Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

1983 EYLÜL Cilt 7 Sayı 3
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Volcanism of the Pontide Belt
Tuncay Ercan Abdullah Gedik
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ABSTRACT: In the roııtitio belt which e «moisis of the Black sea coastal ranges, Marmara region and Northwestern Anatolia volcanic aottvitfes have token place starting from Carboniferous to Recent* Volcäaic rocks cropping out In thte belt are subdivided in to nine main groups according to their age. Investigation on the origins and the mode of ocçurenc©» of, these groups have rcvailed important data on the geological evolution of the Ponttde belt, I t o Pontide belt being the Northern branch of Alpine chain may be correlated with toe BaUsan peninsula to tti© West and the little Caucasus to the East, The type of volcaimm which to pee nü or to the Pontide belt is alsn> predominanit in these areas. The origin and distribution of the volcanic rocks «rf Fermo-Carbonlferous, OMaa&iic, Uassio^ Doggerj MatauLower Cretaceous^ Upper toetoceous» Paleoeene -Eocene, Miocene and PHo-Quaternary age» which cropping` louit In various parte of the Pontide belt, have been discussed. It ha» been concluded that volcanic rocks of different ages have been developed under different condltfon».

  • Pontide Belt Volcanism

  • Tectonic

  • Volcanic Rocks

  • Plate Tectonic

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  • Varga, I, ve Hormarsky, J., 1982, Early Paleozoic acidic volcanlBm in the western Carpathians; Approach to petrogenesis and tectonic background ttsing main element distribution: Newsletter» 4f 107-110

  • Vozar, J„ 1980, A study on Permian voleanics of the West Oarpathians Newsletter, 2, 79-81

  • Vujanovic, V, 1974, Dofu Karadeniz bölgesi, layı kesiminde bulunan sülfit maden yataklarının mineralöjİM, parajenez ve köken özellikleri: MTA Derg,, 82, 21-35

  • Yılmaz, Y. Tüysüz, O,, Yıldırım, M4 , Bulut, V,, Özköylü, E., Sakallıoflu, E,, Pehlivan, §„ Akbaf, B,, ve Armafajû, F,, 1983, Ugai-Karfi masifi v® yakın çevrenin jeolojisi: MTA Jeoloji Dairesi Konferanları özetler Kitabı, 18

  • Yılmaz, Y,, 1972, Petrolo^ and Structure of the Gümüşhane granite and surrounding rocks: Doktora teM, Londra üniversitesi, İngiltere, 260 S,

  • Yılmaz, Y, p ve Saner, S„ 1980, Orta Sakarya bölgesinin tektonik evrimi: 34, Türkiye jeoloji bilimsel ve Téknik kurultayı, Bildiri özetleri kitabı, 27

  • Yılmaz, Y,, Tüysüz, O, Gözübol, Â,M,, ve Yifitbaş, E., 1981, Abant (Bolu)-Dokurcun (Sakarya) arasmda Kuzey Anadolu fay zonunun kuzey ve güneyinde kalan tektonik birliklerin jeolojik evrimi: Istanbul Üniv. Yerbilimleri Bergêf 2/8-4, 239-2S1

  • Yılmaz, Y,, 1981, Sakarya kıtası kenarının Tektonik evrimi: İstanbul Üniv, Yerbilimleri Dergisi, i/l*2 . 83-52

  • Yolda§, Rif 1982r Tosya (Kastamonu) ile Bayat (Çorum) arasındaki bölgenin jeolojisi: Doktora tezi, Î,Ü, Fen Fakültesi Jeoloji Kürsüsü İstanbul, 811.

