Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

1984 EYLÜL Cilt 8 Sayı 3
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A preliminary ore preparation work on the Deveci (HeMmhan-Malatya) siderite samples
Taner Ünlü
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ABSTRACT: M this study, ît`§ been attempted to submit the efnielii*ï«ns of the invustiffations carried out on «Mérite samples by or© preparation methods. By means of siöve analyses, ana nm^netic séparation methods; the mineral paragen^sis of IJeveci sidelit^ deposit©, frcwn top to the bottom, has btew determined as, siderii ;+ SiO2 (ait toe top) mıû siderit + SiO2 4- + Ankerit/doteanlte (toward tiie deeper level»). As a» example, Wm be^i attempted to imlïeato fia Deveci eiderite depoelte titot whethßp «eonı^trîo. uıui nıechiüii<^al classifications aocompM^ıed mly by ore prepariatloa nı^tlıocLs, mm at least b© used! a» ai iu^thoto elaoioate the geneşi» ppobl^ns or W% appIîcabLlit>^ must be tovestlgatee

  • Deveci(Hekimhan-Malatya)

  • Siderite Samples

  • Ore Preparation

  • Mineral

  • Amstutz, G.G., 1965; A quantitative approach to parafe, netic relations of are minerais . Freibergerforschungshefte, Sonderdruck aus Heft C 186, 41-50 Juni 1965, Heidelberg,

  • Ertun, A., Çavuş, S. ve Tulukoflu? M„ 1977; Deveci (Hekimhan-Malatya) sideritleri teknolojik değer» lendirme etüdü. Teknoloji Dairesi, Metalürji Servisi, M.T.A,, Ankara,

  • Galopin, R. ve Henry, N.F.M., 1972; Consideration of ~. textures and paragenesis m mineral determination. Microscopic study of opaque minerals, Heffer Cambridge, Chapter 8,

  • Lange, W., 1962; Gewinnung reiner Mineralfraktion aus Gesteinen, Bergakademie, Nr. 6,

  • Ünlü, T., 1983: Die Genese der siderit-Lagerstätte Deveci in der Hekimhan. Provinz Malatya/Türkei und ihre wirtschaftliche Bewertung, Doktorarbeit, TU Berlin,

  • Ünlü, T . (1984). Deveci (Hekiman-MALATYA) Siderit Örneklerinde Yapılan Bir Cevher Hazırlama Ön Çalışması . Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi , 8 (3) , 3-14 . Retrieved from

  • Ünlü, T . Deveci (Hekiman-MALATYA) Siderit Örneklerinde Yapılan Bir Cevher Hazırlama Ön Çalışması. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 8 (1984 ): 3-14

  • Mineralizations at the Lead-Zinc deposits of Akdağmaâeni-YoggaU
    Ahmet Sağiroğlu
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    ABSTRACT: The Akdağmadeni lead-zinc deposits are situated) along the ademelUte-regîonally metaınarpha. led rocks contact aad fount! together with sfearn formations. Three different types of ore* are observed: 1) Massive ore, 2) Disseminated ore and S) Cavity ore. The ore miiierals of the deposits and their pare genetic sequnce are as follows i inagnettte-pyrrhoMt©^ pyrtte-afsenopyritë.chalcopyrite-flîiorite-sphalerite-gal© na# In addition^ s^teelito? chalcocite-Covellîte, geottüte and smithsonite are rai^ly observed. Various geothermonieter and geobarometer techniques indicate a formsatton temperature of 80O-480QC and a pressure of ^ 500 bars. These values are compared with the field and petrologlc findings and origin of the mineralizations is discussed.

  • Akdağ Madeni(Yozgat)

  • Lead-Zinc Deposits

  • Mineralizations

  • Geothermometer

  • Geobarometer

  • Sağıroğlu, A . (1984). Akdağmadeni-(Yozgat) Kurşün-Çinko Yataklarında Cevherleşme . Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi , 8 (3) , 15-28 . Retrieved from

  • Sağıroğlu, A . Akdağmadeni-(Yozgat) Kurşün-Çinko Yataklarında Cevherleşme. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 8 (1984 ): 15-28

