Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

2004 HAZİRAN Cilt 28 Sayı 1
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Significance of Geology in Linear Engineering Structure Projects: Pozantı Motorway
Levent Akduman İlyas Yilmazer
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ABSTRACT: Geology forms an essential basis and the first stage in linear engineering structure projects such as highway. Äs the case presented herein,, geology takes place to complete formality in Turkish motorway projects. However, in such large engineering structure projects route selection, and geology in this selection come first Identification of the medium, in and/or on which the motorway is located has vital importance to orient the alignment and to define the components of the motorway. Geological model studies cover essentially of geology,, hydrogeology, engineering geology and geotechnics., Reliability of each model-depends, that of the former. Each phasefeeds back to increase the confidence level of former models.

  • linear engineering structure

  • earth sciences

  • hydrogeology

  • reliability

  • Akduman, L., 2003. Otoyol bileşenlerinin seçiminde seldağınafclık sisteminin, önemi: Pozantı - E5 Ereğli kavşağı otoyolu,. Doktora tezi ÇÜ- FBE, 145`, Adana,.

  • Akduman, L., Yılmazer, L, and Leventeli, Y,.,, 1998. A wide enough construction platform and new aquifer created by artificial dykes in a barren and highly dissected valley. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Geology and Environment. Organ

  • Akduman L,,, Yılmazer, L, Leventeli Y,..,, & Ö.,Yılmazer, 2001a. Cost comparison of two extreme engineering approaches in a motorway project: Taurid Mountain crossing of Çukurova Motorway. Proceedings of the Fourth International Turkish Geology Sympo

  • Akduman L., Yılmazer, i, Yılmazer, Ö., & Leventeli Y., 2001b, Basic criteria to assess pipeline alignment alternatives: BTC (Bakü-Tbilisi-Ceyhan) pipeline. Proceedings of the Fourth International Turkish Geology Symposium, September 24-28 `01 Adana/T

  • Akduman,, L., Yılmazer, t., Yılmazer,. Ô,, Leventeli,, Y,., Şimşek,V., & Ertunç A.,, 2001c. Artificial dike method to create a construction platform and a new aquifer. The 4th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Region. Geology, May 21 -

  • Bowles J.E., 1996. Foundation analysis and design. Fifth, edition,. The McGraw-Hill Co., 1175 p.

  • Craig, R.F., 1997. Soil mechanics. Sixth edition,. E and FN SPON, Chapman and Hall, London, 485 p.

  • Hunt, R.E., 1986. Geotechnical engineering analysis and foundation,., McGraw-Hill Company 729 p.

  • Leventeli,, Y,, 2002,., Mühendislik. Projelerinde Jeoloji ve Jeotekniğin Önemi: Ecemiş Fay Kuşağı,, Adana - Niğde. Doktora, tezi, ÇÜ. FBE,, 145, Adana.

  • Leventeli, Y. Akduman, L. ve Yılmazer, L, 1997. Aladağların eteklerindeki karstik seviyeleri iizerleyen killi birimlerde gelişen kaymalar. 50*nci Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı - 1997 Etkinlikleri: Yeraltısulan Sempozyumu Kitabı,

  • Leventeli, Y., Yılmazer, 1., and .Akduman, L., 1998. Recognition of distinct morphologies and its significance on site selection, study. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Geology and Environment., Organized, by Chamber of geological Engin

  • Leventeli, Y,, Yılmazer, t., Yılmazer, O.,, .Akduman, L., Şimşek.,V., & Ertunç A., 2001. Motorway and dam projects within a fertile valley created by a. fault, The 4th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Region Geology, May 2 1 - 25 `01,

  • Tomlinson, M.J. and Boorman, R.,, 1995. Foundation design, and construction. Sixth edition,, Addison Wesley Longman. Ltd., 536 p.

  • Yılmazer, I., 1988. Geotechnical evaluation of Ankara - Gerede and. Ankara, peripheral motorway. (Unpublish report). Archives of the Motorway Division of KGM, Ankara.

  • Yılmazer, 1, 1990... Güzergah seçimi ve bu seçimde jeolojinin önemi. Jeoloji Mühendisliği, 36, 37-45.