  • Zankl, H,, İ961f Magnmtismus und bauplan des Ostpontischen Geb`rges im Querprofil des Harslt-Tales, NB i^atolien: Geol, Rdsch., 51, 218*239

  • Ercan, T. & Gedik, A. (1983). Pontid`lerdeki Volkanizma . Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi , 7 (3) , 3-22 . Retrieved from

  • Ercan, T. , Gedik, A. Pontid`lerdeki Volkanizma. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 7 (1983 ): 3-22

  • Clay minerals in two flysch fades of different ages in Gelibolu Peninsula and some clues for burial depth
    Mehmet Önal Hüseyin Yilmaz
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    ABSTRACT: In Gelibolu PenlnsuJa olay minerals n>fsamples ftom flysoh outorops of Karaburun Formation (1000 m thick) of Early Bocine mge consisting- of alternattng nıttdstone and saıulstoiK;, and Burgas Forınalion (700 m tMck) of BfladteXate Eocene age mmMkig of sandstone, detrlta! lim^tone and claystane with tuffaeeousi ini< roalationH were investigat^l to order to assess ttueir degree of dïa^-n^sïs. Botiı flysch levels of the above mention^ formations contain abundant organic eompounds nmÛ therefore may be con« slderad as a potential source roek for petroleum. Orystallinity index and sharpness ratio of mite and presence of other clay minerals have been studied by X^ray diffraction, In clay» o* two macron fraction, sedimentary chlorite was identified by r14Aö f TA% 4,1A° and 8,5A° whereas illite was Iden^fled by reflecttons at 10A% 5A° and S,SAe. Upon heating at Sr?5-400°Oj ^e intensities of 14Ae and particularly 7Ae peaks considierably diecrea§6d, indicating the presence of sadimeiitary chlorite. In the traces of unoriented aggregates Ib monpolytypes of sedimentary chlorite were also îndentîfled. The crystaliinity taidex of Mlite decreases while the sharpness ratio increases with burial depth. If the studies of Weaver (1961 a), Kubier (1966), Burst (1989), Moort (1071), and Foscolôs-Kodama (19T4) are taken in to oonßideration, the types of clay miiK^ruls found im the flysch levels show that these sedfanentä may have been subjected to diagenesis at a depth of over 4000 meters.

  • Gelibolu Peninsula

  • Flysch Fades

  • Clay Minerals

  • Burial Depth

  • Altınlı, m, 1981, Ç^kelMlme giriş: İstanbul Üniversite-gd Tatbiki Jeoloji Kürsüsü Fen Fakültesi Basına evi S, MS

  • Bannister, F.A., ve Whittard, W.F., 1045» MâgneMan Oıamoeite: Min, Mag,, 5. 109-115

  • Lee, M,F#I ve Clıau^ıuri, Ss » 1976, Olay mineral gtudiea of Lower Permian Havensvilïe shale in Kansas and CMd^ahoma: Œaya and Clay Min,, Mf 239-245

  • Grim, E,E„ 1968, CÄay Mineralogy: Me Qraw-HiU ^o k Cornp,, 147-154

  • Güven, N. a ve Kerr, P.F., im^t Selected Great Basin

  • Foscolos, A.B., ve Kodama, H,f 1974» Diagenésto of clay playa clays: The Amer, inner,, 51, 1057.1067 minerals from Loww Oretac^us shales of North Eastern British Columbia: Clays and Clay Mln., 22, 319-335

  • Kubier, B., 1966, tm> crystallinite d`illlte et les tout fait supérieures du metamorphİEme: sur Im Etages Tectoriques ala Baoonniére, 105» 122

  • Hower. J,, ve Mowatt, T.C, 1966, The mineralog` of illités and Mixed=layer ülite/Montmorülonitea: Amer. Minerai,, 51f 825-854

  • Maxwell, D.T,, ve Hower. J.f 1967, Hugh grade diagenesies and low grade metamorphlsm of lUite in the Precambrian belt seriei: Emer, Mineral., 52, 843-^7

  • Moort, J.Wif 19-71, A comprataive ^tudy of the diagénetie alteration of clay minerals in Mesozoic ghales from Papua, Now Guinea, and in Tertiary shales from LouMana, U.ŞJL: Olays and Clay Mmeo, 19, İ-20

  • Weaver, O.E., 1961, a, Minerals of the Ouachita structural belt and adjaoent foreland in Ouaehite Systan: P 147.162, University of T^cas, Bureau of Bconomio Geology., Publ, No: 6120, P. 410

  • Yoder, H,S. ve Bugster, H.P,, 1955, Synthettc and natural museovites: öeochün. Cosmoehim, Aeta, 8,226.İSO

