ABSTRACT: Metamorphie rocks that are seen m a wide area between Kezbanalanı-Eİma Deresi, are belong to the green schist faciès and had been affected by a low grade metamorphism. Hie metamorphics consist of alternations of phyllite* serieitie schist, quartz-albite-muscovite-amphibole schist, metadiabase, quartzite, marble and have been intensely altered in places - Dark black coloured graphite with variable carbon content and fine to medium thicnesses occurs wimin this metamorpic sequence. Graphite is thought to have formed by the result of metamorphism of the sedimentary rocks. A thick Mesozoic sequence that starts with basal conglomerate and continues with dolomitic and cherty limestones, oceurs further north (south of Karadağ) over the rocks formed Pre-Lower Triassie metamorphism of detritie and carbonate rocks
ABSTRAC : Major and some trace element chemical analyses have made, for 12 samples belonging to Cefahkdağ and Ba.ran.adag Pinions, and these piétons, are placed in `the central part, of Middle- AnadoHa granitoid belt, In these phuons» two petrograpMcal rock. groups aie determined» according to petiograpldcal and chemical-mineralogical characteristics. These are .subalkaltne and alkaline groups which belonging, to cafemic associations and show metaluminous characteristic. Subalkaline rocks,, which have monzonitic composition.» like "minimum melt-I type", and alkaline rocks which have syenitic composition» like "A type" granitoid. Both of two petrographical groups derived from, different magmatic melting which occuied partial melting, of the same source material (crosn-mantel) in, two different stage.
ABSTRACT: The Suzette and Propiac-Condorcet diapirs of the Southern .Alps of France» emplaced along `"en echelon11 tensional fractures; of strike-slip fault, zones; which formed by the N-S compressional forces of the. Pyreneo-Provînctal plias« of the pre-Oligocene time., The Suzetle diapir has ultimately gained "SM sha|pes that. is. a, characteristic structure of subjected fault zones of tensional fractures., The Suzette diapir is overlained by the Oligocène» and the Propiac-Condorcet diapirs by the Miocene successions. Both, of these younger successions later were tilted and locally overturned by the reactivation of the diapirs.
ABSTRACT: Structural textural and petrographical properties and paleocunent directions of the Miocene Karsan ti sandstones have been investigated within an area of 75 sq-km in. tie Karsanü. region (N of Âdâna) by means of detailed sedimentological logging and sedimentary petrological studies. The geological age of the Kanamı Formation has also been determined by microfossil dating as Upper Miocene. On `the basis of detailed geologic, micromineralogic and petrological studies. `The sedimentation model and paleogeographlcal reconstraction of the Kars anlı Formation in area investigated were reconstructed. As a result of these studies it has been postulated that the clastic sequence of Aie Karsantı Formation deposited in a shallow marine environment with two allocthonous coalbearing carbonate levels in the. lower - middle and middle- upper levels which formed tinder lagunar and/or fluviatile conditions. Results of these sedimantarv petrological studies revealed that detritus of the Karsanti arenites were derived from a. northernly basic-ultrabasics rich provenance, i.a. Taurusophi.oliti.que Subduction Complex, and. Karsanti stratigraphie sequence postulated as an arctrench gap related sedimentary unit.
ABSTRACT: Tertiary basic volcanic« which, crop out -over an. area of `9000 kim^ `between Manisa and Balıkesir` are divided in to fivedifferent eruptional phases and. the results of petrochemical analyses and genetic interpretations are given.. Some of the rock,,,, appearing as alkali basalts in the field are. evaluated to be quartz latite .and andésite and named as "Pseudo-basalts** through geochemical data and pétrographie observations. Those pseudo-basalts, which, form a special volcanic group in Western Anatolia are. believed to have, a crustlcmantle origin. The hybrid magma which is the mix.tu.re of the crust and the mantle was formed the pseudo-basalts from Upper Oligocène. The pseudo-basalts acquire a characteristic alkali basalt composition from. Pliocene onwards due to progressive, decrease of the crustal material. Former investigatiois which have worked in the area described as "basalts`* and named some fonmations on, those volcanic rocks. It is necessary that new researches must, be made and the names of `the formations must, be corrected
ABSTRACT: As in known that the Maastrichtian stage is divided in to two chronozones by benthic foraminifers, but it is divided in to three by planktk foraminifers. On the other hand, until now Omphalocychn macroporas-Orbitoides médius biozone has always becn^ aged as Upper Maastrichtian. However,,, where it could be controlled, by planktic foraminifers » it is observed that this zone is equivalent of Middle-Upper Maastrichtian,. This situation is explained in. this paper with its proofs,.
ABSTRACT: Geochemistry of the Recent Black Sea sediments; comprising the Coccolithic, Sapcopelic and. Lutite units is largely governed by the special characteristics of the Black, Sea» related to its geology,,, morphology, biology and chemistry. According to their statistical distribution, their abondance in, the three units, and their areal distribution,,, the trace elem.en.ts in the Black Sea sediments fall, in to the "aothigerac" and "allogenic" element groups. The. aothigenic elements occur as associated largely with the auttrigenic minerals and organic: matter,, and have been syngenetieally incorporated in to the sediments. `The Sapropelic unit, is relatively more enriched in the. authigenic elements such, as- Mo, U, Co, B, Ni,, G>, V and B than, the other two units.. `These elements show trends of increasing concentration towards `the. abyssal plains of the Black Sea basin, which are generally characterized by low rates of sedimentation.. On. the other hand» the allogenic elements such as `Ti, Zr, and; Cr which are dominantly of detrital mineral origin, occur in higher concentrations in the Lutite unit than the Sapropelic and Coccolithic units. Vanadium and Ni, which appear as authigenic elements in the Sapropelic unit, present a characteristic .allogenic distribution pattern, in. the Coccolimic and Lutite units. Compared with the Lutite and. Sapropelic. units,, the Coccolithic unit is relatively elevated in Ca and Sr, which is widely due to* the CoccoMtMc shells made up of CaCC^.. Moreover, the Coccolithic unit is more enriched in SİO2 AI2Ö3 and TID2 than the Sapropelic: unit..Ä `Comparison of the average composition of `the Black Sea sediments with that of the deep sea sediments shows that the former are considerably depleted in many elements including Co, Ni,, Co, B, Mn. and. V. On the other hand,,, the average composition of the Black Sea, sediments is similiar to that of shales except for the higher content of Ga, and. relatively lower contents of V, Pb, Cu, Ba and Y.