  • Yılmazer, L, 1992., Türkiye Otoyol Projesinde jeoloji mühendisliğinin yeri ve diğer mesleklerle olan ilişkisi. Jeoloji Mühendisliği, 40, 46-49.

  • Yılmazer, t., 1995. Significance of discontinuity survey in. motorway alignment selection. Engineering Geology, 40, pp. 41-48,

  • Yılmazer, t., 2004. Ulaşım soranlarına kalıcı, çözüm., Kaynak Yayınlan,, 88 sayfa, Ankara.

  • Yılmazer, L, Ertunç, A... ve Kaya, Ş..., 199.2. Yarma yamaç tasarımı ve kinematik inceleme. 3. Mühendislik Jeolojisi Sempozyumu, 21.-23 Mayıs 1992, Uluslararası Mühendislik Jeolojisi Türk Milli Komitesi ve Çukurova Univ. Mflh.-Mim. Fak., Adana. Mühen

  • Yılmazer, L, Kale, S,.., and Doyuran, V., 1994. Significantly large and typical landslides. Proceedings of the 7th congress of `the International Association of Engineering Geology Organizing Committee, 1377- 1382, 5-9 September 1994, Lisbon- Portuga

  • Yılmazer, Î, and Çongar, B.,, 1994.., Significance of discontinuity survey and. physiographical study in engineering works.., Proceedings of the 7th congress of the International Association of Engineering Geology Organizing Committee, 1105-1111, 5-9

  • Yılmazer, L, Selçuk, Ş., and Turner, H,r 1994. Cut slope recommendation. Proceedings of the 7th congress of the International Association of Engineering Geology Organizing Committee, 3909-3919, 5-9 September 1994, Lisbon-Portugal.

  • Yılmazer, î,, Leventeli, Y., ve Akduman, L,, 1997a., Otoyol geçkisi belirlenirken. Müh. Jeol. Türk Milli Komitesi Bülteni, 21, 67- 71.

  • Yılmazer, 1. and Yılmazer, O., 1997. Interrelation between hydrogèological and. geological models: case studies., Proceedings of the International Conference on Water Problems in the Mediterranean Countries,, organized by Near East. University» Nicos

  • Yılmazer, L, Yılmazer, O,, and Doğan, U-, 1997b... Significance of waterdiscontinuity- clay (WDC). Proceedings of the International Symposium on Engineering Geology and the Environment, sponsored by International Assoc. of Engineering Geology, Athens

  • Yılmazer, L, Yılmazer, Ô., Özkök, D., ve Gökçekuş, HL, 1999. Jeoteknik tasarıma Giriş, Yılmazer Eğitim ve Mühendislik Ltd., 210 sayfa.

  • Yılmazer, I., Yılmazer, ö., Bulut, C, ve Karaman, S., 2001. Ankara - İstanbul arası ulaşım sorunları ve çözüm önerileri (Transportation problems and solutions between Ankara and istanbul). Türkiye III Enerji Sempozyumu Kitabı, TMMOB Elektrik Mühendis

  • Yılmazer, L, Yılmazer, Ö., and Saraç, C, 2003... Case history of controlling a major landslide at Karandu, Turkey. Engineering Geology 70,47-53,

  • Akduman, L , Yılmazım, î . (2004). Çizgisel Mühendislik Yapılarında, Yerbilimlerinin önemi: Pozantı Otoyolu . Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi , 28 (1) , 1-9 . Retrieved from

  • Akduman, L , Yılmazım, î . Çizgisel Mühendislik Yapılarında, Yerbilimlerinin önemi: Pozantı Otoyolu. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 28 (2004 ): 1-9