  • Önal, M. & Solmaz, H. (1983). Gelibolu Yarımadasında îki Farklı Yaşta Fills Fasiyesindeki Kil Mineralleri ve Gömülme Derinliğine Ait Bazı İpuçları . Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi , 7 (3) , 23-30 . Retrieved from

  • Önal, M. , Solmaz, H. Gelibolu Yarımadasında îki Farklı Yaşta Fills Fasiyesindeki Kil Mineralleri ve Gömülme Derinliğine Ait Bazı İpuçları. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 7 (1983 ): 23-30

  • C.l Christ Cahit Helvaci
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  • Hydrated Boron Minerals

  • Crystal Chemistry

  • Systematic Classification

  • Chemical Analysis

  • Braitsch, O., 1959a, 1 Te-Strontiöhilgarâit (Ca, Br)2 [B6 :Qı8 (OH) g Cl] und aedne Stellung in der Hilgarditfruppe XM [B§O8 (OH)a 01] : Belt, zur Mineralogie und Petrographief 6, 238-247

  • Braitsch, Ö,, 1059b, Über p-Veatchite, eine neue Veatchit=Vari6tüt aus dem Zechştelnsalz: Betr. zur Mineralogie und Pétrographie, ttf 352-356

  • Ohrist, CL,, 1950 Nature of the polyions contained in hydra-ted borate crystals: Program and Abstract«, American CrystaUograpMc Association Meeting Ithaca, N.Y., 28

  • Christf CLi, ve Clark, J,R,f 1058, The structure of me« yerhofferite, 2 CaO, 3^0^, TI^O, a PI crystal, determined by the direct method of Hauptoan and Karle: Aeta Cryst., 9, 980

  • Christ, Cli. ve Olark, J.R., I960, X-ray crystallQfraphy and crystal ehemtetry of gowerite, ^0 * SBgO^, 6H2O: Ame, MneraL, éBt 230.234

  • Ohrist| C.U, Caarkf JM,f v© Evans, H,T.Jr», 19Ö8, Stu* dies of borate minerals (III) : The crystal structure of colenaanite, Oal? ^ (OH)3 , H^O* Acta Cry»., .11, 761-770

  • Christ, O. L, ve Garreis, R.M., 1959, Relations among sodium borate hydrate at thé Kramer deposit, Boron, California: Ame, Jour, Sei., 257, 516* 528

  • Oiprianij O,, 1957, Un nuovo mineral© fra i prodotti boriferi 4i Lardorello: Atti Acad, Nazi, Lincei, Rend, Class© Sd. fisif mat» © nat,, 22, 519-525

  • Clark, J.R.f 1950, Studies of borate minerals IV. The crystal structure of inyoite, OaB^Og (OH)fi. 4H8O: Acta Oryst.» 12, 162=170

  • Clark, JéR,, ve Chr.`st, C.L.,, 1059a, Studies of borate minerals (VIII): The crystal structure of CaB3Oa (OH)5 2H2O: Zeits. Krlst., 112. 213-223

  • Clark, J,R,? ve Christ, G,!,,, 1959c, Studies of borate minerals (VU) : X-ray studies of ammonloborite, larderellite, and the potassium and ammonium pentaborate tetrahydrates: Ame, Mineral., 44, 1150-1158

  • Clark, J.R., ve Christ, CJU, 1959c, Studies of borate minerals (V) : Reinvestigation of the X-ray crystallography of ulexite and probertite: Ame, MneraL, 44j 712=719

  • Clark, J,R,, ve Mrose, M.B., I960, VeatcMte and p-veatchite: Ame, Mineral, (in press)

  • Clark, J.R., Mrose, M,E„ Perloff, A, ve Burley, O.f 1959f Studies of borate minerals (VI): Investi» gatlon of veatchite: Ame, Mineral, 44. 1141- 1149

  • Collln, R,L,, 1951, The crystal structure of bandylite, . OuBi2O4 * 4H2O: Acca Cryst,, 4, 204-209

