

  • Ketin, İ., (1966), Anadolu`nun Tektonik Birlikleri, MTA Dergisi, 53, Ankara,

  • Koçyiğit, A., ( 1984),. Güneybatı Türkiye ve yakın dolayında levha içi yeni tektonik gelişim., Türkiye Jeo. Kur:, Bulk, 27, 1-16.

  • Koçyiğit, A. ve Özacar, A.A., (2003),, Extensîonal Neotectonic Regime through the NE Edge of the Outer İsparta Angle, SW Turkey: New Field and Seismic Data, Turkish J. Earth ScL, Vol.,12, No.,1, pp.67-90.

  • Koçyiğit, A., Ünay,, E., ve Saraç, G., (2000), Episodic graben formation and. extensional neotectonic regime in. west Central Anatolia and the İsparta Angle; a case study in the Akşehir-Afyon Graben, Turkey,, In: Bozkurt, E,, Winchester,, J.A., Piper

  • Öztürk, E.M, ve Öztüık, Z., (1989), Balçıkhisar- Karadilli (Afyon)- Dereköy (İsparta) Dolayının Jeolojisi Raporu, (yayınlanmamış), MTA, 282-286, Ankara,

  • Sun,, S., (1979), Gazlıgöl (Afyon) Yöresinin Jeoloji İncelemesi, Bitirme Projesi, Ege Üniversitesi, Yerbilimleri Fakültesi,. Jeoloji Mühendisliği, 22 sayfa, İzmir..

  • Şaroğlu, F., Emre, Ö. ve Kuşçu, L, (1992),, Türkiye Diri Fay Haritası, Maden Tetkik Arama, Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara.

  • Şengör, A.M.C., Görür, N.,, and Şaroğlu, F.., (1985), Strike-slip faulting and related basin formation in zones of tectonic escape: Turkey as a case study, Strike- Slip Deformation Basin Formation and sed imentation, Society of Economic Paleontologis

  • Tatlı, S,, (1973), Afyon, Gazlıgöl-Susuz Alanının Jeolojisi ve Jeotermal Enerji olanakları, MTA, Rapor no: 2900, Ankara.

  • USGS (United States Geological Survey),

  • Utku, M., ve Özyalın, Ş,, (2001),, Yeni Q100: Deprem. Risk Analizi Bilgisayar Yazılımı,, ///., İzmir ve Çevresi `nin Deprem- Jeoteknik Sempozyumu (JEOTEKNIKIII), CD-ROM,, 5 sayfa, 12-14 Kasım 2001, İzmir.

  • Utku, M., ve ÖzyaJiîi, Ş., (2002), Teknolojik Anlamıyla Q100: Deprem Risk Analizi Bilgisayar Yazılımı, Bilgi Teknolojileri Kongresi, CD-ROM (8 sayfa), Bildiri Özetleri, sayfa 151-155,, 06-08 Mayıs 2002, Pam.ukk.ale Üniversitesi, Denizli

  • Yağmurlu, F,., Savaşçın,, M.Y. ve Ergün, M., (1997),, Relation of Alkaline Volcanism and Active Tectonîsm within the Evolution of İsparta Angle, SW-Turkey,, J. Geol, 105,, 717-728.

  • Utku, M , Danışman, M , Akyol, N , Akçığ, Z . (2003). Afyon ve Çevresi`nin Depremselliği: 03 Şubat 2002 Çay Depremi Eşşiddet Haritası ve Deprem Riski . Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi , 27 (2) , 18-33 . Retrieved from

  • Utku, M , Danışman, M , Akyol, N , Akçığ, Z . Afyon ve Çevresi`nin Depremselliği: 03 Şubat 2002 Çay Depremi Eşşiddet Haritası ve Deprem Riski. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 27 (2003 ): 18-33