  • Hydrogeology of The Beşparmak (Pentadactiios) Mountains (Trnc) Karstic Aquifers
    Barbaros Erduran Osman Gökmenoğlu Erkan Keskin
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    ABSTRACT: The Beşparmak Mountains are located on the Northern part of North Cyprus and lay parallel to the sea, 160 km. in length 10 km in width. Karstiflcation, potential constituent and the hydro-dynamic structure of the Mesozoic aged carbonate rocks, located at high altitudes of the Beşparmak Mountains have been investigated in this study. The Mesozoic aged carbonate roch; dolomite, dolomite limestone and reerystallized limestone are the units suitable for karstification in the exploration area. Surface area of the carbonate rocks is 84 hn2,. Chemical and isotopic samples have been collected, groundwater fluctuations have been observed and investigation wells have been opened for the definition of the karst aquifers., As the result of the geological hydrogeological, drilling and geophysical investigations it was found that the Beşparmak Mountains Karst Aquifers mas formed of independent karstic systems and a total dynamic groundwater potential of approximately 9 x 10 m /year for these systems has been determined,

  • Baroz, F., 1979 ,Etude Geologie Dans Le Pentadaktilos Et La Mesoaria, 365 p, Ph.d. Thesis Universty of Nancy.

  • Dixey, F.,, 1972, "`The Geology and. Hydrogeology of the Kyrenia Range, Cyprus, Ministry of Overseas Devolepment, London.

  • Dreghorn,W., 1978, Landforms in the Gime Range, Northern Cyprus, MTA Enstitüsü Yayınları, No: 172, 220 s., Ankara.

  • Ducloz, C;5 1968,, Les Formations De La Region De Kiepini Et Leur Place Dans Cronoloquie Du Quaternarie Méditerranéen, Archs ScL, Genova

  • DSI, 1977, Kıbrıs Beşparmak Dağlarının Fotojeoloji Raporu, Devlet Su işleri Genel Mfidürlüğa, Ankara.

  • Mbrius, L,, Kreysing, A.„ 1963-1964, Hydrogeological Investigations and Groundwater Development, in the Kyrenia Range of Cyprus.

  • Robertson, A., Woodcock, N.JHL, 1986, The Role Of The Kyrenia Range Lineament, Cyprus, In The Geological Evolution of The Eastern Mediterranean. Area, PhileTrans. R. Soc. London.

  • Stavrinou, Y. HI, 1963, Groundwater resources of the karstic regions of Cyprus, B. Sc., London.

  • UNDP, 1970, Survey of Groun^dwater Mineral Resources Cyprus, United Nations Development Programme, Genova

  • Erduran, B , Gökmenoğlu, O , Keskin, E . (2004). Beşparmak Dağları KITÇC Karst Akiferlerinin Hidrojeolojisi . Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi , 28 (1) , 11-25 . Retrieved from

  • Erduran, B , Gökmenoğlu, O , Keskin, E . Beşparmak Dağları KITÇC Karst Akiferlerinin Hidrojeolojisi. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 28 (2004 ): 11-25

  • Water Resources Management and Turkey
    Burhan Teoman Meriç
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    ABSTRACT: The ever increasing demand for water resources and its temporal and spatial unavailability in terms of required quantity and quality necessiate its efficent use ormanagement to provide economic, environmental and social benefits. However, the success of water resources management is achieved only by accurately determining the whole relationships among processes effecting the hydrologie system. In this stage, the definition of the system- as a basin within its natural boundaries and determination of its available yield will enable a rational and effective water resources management The so called classical safeyield approach should not be used to determine the available groundwater potential Instead, the sustainability approach, which meets the long-term water demands without creating undesirable effects on the system at the end of active water usage period, must be used,. In the last stage of the water resources management, the sustainable yield should be shared among various users with a water allocation policy by considering the use priorities to provide maximum- benefits for the basin. The effective and efficient water resources management for a basin is only realized by this water allocation policy. This study also presents the water resources management studies in Turkey, the administrative and legal conditions and th.e general recommendations for a basin-wide water resources management

  • Water resources

  • management

  • basin

  • sustainability

  • Turkey

  • Bredehoeft, J., 1997, Safe yield and water budget myth, Gxoundwater, 35(6), 929 p.

  • Burak, S., Duranyıldız, L, Yetiş, Ü. 1997, Ulusal Çevre Eylem Planı: Su Kaynaklan Yönetimi. Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı, Ankara, 116 s.