  • Erd, R.C., McAllister, J,F, ve Almond, H,. 1959, Gowerite, a new hydrous calcium borate from the Death Valley region, California: Ame, Mineral., 44, 911-919

  • Kemp, P,H,, 1956, The chemistry of boratesf Part I: Borax Consolidated Ltd., London, 90 s,

  • Meixner, H,, 19*53, Mneraloglsche B^backtungen an Coiemanit, înyolt, Meyerhofferit, Tertchit und Ulexit aus neum Türkischen Boratlagerstatten: Heidelb, Beltr, Miner, Petrogr,, B} 445-455

  • Morimoto, N,f 1958, The crystal structure of borax: Min, J,, Japan, 2t 1-18

  • Muessing, Sr, ve Allen, R.D., 1957, The hydration of kernite (Na.3B4O7 , 4H2O) : Ame. Mineral, 42

  • Palache, a, Herman, H.f ve E^rondel, C, 1951, The system of mineralogy (7th ed.): Vol:ll, John Wiley

  • Yarzhemskii, Ya,, Ya,f 1956, Associations of hydrobo= racite and szaibelyite in the salt horizons of the inder upheaval: Dokl, Akad, Nauk SSSR, 111, 687-689 (in Russian)

  • Zachariasen, W,H,. 1954f The precise structure of orthoboric acid: Acta Cryst,, 7, S05-31Ö

  • Helvacı, C. (1983). Sulu Bor Minerallerinin Kristal Kimyası ve Sistematik Sınıflandırılması . Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi , 7 (3) , 31-34 . Retrieved from

  • Helvacı, C. Sulu Bor Minerallerinin Kristal Kimyası ve Sistematik Sınıflandırılması. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 7 (1983 ): 31-34

  • Stratigraphy of Serçeme creek (Emurum) and surrounding area
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    ABSTRACT: in flıta Temmdlı, the Serçeme Creek and surrouıulin^ mm İn th© NW crf Erzurum have been investigated, 1b© region to coveted by se^mj^tary and nmgimitie roc^# The mldmt f ormattcm of s#dtai©nta^ rot^ks is the Bizekcnt formation which to alternatively oomposed of congÎom&r&tB, sandstone and shale. Upper Jurassic limestone <content. Lower Cretaceous Ume#toa# ^ives outcrop in a large area, tipper Gretaceous liinestoncw have developed in a turMditie «ivtronmMit and formed a teutonic coataet wftfc tte Lower Cretaceous limestoiKH, TO© whole WmdmoM fonnations have been overlaid by Eocene formation imconformibly. Agglomerate, and tuffaceous rock» belong to v«oIcattô»fkBdim«atâiry rocks which are composed of dacitic and andesitic ro^s.

  • Serçeme Creek (Erzurum)

  • Stratigraphy

  • İgneous

  • Sedimentary

  • Formation

  • Acar, A4Î 1975, Tortum ve çevresinin jeoloji ve jeomorfolojisi üzerinde bîr aragtırma: Atatürk Üniv, Fen Fak. yay. no, 817, 2-34,

  • Arpat, E,, I960, Ilıca-Agkale (Erzurum İli) arasındaki sahanın ve kuzeyinin genel jeolojisi-petrol imkanları- MTÂ rap. no, 4040 (yayınlanmamış,),

  • Atalay, I,, Koçman, A., İ979, Kuzeydoğu Anadolu`- nun jeotektonik ve morfotektonik evriminin ana gizgilerl: Jeomorf. derg,, 8,

  • Aydofan, Nit 1979, Erzurum îli A|kale ilçesi manyezit zuhurları araıtırma raporu: MTA rap4 no, 640 (yaymlanmamii)

  • Bilgin, A.,, İ98S, Erzurum Btedlnkas yöresindeki kromitlerin mikroprob incelemesi, TMMOB Jeoloji Müh, Odası,

  • Burşuk, A,, 1981, Aşkale . Bayburt yöresinde (KB Er« zurum) Calpionellid biyozonları: KTÜ Yer Bilim. dergo 1, 21-28.