  • Isotop Hydrology Investigation of Zonguldak and Province Grovndwaters
    Barbaros Erduran Koray Abdullah Törk Gürkan Öktü
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    ABSTRACT: The most important coal area of Turkey is situated in Zonguldak and province. The coal series occurred during Westfalien (Carboniferous) are lower-bounded by Visean aged karstic limestones and upper-bounded by Aptian-Barremian aged karstic limestones.. The isotope hydrology, which consists one of the studies dealed with karst hydrogeology, was held to determine the groundwater relations between the karstic limestones adjacent to the coal layers located in the Zonguldak coal mine areas. Environmental isotope samples were collected in the basin during 1994 - 1995 period, from the surface and groundwaters. Deuterium (2H), Oxigene -18 .(i8O) and Tritium (3H) analysis were carried out on the samples,. Recharge elevation, water origin and transit time of the groundwater system were determined with the evaluation of the analysis results. Waters encountered in the area are of marine origined rainfall, recharging at an elevation of 400-500 meters and consisting of shallow and deep circulation systems. Groundwater intruding the coal mine galleries, have a short flow period and are recharged from recent precipitations.

  • Isotope

  • Zonguldak

  • Groundwater

  • Hardcoal

  • Aydın, M., 1990, Zonguldak Ulus Sahaları MTA ve TPAO Kuyularından Geçen Jeolojik Kesitler, TPAO, Çıkara

  • APH A-A W W A-WPCF, 1981, Standart: Methods For The Examination Of Water And Wastewater (15th ED..,): American Public Healt Association, Washington, USA, 1134 p.,

  • Erduxan, B..,, 1997, Zonguldak — Bağlık - İnağzı - Göbü - Kazköy Kömür Sahalarının Karst Hidrojeolojisi İncelemesi., Yük,. Müh, Tezi, H.Ü., Müh. Fak.., Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü., Ankara (yayınlanmamış)

  • Kekinde,, M .O., 1993,, Preliminary Isotopic Studies In The Bida Basin, Central Nigeria, Environmental Geology, Volume 22, Washington, USA, 21.2 - 217 p.

  • Oktu, G., Erduran, B., Kır, N,, Alkılıç, Ç.., Köklü-, Z,., Nazik, L,,„ Bircan, A.., Törk, K., Mengi, H.., özel. E., Tunçperçînel, S., Tuncay, !,. ,Erdoğan, R., 1996, Zonguldak - Bağlık - İnağzı - Göbü - Kazköy Kömür Sahalarının Hidrojeoloji Etüdü Fin

  • Özler, t.., Yaver, Y., Kır, N., Canca, N., Tonga!, O.., Bakan, Z., 1992, Değirmenağzı ile Göbü Arasında Kalan Alanın Jeolojisi ve Kömür Varlığı, MTA, Derleme No:9599, Ankara (Yayınlanmamış)

  • Şengör, A.M.C., Yılmaz, Y., Ketin, t.,, 1981, Remnants Of A Pre-Iate Jurassic Ocean In Northern Turkey: Fragments Of Permian- Triassie Paleo-Thetys, Geological Society Of American Bulletin, Part I, Volume 99, 599 - 609 p.

  • Yergök, Ä.F,., Akman, IL, İplikçi, E., Karabalık, N., Keskin, 1., Mengi, H,., Umut, M, Armağan, F., Erdoğan, K.,„ Kaymakçı, M.,, Çetinkaya, A., 1987a,, Batı Karadeniz Bölgesinin Jeolojisi 1, MTA, Derleme No:8273, Ankara (Yayınlanmamış)

  • Yergök, A.F., Akman,, Ü., Tekin, F., Karabalık, M, Arbaş, A., Akat, U.,,, Armağan, F., Erdoğan, K., Kaymakçı, H., 1987a, Batı Karadeniz Bölgesinin Jeolojisi II, MTA, Derleme No:8848, Ankara (Yayınlanmamış)

  • Yurtsever, Y., 1978, .Environmental Isotopes As A Tool In Hydrogeological Investigations Of Southern Karst Regions Of Turkey, Proceedings Of A International Seminar On Karst Hydrogeology, Antalya, Turkey