  • DPT, 2001, Su havzaları kullanımı ve yönetimi özel ihtisas komisyonu raporu. Sekizinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı, DPT 2555, ÖÎK 571, Ankara,, 198 s.

  • DSİ,. 1999, Etüt ve Değerlendirme Şube Müdürlüğü Yeralüsuyu Arama Faaliyetleri. Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı, DSİ Jeoteknik Hizmetler ve Yeraltısuları Daire Başkanlığı, Ankara, 36 s,

  • Hallaji, K,,, Yazıcıgil,, H., 1996, Optimal management of a coastal aquifer in Southern Turkey. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Volume 12.2, Issue 4, 233-244 p.

  • Sophocleous, M., 1.997, Managing water resources system: Why "safe yield is not suitable". Growidwater, 35(4), 561 p.

  • Sophocleous, ML, 2000,, From safe yield to sustainable development of water resources-The Kansas experience, Journal of Hydrology, 235, 27-43 p.

  • Şakıyan, J., Yazıcıgil, H., 2004, Sustainable development and management of an • aquifejr system in Western Turkey., Hydrogeology Journal, 12(1), 66-80 p.

  • Meriç, B.T., 2003, Akarçay (Afyon) Havzası su .kaynakları` yönetim modeli Hacettepe Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Jeoloji (Hidrojeoloji) Mühendisliği Anabilirn Dalı Doktora Tezi, Beytepe, Ankara, 127 s (yayımlanmamış).

  • WCED, 1987, Our Common Future, World Commission on Environmental and Development (Bruntland Commission) Oxford Univ. Press., N:4.

  • Meriç, B . (2004). Su Kaynakları Yönetimi ve Türkiye . Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi , 28 (1) , 27-38 . Retrieved from

  • Meriç, B . Su Kaynakları Yönetimi ve Türkiye. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 28 (2004 ): 27-38

  • Mining - Structure Of Ottomans
    Ahmet Kartalkanat
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    ABSTRACT: The structure of minig in The Ottoman Empire can be understood by using documents such as; verdict (hüküm), command (ferman), brevet (beraat) voucher (temessiik) which by the centre to administrator (Emin), minister of state (nazır), chief of crops (yörük çeribaşı), mine inspector (maden müfettişi) and ushers (mübaşir), a:ğyan, military officer (zabit) and related persons of mining region until! the acceptance of Field Law (1858)., It is possible to learn some informations such as; mining organisation structure, mine ownership and mining models with mineral trasfer during the Ottoman period from the documents, notebook (Divan-ı Hümayun, Darphane Ahkam Defteri,. Maden Kalemi and Tapu Tahrir Defterleri etc.) and laws in the Government Archives related to the office of Prime Minister, in detail The Ottomans have given great importance to find new ore depositos. The persons called the "prospector`"` were given a tax in order to investigate promising areas. Mine workers were free of all taxes and accepted as in military section., Problems between miners and the other people were solved by the administrator of mine according to Muslim Conanical Laws in place.

    The different mining operations of the Ottomans are as follows;

    .1. Mine operated by the Goverment,

    2. Mine operated under the surveilance ofGoverment,

    5., Mine operated by special permission for a certain time.

    The mining operations of the Otoman Empire was under the Mini It is possible to examine this organisation in three different categories; A- the direction of mines and C- the persons responsible for the safety of mines.

  • ottomans

  • mine

  • Altınay, R, A., 1931, Osmanlı Devrinde Türkiye Madenleri; Devlet Matbaası, istanbul 60.

  • Çağatay, N.., 1942, Osmanlı imparatorluğu 9 nda Maden İşletme Tarzları Hakkında Tetkik Tecrübesi; DTCF Dergisi Tarih Enstitüsü Kısmı (Orta Zaman Tarihi), 76.

  • Çağatay, W.,, 1943, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu`nda maden işletme Hukuk, A.Ü. DTCF Dergisi, Cilt 11, Sayı:l

  • Doğru, EL, 1990. Osmanlı împaratorluğu`nda Yaya-Müsellem-Taycı Teşkilatı: Eren Yayıncılık, 220.

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