  • Budak, O., 1979, Erzurum projesi yapılabilirlik raporu. D.SX

  • Dunham, E,J,f 1961, Classification of carbonate rocks according to depositionai texture: Am, Assoo, Geol. Mem,, lt 108-121,

  • Folk, E,LéJ 1962, Spectral subdivision of limestone types: Am. Assoc, Geol. Mem,, 1, 62-84,

  • Gill J,B,, 1981, Orogenic andésites and plate tectonics: Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 97-125,

  • Ketin, L; 1962, ^/500,000 Ölçekli Türkiye jeoloji haritası :. MTA yay,

  • Lahn, Ef , 1938, Erzurum vilayetindeki linyit zuhuratı« nm jeolojik tetkikine ait rapor: MTA rap. no, 822 (yaymlanmamii),

  • Leloflu, Y,, 1978, Erzurum ovası hidrojeolojik etüd raporu: D.S.Î,

  • Moore, R. C, LcOlcker, G.G., Fischer, A, G., 1952, Invertebrate fossils: Me Graw-Hill Book Co., New York, 765^777.

  • Özdemir, M„ 1974, Erzurum ve civarında şifalı sayılan suların fMko-Mmyasal analizleri ve saf lığa etkili özellikleri: Atatürk Üniv? yay,, 333.

  • Reîneck, H. E,, Singh, I, B., 1980} Depositıbnal sedimentary environment: Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 457-498.

  • Jmo, J. (1983). Serçeme (Erzurum) Deresi ve Dolayının Stratigrafisi . Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi , 7 (3) , 35-44 . Retrieved from

  • Jmo, J. Serçeme (Erzurum) Deresi ve Dolayının Stratigrafisi. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 7 (1983 ): 35-44

  • Eoôphmcaion of LopaJMs method and its application to petroleum eoepîoraHon
    Selahattin Pelin
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    ABSTRACT: N.V- Lopatin, a Savlet scientist, has faııml that the relation between the-Temperaturo-Index (I) and vitrinite reflectance may be outlined by the formula u>f Bö = 1,301 lg I - 0,5282. In this way it has been possible to calculate the vitrinite reflectance which shows the degree of maturity of the source rock. The calculated vitrinite reflaetanee may be used for estimating the quantity < f n, troleum produced by the »ource rock in a basin which has not been previously drilled.

  • Lopatın Metod

  • Petroleum Search

  • Rock Maturity Degree

  • Vitrinite Reflection

  • LOPA1ÏN, N.V., 19^1, Tempwator© and geologic Ü. me BB faotora to eoaltficatioii: Izv, Akad* Naik. Usb, mm, Ser. Oeol, V. 3t p. 90-406

  • SOYMJ, a, SÎNANOÖLU, B.t 1970, Petrol türümü vè gög ilkelerinin petrol aranm bölgelerinin saptan« maıanda uygutamaei: Yeryuvan ve însan, dit 4, Sayı 2, w. Sl-âö.

  • TTSSOT, B.P., BSCTTAMB, J.f imêf L`évolution ttar. nuque 6B 3a matière wganiqué ûm sedimwits: Applications d`un© Mmulation mathématique: Rev. LBp# , Vol, KKKf No 5, p. 743.777

  • TOSTOT, RP. f vmumt DE , 197^ Petroleum formatlon m,û occurren^: Berlin-Heidelberg^New York, Springw^Vwlag, 53S p,

  • W^FLE®, D.W., 19İ0, Time «ad temperature in petroleuin formation: Application of Lopatin`s M^- hod to Petroleum Exploration: A,A,PtG. Bull. Vol. 64/6, p, 916.0S6

  • WEI/OT, D.W., TÜLER, A„ 1980, Evolution of seclîmen tary basins from the standpoint of petroleum origin and accumtüation-an approach for a quantitative basin study: Organic Geochemistry,

  • WRIGHT, N.J.R.J 1980, Time, temperature and orga nie maturation: Journal of Petroleum Geology 2, 4, p. 411-4255

  • rüKLBR, A., 1980, Sedımanter havzaların donamik Gvrimlcrinin hidrojeoloji ve petrol jeolojisi açi1 Bindan kantitatif olarak degerlendirilnıeısi (Dog Tezi, yayınlanmamış).