  • Erduran, B , Törk, K , Öktü, G . (2003). Zonguldak ve Çevresindeki Yeraltısularının İzotop Hidrolojisi İncelemesi . Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi , 27 (2) , 35-46 . Retrieved from

  • Erduran, B , Törk, K , Öktü, G . Zonguldak ve Çevresindeki Yeraltısularının İzotop Hidrolojisi İncelemesi. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 27 (2003 ): 35-46

  • Geohg}? and the Alteration Features of Domaniç (Kütahya) Copper-Molybdenium Mineralization
    İsmet Cengiz Yurdal Genç
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    ABSTRACT: Within the framework of this study, alteration feautures of the ore deposit, host rock alteration of copper-moiybdenium mineralization located around Domaniç (KÜTAHYA) have been studied by examination of drilling cores that were recovered by MTA during 1992-1993.Two diffèrent rock types, namely plutonic and subvolcanic, are distinguished within the study area, Plutonic rocks show as granular and porphyritic textures. The plutonic rocks which have granular texture are tonalite, granodiorite, quartz-diorite and granite, The other plutonic rocks with porphyritic texture are tonalite porphyry, quartz-diorite porphyry, granodiorite porphyry diorite porphyry and granite porphyry, Subvolcanic rock is aplite. The rocks except aplite in the study area are altered and mineralized Four different alteration types are distinguished in the rocks associated with mineralization. On the basis of alteration minerals.. These are (1) biotite-quartz, (2) sericite-quartz, (3) quartz-clqy-chlorite and (4) chlorite-epidote-quartz alteration types which exhibit an alternating pattern in the cores, Furthermore, a secondary alteration that is exhibited in the first meters of the drillings is amortization, Hetnatitization and argillization that has been formed by surface waters are also observed.

  • Alteration

  • Copper

  • Molybdeniwn

  • Kütahya

  • Ore deposition

  • Arısoy, H., (1985), Bursa-inegöl-Sütlükdere Zn- Cu-Pb cevherleşmesi jeoloji raporu (KAVAP-VIII): MTA Der.Rap.No: 7669,

  • Ashley, P.. M., BMington, W. G,., Graham, R.L., Meale, R.C., (1978) Geology of the coalstoun porphyry copper prospect, southeast queensland, Australia: Econ. Geoi. Vol. 73,, pp.945-965.

  • Ataman,, G,, (1972), Orhaneli granodîyoriti kütlesinin radyometrik. yaşı.: TJK Bülteni, 15/2.

  • Ataman, G., (1973), Gürgenyayla (Domaniç) granodiyoritik kütlesinin radyometrik yaşı: TJK Bülteni,. 16/1.

  • Bingöl, E,, Delaloye, M., Ataman, G., (1982), Granitic intrusions in western Anatolia. : A contribution to the geodynamic study of this area: Econ. GeoL Helv. 7.5/2,

  • Burnham, C. W., (1962),, Faciès and types of hydrothermal alteration: Econ.GeoL, v.57, 768-784.

  • Bttrküt, Y., (1.966), Kuzeybatı Anadoluda yer alan plutonların mukayeseli jenetik etüdü: Doktora tezi, İTÜ Maden Fak,

  • Creasey,, SX.,, (1966), Geology of the San Manuel area, Final Country, Arizona; U.S. Geolol. Survey Prof. P471, 64p.

  • Çöteii, Ö.R., (1970), Hayriye ve Saadet köyleri civarındaki Cu-Pb-Zn zuhurları 1/10.000 ölçekli detay etüd raporu: MTA Der. Rap. No.. 4548.

  • Çötelî, Ö.,R,„ (1972), Bursa vilayeti - İnegöl kazası - Çarkderesi civarındaki. Cu-Zn zuhurunun 1/10.000 ölçekli detay etûd raporu. : MTA Der. No. 5102,

  • Demiray, B.,,, (1984), Bursa-tnegöl, Saadetköy Mo-Cu cevherleşmesi jeoloji raporu (KAVAP-VII): MTA Der.Rap.No. 7638.

