Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

1985 NİSAN Cilt 9 Sayı 2
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New data on the Elbistan ensimatic island-arc sediments and age
Niyazi Tarhan
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ABSTRACT:  A volcanosedimentary sequence around Afşin-EIbistan, which consiste of (rock stratigraphie units including) spîMMc basait, basaltic andésite, andésite, aglomerate, tuf fite (dacite-rhyodaciteurhyolite), alkalime rhyolite (alkalin© liparite) and deep marine pelagic sediments (radiolarite, chert, limesfom© ani tor« biditic sandstone) overlying the Gökscm metaophiolite. These volcanosedimentary units which aï© presented as the Elbistan mslnıatic islmnâ-arc sequemc©,, exMMte trace» of regional, contact and cUslocafcioa (retrograde metamorphism) mtainorphism. This sequence lias been interprettei as the product of an ensiaıatic isîamd-arc eropteâ under deep marine conditions over the oceaa crust during Upper Tri assicJurassic ag© ocean crust (Göhsun metaophiolite) Neocomian (Valanginian) times.

  • Elbistan

  • Ensimatic İsland Arc

  • Sedimentary Findings

  • Age

  • Âkkoca, A,., B. ve Bahçeci, A., 1972, Beritdağı ve yöresindeki demir1 prospeksiyonunun Jeolojik rapora.: Maden Tetkik ve Arama; Enst. Derleme Rap, No. Ö001, Ankara (yayınlanmamış).

  • Atasever. t, 1978, K. Maraş-EIMstan-Çardaîc-Meıı^iiMiHavcılar demir zuhurları raporu: Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enst,,, Derleme Rap. No. 6833, Ankara (yayinlaäanamis)»

  • Bingöl, AJF,, 1983, Geology of `the Elazığ area in. the Eastern, Taurus region.: Geology of the Taurus belt, p„ 2O0U216, Turkey,..

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  • Meissner, F.F., Cyclic sedimentation in. Middle Permian strate of the Permian `basin, West Texas and. New Mexico In: 2nd., pp., 203-232, West Texas: Geol. Society Midland Texas.,

  • MyasMro, A,, 1072, I«eviia tektoniğinde metamorfizma^ ve toununla İlgili .mağınatizma: Am, Jour., of Science, v. 272, p. €02,, `— 1074, Volcanic rock: series in Island arcs .and active continental margins: Am,, Jour, Sei, 274,, 321.355p.. `— 1075, Isdan-arc volcanic aeries a. ciital review: Petrologie, 3.» CT-187p.

  • Moor, J.G., 1071, Kelatk>näüp between subsidence and volcanic; Load Hawaii ; Bull. Volcano!,,, v. êf p. 520-576.

  • Kami, B.f 1971, .Affln.M.tiz Mlg^esinm Ou-FbuZn azamalan, ile ilgili jeoloji raporu : itetMlc ve Amma Genel Mttd. Derleme Rap. No., 4880, Ankara (yayınlanmamış).

  • Pampal,, S., 1988, Doğu Torbalarda Kadirli-Kozan-Feke (Adana) ile Çökak (K. Mara§) arasmdaki `bölgenm stratigrafisi ve tektonik dzelikleri : Selçuk Üniv. Müh. Fak. Dr. tezi

  • Perinçek, D., 1978,, Researching` petroleum ;possiMlites •and geological stud, of Çelikhan-Sincik-Koçali (Adıyaman) region : Ph.. D. thesis, TJP.A.O., report 1250 (unpublished)

  • Perinçek, D. ve Kozlu, H., 1983, Stratigraphy •and structural relation of the units in the Afşin,-Eltolstan-Döğanşehir region (Eastern. Taurus} : Geology of the taorus toeltj 181-198 p, Ttokey.,

  • Polat, M.K.,, 1970, K. Mara^-Göksun ilçesi `bakır sahasının, jeolojik, ön etüdü : Maden Tetkik ve Aa~ rama Genel Müd. Derleme Rap. No,, 4581, Ankara (yayınlanmamış).,

  • Şengör, A.M.C. ve Yılmaz Y., `Tirkiye^e Tetis`in evrimi; levha tektoniği açısından bir` yaklaşım ; Türkiye Jeol. Kurumu., Yerbilimleri özel dizisi, No. 1, Ankara.

  • Tarhan, N.,,, W8âf Göksün-A£şüuElbistan dolayımın jeolojisi : Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi, 19, 3-9.