  • Pelin, S. (1983). Lopatîn Yönteminin Açıklaması ve Petrol Aramalarına Uygulanması . Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi , 7 (3) , 45-50 . Retrieved from

  • Pelin, S. Lopatîn Yönteminin Açıklaması ve Petrol Aramalarına Uygulanması. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 7 (1983 ): 45-50

  • Direct current /resistivity sounding studies over the three dimensional dAscontmuMes im the coal mining district of Koglu-Eonguldak in Turkey
    Ahmet Ercan
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    ABSTBACT: Expected aim at the Schlumberger reiîstïvity depth soUÄdliigs» along the profile teken in Kozlu coal mJnliig distrtct of Ereğli Kömür 1 şletmele i, iş to iUumina,te IOCTI geology and to deterintoé ttıe CiLrhoııiferous aged formations, whether they eadst or not, Yîsean Umöitone is the most resistive loek amoung the aU outcropping fornmtion, It forms a TT-or an HH - type discontinuity In and bisects the conductive environment along the profile. The Vellbey and glok ııîli Sandstone and blue mara a«fi©mbly ha§ about SO degrés estüwatM slop© to the south (downdlping) and limited with an electrical bsLmm&mt at an Äpproxi* mate depth of 400 meters (THH-type discontinuity). Possible existance of conductive Carbonlferoug lias no sign on the apparent resistivity eurvef unless tfie high resistivity oonstaşt are obscured its influence* Estimated stope» of the southern and the norttiern flanks of obliguëly standing. Visean limestoii© block are about 60 to W degrees to the south and 80-90 degress to the north, respectively. However, geophysieaHy, it to difficult to discriminate whether these sharp boundaries coincides with faulta, contacts or with discoiifonnilies. It iş clear that electrical resistivity sounding mea urementÄ necessary but not sufficient for inveotigating slopes, locations and forms of the discontinuités. Therefore, It is recommended to use electrical resistivity profiling technique in addition, in order to delini ite location öf th« horizontal discontinuiti!«# and to Gualyze the origines of the anomalous parts an the sounding curves. For the of continuity of the local geology» in perpendicular dlrectiott to fä& expaiiaion profile» üireo (lirnensional (S D) sturucture were reduced in to the two dlmenstonafl (2 D) e^irth. Then It was interpreted with respect to the 2 D modelling by using the reta ed anodel curves named as T,TT,H and HH- types (Ercan WB2 a and b) Although interpretotion of Wie uppearent resistivity curves for the ID assusripttoii were given in this report they were not taken in to account m making conclusive desicSon on the local geology and on the estimated geoelectrlcal section.

  • Kozlu-Zonguldak

  • Stone Coal

  • Three Dimensional Dascontmumes

  • Artificial Direct Current

  • Electrical Resistivity

  • Ercan, A,, 1980, Yapay ve Dof al Mektrik-Elektromanyetik yöntemler: Î.T.Ü, ders notları, 180 myfa

  • Ercan, A,, 1982 aâ Yapay dofru akım özdirenç yöntem» lerinde süreksizlikler üzerinde açma ölçümleri: Betik I, İTÜ Maden Fakültesi Jeofizik BöL yayınlan 880 sayfa

  • Ercan, A., 1982 b, Yapay doğru akım özdirenç yöntemlerinde süreksizİiMer üzerinde kaydırma ölçümleri: Betik ÏL ÎTÜ Maden Fakültesi Jeofizik Böl, yayınları 420 sayfa,

  • Ercan, A,, 1982 cf Kozlu-Zonguldak Taşkömürü BÖL gesinde üç boyutlu süreksizlikler üzerinde yapay dofru akım Elektrik Özdirenç çalışmaları: İnceleme Bildirimi, Î.T.Ü.

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  • Ergüder, F. , Ercan, A. Kozlu - Zonguldak Taşkömürü Bölgesinde Üç Boyutlu Süreksizlikler Üzerinde Yapay Dogrü Akım Elektrik Özdirenç Çalışmaları. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 7 (1983 ): 51-72

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