  • Ercan,, T., ve Türkecan, A., (1984),, Batı Anadolu- Ege adaları-Yunanistan ve Bulgari stan`daki plutonlann gözden geçirilişi: Ketin Sîmpozyumu, TJK Yayını..

  • Erdeni, E .„ (1975), Ortaca - Dereçarşamba ( . Kütahya ili- Domaniç ilçesi) dolayının maden jeolojisi ve İ22 - b2, b3,, 123 - a4, J23 -a2 ,b1 paftalarının prospeksiyon raporu: MTA Der.. Rap. No., 5442, ANKARA

  • Förnier, R.O., (1967), Syngenetic formation and subsequent alteration of the porphyry copper deposit near Ely, Nevada: Econ., GeoL, v.62sp.57-81, 207-227.

  • Hemley, J.J., ve Jones, W.R., (1964), Chemical aspects of hydrothermal alteration with emphasis on hydrogen metasomatism: Econ,. Geol; 59, 538 - 569.,

  • Kaaden, G. V.,,, (1955),, Mesruriye (İnegöl) köyü güneyindeki .kontak yataklar hakkında not: MTA DenRap.No:2494.

  • Kara, A., ve Pehlivan, A N., (1983), Bursa - Keleş - Gelemiç,Mo-Cu-Zn cevherleşmesi jeoloji raporu,, (KAVAP VI): MTA Der..R.ap.No:7651,

  • Krauskopf, K .B.,, (1967 ), Introduction to geochemistry : McGraw Hill, New York, pP721.

  • Küçükayman, A.,,, (1987),, Bozüyük - Tavşanlı - Kütahya arasının jeolojisi: MTA Der.Rap.TMo: ( 8356)..,

  • Lovrell, J.D., ve Guilbert, J. M., (1970), Lateral and Vertical alteration mineralization zoning in porphyry ( ore deposits; Econ.GeoL; 65,, 373-408.

  • Meyer, c,,, ve Hemley, JX,. (1967), Wall rock alteration, Barnes, H.L., ed.; Geochemistry of hydrothermal ore deposits: Holt Rinehart and Winston, New York, 166-235.

  • Middelear, W.. V.., (1975), Domaniç (Kutahya- Türkiye) civarındaki sokulumun güney sınırında bulunan maden yatakları ve kontak- metasomatik oluşumların araştırılması hakkında ön rapor: MTA Der. Rap.. No.. 1522.,

  • Middelear,, W. V.., ve Visser,, W.., (1975), Kütahya- Domaniç bölgesindeki mineralizasyon hakkında rapor: MTA Der. Rap. No, 1521.

  • Molly,, E JA/-,, (1955), İnegöl bölgesinde bulunan altın hakkında notlar ..(Bursa vilayeti): MTA Der. Rap. No, 2332..

  • Okay, A. i. .,„ (1984), Kuzeybatı Anadolu`da yer alan metamorfik kuşaklar; Ketin Simpozyumu, TJK Yayım..

  • Özkoçak, O., (1969), Bursa - Orhaneli çevresinin jeolojisi : Doktora Tezi

  • Öztunalı, Ö .,(1973), Uludağ ve Eğriöz masiflerinin petrolojileri ve jeokronoiojileri: ÎÜFF Monografileri, No, 23.

  • Pehlivan, A. N., (1979),, Uludağ (Bursa)- Orhaneli-Keles-inegöl yörelerinde granit kenar zonlanndaki (W,Mo,`Pb,Zn,Cu) mineralizasyonları ön raporu: MTA Der. Rap.. No., 1621.

  • Pehlivan, A .N,,, ve Of bay, S., (1.987), Kütahya- Domaniç-Bîleylik Cu-Pb-Zn-Mo cevherleşmesi jeoloji-jeokimya raporu (KAVAP IX): MTA Der.. Rap., No, 2054.

  • Pehlivan, A .N., (1987),,, Bursa-inegöl-Kelesörhaneli çevresinin genel jeokimya raporu (KAVAP I): MTA Der.. Rap., No. 21.35.