  • Yazgan, E., and. Asutay, J. 19&1,, Definition ofstruetural units located-, between Arabian platform, and. Munzur Mountain» ana, their significance in the geodynamic evolution of the area : 35 th Congress of the Geolical Socity of Turkey, Abstracts, 44-45.,

  • Yazgan, B., Michard, A., Whitechurcli, H. and Montigny, B., 1983, Le< Taurus de Malatya. (Turquie orientale), étaient de la suture sud-tethysienne : Bull. Soc. Geolg. France,, No, 1, 59-69.

  • Evidence for Ernst-West shortening to north of Ispmrtm angle
    Aydoğan Boray Fuat Şaroğlu Ömer Emre
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    ABSTRACT: Geological studies on, the Neogene and `Quaternary deposits in the Şuhut-Çay area Yalva$- Geletndort area and Saltandîağ; area situated to the nortlbof of tii© İsparta angle indicate that the Neotectonic regto© is compressioııal. The Neogene deposits in this region are terrestrial, iluvfatile and lacustrine^ and overlie üneonfornıably the pre-NctDgene rocks.. Although and `vertical transitions are common in, these, deposits. Urn sequence is from to top: conglomerate, marlylimestone to the Şuhut-Çay area, conglomarafe- saııdsloııesiltetoııe ,iBarI-iîiariyllıııest`Oiı.e-,liııı.esıtone in the aYIvaç-Gelendost -area and limestone-conglomerate in th.© Sıdtan-dağ area. The tectonic structures in the Neogene depositis are iuïds and. reverse faults wMch ftrwally trend N-S, and soin.©, normal faults which trend1 E-W, The latters are observed in a small part to the Şnhut-Çay area. The Neogene deposits near1 the contacts with underlying basement are «more deformed and hav© greater dips than, the roles- far from the con tact. All these data indicate that since the Upper-Miocene this region is affected: by a compression. There is n»t any evidence for a large scale tension»! reglmg. It Is assumed thai the structure» developed under this conmressional regime cans© the; closing of the Xsparta_&ngle which Itself was a resistance to the westward movement of the Anatolian plato in `the neotoctonie period.,

  • Isparta Bend

  • East-West Contraction

  • Kuaterner Sediments

  • Limestone

  • Akbulut, Am$ 1980, Eğridir gölü. güneyinde Çandır (Sütçüler, İsparta) yöresindeki batı Tbroslaraı jeolojisi; Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bült. 23, l-§,

  • Malay,, î., 1075, Tektonik: hareketlerin Sultandağlarının Jeomorfolojisine olan etkiler1 : Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bült, 18, 21-26.

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  • Erol, O.f 1981, Neotectonic and geomorphogieal evulation of Turkey; .Zeitschrift für Geomorphlogie: N„F, Sııppi. Bd.., 4% 193-211.

  • Kogyiğit^ A,., 1981^ İsparta büklümünde (Batı Toraklar) Toros Karbonat platformunun evrimi,: Tffrkiye Jeol,, Kur.. BOlt., 24/2, 15-23,

  • Koçyiğit, A..,, 1983, Hoyran gölü (İsparta bükUüntt) dolayınm tektoniği:: Türkiye Jeol. Kür. Bült., 26, 2êf 1-10.

  • MJcKenzie, D.P., 1972, Active Tectonics of the Mediterranean, region: Jour., Roy. Astron, soc., 30t 109-185.

  • Özgül, N., 1976, Toroslarin. bazı temel jeolojik, özel- `likleri; Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bült,, 10, 65-78,

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  • Petrogenesis amd origin of green schists in the Äkäag Massif (Simaw - Kütahya)
    Bektaş Uz
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    ABSTRACT: Study area cavers the total Âfedaë and also partially Ala$am massives. There are four different; rock types in tin© region, namely; metamorpMcs, various granits, volcanucs and volcano-sediment Neogene foimaAtans, `The irotanftorphios originated by the metemurpMsm of the phylHtic charaeteiizei series, such silicates and limestones, Lower section of the metamorplılc series which is ealled to to merozonal has a p0lym«temorpW.c proper-` ties, TMs section also shows sow» Uthologie amâ pétrographie différencies with respect to the monometaniorpMc and epteonal level* In the ©plzomal upper series, the g^reensMst» has an cyclic stratifications with calcstist and metBmorphic limestones. Relating to the oiigines, there comies out an interesömg and a special conditions, M tiiese oyles ar© stadîaed geologically, petarograplıicaîy and g:eo€ hemically. Pefcrog^apMc and clemical properties indicate that tlie greeesMsts lave ortho (or magmaÄc) origin©, In ottier words, it is t ie product of the metamorphlsms of the sediments contetotag a«ific ani basio la¥as which has stünated thicloıess of 4#0 to 600 meters

  • Akdağg Massif(Simav-Kütahya)

  • Green Schists

  • Petrogenesis Examination

  • Volcano Sedimentary

  • Guitard, G,f 1965, De métamorphisme progressif imésozonal et les .gneiss oeiués du CANIGOU (Pyrénées. Orientales): Pétrologie et structure Théa pyroxene et des. .roches a Wérnerîte - Paris se Paris. 523 s.

