ABSTRACT: It is widely known that the emplacement of magmatio infernsfons iid not take plae© in a single phase `tel; that ötey rather intruded anil were emplaced within or next ta each other in different phases,» ît Is also an accepted view that maginatie intrusions ol granitic origin, because of their low density, analogous »alt domes, tend to intrude in a diapric form and manner, Tli© opinion that a granitic mass was a product of a single intrusion, widely lost support« Slnee there are intrusions unplaced in different phases within or next to each other then ît is also probable that they also differentiated and crystallized independently in different times. In this work, the above view is© being discussed and Kırklareli Demirköy granodioritic mass, which bad bmn studied in detail taken as a model for calculations and statistical application ami imterprotattons of differentiation andı eaystal&atioii ftukxses.
ABSTRACT: OcaWi manganese ore deposits are placed In the volcanic and sedimentary formations of Upper Cretaceous age as the other manganèse occurrences in the Eastern Black Sea. Region, Voleanogenlc îıyirotherıııal lore solutions are placed In very siialtow depth, so the ©re body accordingly form tease like bodies and stockwosrk depositions, Because of the sliding- which is more or less at the same age with the deposition, the important part of the ore body Is in an alloehthonous massa Especlalyl braunite and bixybite iniaeraHasatioii are common. In these minera Üzation, SiO^, and P.CX contents a«r© no tic ably high and can b& considered as metallurgical ore type. The manganese ieposlte of the .Eastern Black Sea Region are enapfacecl in different levels xelafäv® to the sea floor. Accoordmg1 to canplaceıneııjfe level, deposition forma, mâıeıraloglcal and chemical `compositions of the ore bodies are different from each others. So three main &nb-types .are distinguished.
ABSTRACT: Bayındır fluorite veins appear mithin tho syenites and gabbros formations which belong to Upper Ps^eccene intrusions of Kırşehir Massif, It lias been found that these fluorite-s, which air© greenf whit© and yellow in colour originate«! in varias stages of the hydrothermal perod (Yamam, 1084) in the 8 fluorite samples the total REE eontens varies between 8 and 89 ppm. The dark coloured flaorites contain more BEE. It is seen from the chondrite normalised SEE diagrams that the green fluorites show positive and the yellow ones negative anomalies, Plate on the Tb`La versus Tb/Ca diagram implies that the green fJuorites ?re hydro termal in origin, tat the» yellow fluorites may be produced from the solutions which were affected bj marine water. Hie REE confettis of tîıp green fuorStes formed from hydrotersnal Solutions show « similar REE patterns to that of feldspars. The distribution of KEE in the green and yellow fluorites show that, they were not originated in similar conditions. Ttiese conclusions are in agreement with the data which, were previously obtained from fluid inclusions. Basecl on the geochemical data, it may be said that the evolution of the flmorite veins were related to the basins which developed, after Upper Paleocene time.
ABSTRACT: Basement metamorphiç rocks in the- Yeşilyurt area are ol Paleozoic age- and consist mainly of mica schist, gneiss and granitic gneiss» Finviatile oetlimieiitary` rocks of Neogene age .`range from, anmature to very immature` and the sandstones are primarily littiie arkose to arkose which are derived from the adjacent matamorptiic complex, -`Sandstone and. conglomerate` were deposited, in an alluvial fan-braided diver environment. One heavy mineral association lias been recognized in Miocene sands from the Yeşilyurt area. Detailed optical .and x-ray diffraction studies revealed that heavy minerals` were derived from the nearby low -grade metainorphic basement. Because no- magmatic, with the exception of metamorphosed granite named here as granitic gneiss, and sedimentary rock types older than, the Miocene sediments are identified In or close to the -study area, the main source of the heavy minerals is from purely metainorphic terrains,,. Thus, the heavy minerals` assemblage typical of metamorphie rocks, seen here is hoped to be an important guide for Meffl.ölica.tî.oıı of unknown source rocks
ABSTRACT: Until now, in previous studies, Besni Fërmafion, which constitutes a characteristic fitosttsatigraphical unit of the Upper Greaceoiis-Ijasen. aged sedimentary secpieiifie öf Southeast Anatolia^ has bee» :èescrïfee*l as a leefal Hnnesfone ooncordontfy developed with Antak andı Gesmav formations. It has been again, said that; the Antak and Gennav formations follow each-otfaer wîthont ittterftngroing- ami. An-" tak, Besnii ani Gennav formations wllefe ^cûnsfitato^ the lower part: of the sedimentary sequence aro always see» in the same stral%iaphlcal order to tine area.,, To- the .Northwest AUdami (ICalita-JLiiyaiBaii) however, it is abservedl that AnÉak and .Besai fO`rmaMons^ eadhite an interfingerJng1 stratigrapMbal devApmemt andf place, Antak Formatio-n İla ooocordant^f oveilaln toy the Gennav Formation as different from the sofar known»
ABSTRACT: Tie travertines observed along; shore Une of Antalya consists mî three steplike terraces between sea level and SO© meters height. The fourth on© of these terraces takes place below the sea level and e`tends afc least 90 Bieters seaward. There are karstic cavities, veins and Hndiergroiind water channels, caused by chemical dissolution., fractures and gravitational slips in the pliocene aged travertine covers, which have estimated thickness of 300 meters, Theree`iat domestic and touristic buildings over andin front of the travertine cliff which is about SO meters high altong1 the shore Une. Under the influence of the additional weight stack of contractions ami that of waste water, rate of fracturig, breaking off, folding*, block sMpiiig and su&sidencing wr oaimg in are enhanced and them distraction clanger comes off, In order to determine locations and dimensions of such occnrrances combined geophysical (resistivity, natural polarization and seismic refraction), geological surveys, drillings ani laboratory e`peiiments on rock samples were compleded. Opening of gracteres are between 0.1 to SO ein and sosue of them empty and some of them saturated` with water. Travertene is hihly porous and COB tains caves In the rang« from 1 -10 mJ, Geophysical anomaK.es of cracks, fractures and cavities have lower seisin!** wave velocity, lower resistivity If saturated and higher resistivity If empty and larger ionization. The main fractore along` the harbour street has a slop of Si to 80° to tibe srarth and oils disieontifetil^ty m in;t©rseefed. by th& secondsury fa.nlts m NS direction, Sliping rate- of eß to 1 cm/year was Interpreted ft© secandary fractures