  • Streckeisen, A., (1967), Classification and Nomenclature of Igneous rocks: N. Jb. Miner. Abts., 107, p. 144-240

  • Taşkın, L, (1983 a), Bursa-inegöl yöresi Boğazova ve Domaniç granodiyorît masifleriyle ilgili W-Mo-Pb-Zn-Cu cevherleşmelerine ait jeoloji raporu (KAVAP- • V): MTA Der. Rap. No.. 7675,.

  • Taşkın, f., (1983 b), Bursa-inegöl yöresi Çatalçamtepe Cu-Pb cevherleşmesi ve • Aşağıgürgenyayla Cu cevherleşmesine ait j eokimy a-jeo loj i raporu (KAV AP-V) : MTA Der. Rap. No: 7666..

  • Taşkın, t.,,, ve Bulut, M ., (1992), Kütahya- Domaniç-Topukdere-Sarıçayıryayla Co- Mo cevherleşmesi jeoloji raporu. MTA Der. Rap. No.. 9373

  • Yavuz,, H.,, (1975),, Kütahya ili Domaniç ilçesi Dereçarşamba yöresi Pb-Zn cevherleşmesi etüdü,. MTA Der. Rap.. Mo. 348.

  • Yıldırım, S., ve Çelebi, A,., (1991), Domaniç (Kütahya}-inegöl (Bursa) AR. 4485 8 No`lu MTA Ruhsat sahası Topukdere- Sarıçayıryayla çevresi porfiri bakır yatağı ön etüd raporu. MTA Der. Rap. No, 93.27..

  • Malatya-Yeşilyurt Gold-Bearing Fluorite Mineralization: A Paleokarst Type Deposit in Eastern Taurides, "Turkey
    Mustafa Kemal Revan Yurdal Genç
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    ABSTRACT: The gold-bearing fluorite mineralizations are observed along the contacts between Devonian/?)- Carboniferous crystallized limestone of Malatya metamorphics and Permian schists, which unconformabfy overlie the former. The thickness of mineralization varies from 1 m to 30 m and the ore bearing zone may attain up to 10 km lengths along the unconformity surfaces. The lithological composition of the ore hearing zone is represented by conglomerate/breccia. The matrix: of breccia is mainly composed of quartz, fluorite and limoniie, The rock and ore fragments within the breccia are crystallized limestone, schist, chert and fluorite. Due to its high silica content, ore bearing zone present a different kind of morphology compared to surrounding rocks. Two different morphological features are present (1) unconformity-concordant, flat-lying and more or less tabular bodies (2) conical bodies extending downwards in the form ofkarstic cavity-fillings and they become narrower as they extend downwards.. The gold content of ore-bearing zone is highly variable.. The gold contents of the breccia ore containing graphitic organic material, reach up to 12,5 ppm. However, when there is no breccia texture and fluorite, the gold content gets much lower and decreases down to 100 ppb. In terms of geological position, structural-textural features, and mineral content, the Malatya-Yeşüyurt gold-bearing fluorite mineralization is a paleokarst type deposit formed on the imcorformity surfaces and believed to have been formed by karstification process thaï has continued in the region since Laie Eocene. Units consisting clay, sand and carbonate, which is overlying orebearing zone are favored as the most likely source of gold-bearing fluorite mineralization.. It is assumed that the components that formed the mineralization have been carried to the enriching environment by means of solutions that move deep down under gravity control Meanwhile, goldbearing fluorite mineralization is the first ever known mineralization its formation is based on karstification process at the Eastern Taurus Belt and whose distrubition is controlled by the uncorformity surfaces. Hence when its geological position and extension are concerned, this type of mineralization seems to be extremely important to form a basis for Jurther exploration studies in the Eastern Taurus Orojenic Belt.

  • Eastern Taurus

  • Malatya-Yeşilyurt

  • Fluorite

  • Paleokarst

  • Discordance

  • Siliceouscrust

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