  • Lacroix, A,., 18S9f Comtsibatîon a `L`étude des gneiss 1889: Bull, Söc. Fr. de Min,. Tom XII, 83-364.

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  • Moine, B., 1971, Caractères de Sedimentation et, de métamorphisme de» Séries Précamteiennes épi- .zonales,, Catazonales du. Centre d© Madagascar: Thèse d`Otat, Nancy-Tom. I et II.

  • De la Roche H.., 196$, Comportement geockimkLue `différentiel de Na, K, et Ai `dans* les formations Volcaniques et sédimentaires; •un .guide pour L`étude des formations métamorphique» et platoniques-: 0.R. Âcad. Se. Paris t: .267 Serie D,, 30-42

  • Uz, B., 1978`.,, Les formations métamorphiques et granitiques du massif ancien d`AKDA.0 {StmavTurquie) et leur couverture volcano-sedimantaire : thèse d`Etat Nancy., Tbm. I et H, 308 s,

  • Uz, B.., 1975, AKDAĞ (SJmav) metamorfik serîlerin jeokimyasal evrimi ve polimetamorfizına: T.B.T. A.K.. V. Bil,. Kong. 1075, 29-1-308

  • Uz,, Sındırgı-AMıisar toölgesi öfiyolit MrMpniB: Petrografik-Petrojenetik ve jeokimyasal incelenmesi: Doçentlik tezi, İ.T.Ü. Maden, Fakültesi,, 821 s

  • Uz, Bmy 1979, Orto ve Para anıfibolit sorunu AMağ masifi amfibolitlerinin kökeni: Zonguldak Müh. Mim.. Akad. Dergisi, 3, 43-47.

  • Weisbrod, A., 1970» Pétrologie du Bode metamo.rpM.qme` des cevennes médianes` (Massif1 Oentral Français) : Nancy, Fac. Se. Thèse d`Etat, vol,. 4,,

  • Discussion on the parent problem of gneisses und amphibolites im the IÀce-Kulp (Diyarbakır) and Çökeky&zî-Gökay areas of the Bitlis massif
    Salim Genç
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    ABSTRACT: Mıe lice-Kıılp area lies on the southern, whilst the Çökekyazı-Gökay district is situated dose to the norttam margin d the Bitlis massif. In both districts, there are lithologioal units pertaînîngf to the rock groups of the Bitlis massif called lower ami nppe associations. Among1 these units metequartelte marble, micascMsfc, gneiss and amphibolites are the most {widespread. The gneisses and ampbibolites are only emeoiimierecl in the lower, whilst the others are observed in the bith associations. The metaquartzite, marble and oıica-scMsts have been derived from sedimentary parents; certain gneisses tana ampMbolites are the derivatives of sedimeııtary, whereas the others come from igneous origin The gneisses, some of which, exiMt a- well developed scMstosity are locally found iıı alternation with the metaqpartzltes ani merbles while sonne others pass laterally in to the mica-schists» This situation indicates that some of the gneisses are of sedimentary (pelitic rocks) origin. The others of the gneisses, on the other hand, show a relatively massive structure and are observed as bodies cutting locally the other metamorpMes. This implies that these gneisses may be of igneous ( acidic igneous) origin In places, the amphibolïtes are seen In alternation with quartzmieeschists and are locally encountered as massive bodies cutting the mleanschists. These evidences show that some of the aimphifeolites have been resulted from the metamorphism of sedimentary rocks» that is Impure limestones or marls, and the others have been derived from the metamorphism of basic Igneous roeks. This interpretation concerning with the origin of the amphibolites< is also- supported by Bb/Sr ratio values obtained `via XKF analyses, and microsooplo studies.

  • Bitlis massif Lice-Kulp(Diyarbakır)

  • Çökeky&zî-Gökay(Hizan-Bitlis)

  • Gneisses

  • Amphibolites Sediment

  • Boray, A., 1973 The structure and metamorphism of the Bitlis area, SE Turkey: Londra Üniversitesi 233 s, doktora tezi (yayınlanmamıştır).

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