ABSTRACT: Matheıııatîc interpretation ol ili© geociîeîiıîcal «lata concerning* siderite samples from Deveci. (HeMîMİıan-Halatya) has been tried to he explained! in this paper. Fâroent-distributioa relation If elements slow the alternating: precipitation of siderite ami clay minerals, while the distribution relations in terms of trace element showing the presence of basic volcanism co -existence with precipitation. In the study, it las been tried to achieve the result that geostatistical evaluation could be usai as a method to approach genesis, considering1 the Deveci siderite bedding,
ABSTRACT: Vofcanism, widely exposed in ara. area between Ulukışla and Çamardı, was effective from . Paleosene to MâcUe Eocene, Colcanies are extensively seen in the area as aglomrrat«, pillow lavas, tuffs, cones hykes and flow forecseim., in. places they slow volcanogedbnantery aspaats. Intrusive rocks are particularly wide-spread in the vicinity` of Ulukışla Om the basis of their mtnerafogical composition, the rock consist of andésite, foasrft .and rarely rhyolite *re plainly alkaline (shoshonotic) and partly subalkallne. Their major and some trace element contents indicate a volcanic are origin. Hie rmks here studied are considered to be for*ned in relation with a northword subduction zone developed in the ocean during1 the Upper Cretaceoas-Ütiddle Xjocene interval î.n the region.
ABSTRACT: Lias aged antracite deposit at East Pontides was tbought to` contain, graphite upon prospecting`. During the exploration work started in this direction, coal petrography studies- were carried. out besides the ^eologic and tectonic evoluation of the area. At the result of the research study, coalilicatiom. degree of the Lias aged depissit was determined by reflection measurements. High caü£ica£ioii degree^ bo`ng affected by granite ascendance corresponds to Laramian phase. Iıı this paper only results obtained from the pétrographie investigation of coal are given
ABSTRACT: Chemical analysis of fluid inclusions of the fiuorite were first obtained by leaching the fluid inclusion to- the solution along1 wifii freezing experiments. Then, by using the same samples, chemical composition of the field inclusion was done by scanning electron microscopy technique. Both methods sliowed that NaCI and KC1 are- the .main, componeııfe of the inclusions. Furthermore^ even though second method is faster and more reliable than the first one, it was understood that is more expensive.,
ABSTRACT : The transportation mechanism and the dcterminaton of the sedimentation environments of the stand-size elastics earn he carried, out `through examination of their certain gedimentological characteristics such as. sedimentary structures, fossil contents and sfgnilar properties. However, these procedures im sequences thai do not outcrop, or do mot have tlie above properties, can. only be possible by ecrtain textural meliw&, In the present paper, ax© introduced four` sedinoentological-textaral methods that can be applied especially to thin sections, and the transportation mechanism and the determination of the -sedimentary environments for the elastic material forming the séquence- are presented.