ABSTRACT:. In the basins of Emet and Gediz, Tertiary and Quaternary sediments and volcanic rocks are widespread. The rocks of the Neogene age unconformably overlie the basement rocks which are upper Cretaceous or Pre-Ctetaceous in age, The Miocene and the Pliocene Sediments are of terrestrial origin, being accurately datey by radiometriö, palinologic and paléontologie methods. They were deposited in the intermontane basins representing different faciès. An angular unconformity has been found between the rock units of Miocene and Pliocene age especialy in the southern part of the investigated area. The volcanic activity continued during the Moeene and the Pliocene periods* Plio-Quaternary and Quaternary sediments are represented by coarse grained fluviatUe deposits,
ABSTRACT: Syngenetically fomıed Çukurca-Ta^bafi fossiüferous plaser deposit occura in Cambriaıı quartzites, Microscopic investigations on samples taken from the deposit revealed various heavy minerals (haematite with rutüe, haematite, rutile, chromite, ilmenite, magnetite, limonite, psüomelane, pyırhotite, ehaJcopyrite, zircon and tourmaline), quartz, feldspar (microline, orthoclase and plagioclase), rock fragments, sericite, chlorite and muscovite. Chemical analyses of the samples shewed high concentrations of F^O3, mo2 and ZrOi, H future feasibility studio in the area give positive results the Çukurca-Ta§bap fossiMferous plaser deposit can be economical for Ti, Fe and Zr production. Additionally, the presence of chromite suggests that this mineral originated from ultrabasic rocks of Vre- Cambrian age.
ABSTRACT: It is usual to encounter underground cavities in the geological formations invarious depths, This paper reporta the study of gas storage caverns by means of laser and stereophotographic surveying techniques
ABSTRACT: This article is an attempt to summarize the geologic environments for nickel deposits and parageneses with which nickel is associated; thus 14 types of nickel deposits are defined. On the other hand the nickel potential of Turkey is investigated concluding seven different types of nickel concentration can be expected. These are put in order of importance according to geologic and metallogenic data of Turkey. Nickel is mainly found in ultramafic rocks and their alteration products namely lateritic iron deposits. In addition acid plutonic rocks play a part in formation of nickel deposits Turkey is very likely to beara high nickel potential as large areas are covered by ultrabasic and acid plutonic rocks. Emphasis is also laid upon asphaltites covering an area of 20.000 square km. containing 3,2 kg. of Ni in one ton of asphaltite ash and other valuable minor products such as Mo and V and the recovery of such minor products.
ABSTRACT: The regionally metamorphosed rocks of the Bitlis area which are composed of quartz, spessartite, gericite, chlorite, diopside and actinolite age determined as an interesting type of schists or gondites. These rocks contain the following ore minerals: Alabandite, pyrrothite, graphite, sphalerite, pyrite, rutile, chalcopyrite» arsenopyrite, pararammelsberglte, marcasite, fahlen and niccolite besides a small amount of titanite ,apatite, zircon and topaz. All these minerals have been investigated mineralogically in detail and the paragenetic relationship between them have been worked out. The evidence obtained from these studies suggests, that these schists for gondites) have been formed by the regional metamorphism of fine-grained clastic sedimentary rocks falling between psammite and pelite group