  • Geology and anappranch the genesis of the polymetallic min&roUsation of the area around Karadağ (Erzurum - Narman)
    Yusuf Ziya Özkan Ahmet Çağatay Yilmaz Altun Ethem Çetin Acar
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    ABSTRACT: I B the Karadağ regioa an opMolite suit hose lower nwnbers are not complete and are »Med teotonwally thrust over the Upper Oreataoeous voleano-^edtoentary sucoesBlon. These opMolltl«, racks are c^ vered by tower.middle Eocene formation which is andeslte-dacite intercalated and bears coal seam» The utoabasic rocks Wch occur as a thin 8Ude, have catectostic textures, are mylonltized and cupletelv »er^tuuzed. Here, cumulates are not observed. The mm abundant ophloUtio rocks a« the i^troDio gabbw» of ôUnopyrostene-hdrnbleiKl gabbro and micri gabbro and overfain these spiMtto diabases In additioh ptegiag^adte intrusion« what outcrop as small areas in spUittte diabase, are present _ The poiymetaUlc mineralizations are related to the listwanite« (siltoifled and cartonitlsed serpenttnlte mo AÄcattons) whose exposures are scattered along the thrust zone. The totwanites aecomadate about ödrtv ore mtoerab whtoh are either disseminated or fill the veins and veinlets together with dolomite and silica CM the « ore «rinçais chromite fa a relict mineral of the original rock (ha^burgite), ««gnetite and NtataerMs are developed from the elements hlch were present in the structures of cMcate mtaarate of the original rock and became free daring the procces of ltetwanltteatlon, Sinc^ the original nock did not contain W Hk As Sb and Bi these elements are thought to be introduced by hydrothermal solutions, to the light of »eoMeal as`raet* «f the region, it to passible to claim that the mineralog hydrothermal »luttons originated frem the iSwer Middle Eocene dacltic volcanism.

  • Karadağlar(Erzurum-Norman)

  • Polymetallic Mineralization

  • Ophiolitic Rocks

  • Ore Minerals

  • Acar, EéJ Altun, Y ve Özkan, Y4Z,f 1983, Karadaf (Brzu. rum - Narman) Polimetalik cevherleşmesinin Jeoloji raporu; M.T.A. Gnt Md, Rap, No*. 7406 (yaymianmamı§)

  • Engin, O, ve Engin, T., 1964, Haneğe köyü (Erzurum - Oltu) ve civarındaki linyit ihtiva eden sahanın jeolojisi hakkında rapor, M,T,A, On, Md, Rap, no: 3548 (yayınlanmamı!)

  • Qettinger, T.E. 1954 Türkiye Jeoloji haritası (1/100,000) ölçekli M,T,Aè Ankara

  • Özkan, Y , Çağatay, A , Altun, Y , Acar, E . (1984). Karadağ (Erzurum-Narman) Yöresinin Jeolojisi ve Yöredeki Polimelatik Cevherleşmenin Kökenine Bir Yaklaşım . Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi , 8 (3) , 29-32 . Retrieved from

  • Özkan, Y , Çağatay, A , Altun, Y , Acar, E . Karadağ (Erzurum-Narman) Yöresinin Jeolojisi ve Yöredeki Polimelatik Cevherleşmenin Kökenine Bir Yaklaşım. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 8 (1984 ): 29-32

  • A paUoridge which eooiended between ÂnMra and Etimesgut - Batikent basins during pliocene
    Bülent İcifer
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    ABSTRACT: Motaess variations and topographic structure of the baükı floor >ùî the PMöcene and; »QM deposits in Ankara and Etîmesgut-Batakeııt basins have bmm oemimned on an ïsopaeh map ancï m structure- contour map, According to these studies and the field observations, presence of a püeoridge which extended in NB-SW dla*ection between Ankara and Efenesgut-Bafakent basms during PUocene, and that consiste of Jurassic aged İtaestanıeg and Miocene aged volcaniitea has b&m recognized, E1n,allyf deposlMon prooes-» ses of the sol deposits have been discussed to tMs study

  • Ankara

  • Etimesgut - Batikent Basins

  • Paleosid

  • Limestones

  • Volcanics

  • Birand, A.? 1978, Ankara yöresi zeminleri ve jeoteknik sorunlar- Yerbilimleri Açısından Ankara`nın Sorunları Simpozyumu, Türkiye Jeol Kur, Yayını, 55-60,

  • D,S,t? 1975, Hatip Ovası hidrojeolojik etüt raporu: Jeo» teknik Hizmetler ve Yeraltısuları Dairesi Ba|- kanlıfı Yayını, 40 s

  • Frol, O,} 1954^ Ankara civarının jeolojisi hakkında rapor: M.IVA, Genel Müdürlüğü, Rapor If o: 2401, 28İ s,

  • Fırol, O,, 1961, Ankara bölgesinin tektonik gelişmesi: Türkiye Jeol, Kur, Bülteni, 7, 57-85

  • Erol, O,, 1978? Ankara Şehrî Çevresinin Jeomorfolojik Anabilimleri: AeÜ. Dil ve Tarih-Cogr, Fak, Yay m No: 240, 29 s.

  • Erol, Os , 1979, Türkiye`de Neojen ve Kuvaterner a§ınim dönemleri, bu dönemlerin a§ımm yüzeyleri ile ya|it (kof elan) tortullara göre belîrİtnnıei! : Jeomorfoloji Dergisi, 9, 1-40

  • Erol, Ö,, 1ÔS1» Neoteçtonie and geomorphological evolution of Turkey: Z, Geomorp. N.F., Supplé -Br. 40, 103-211

  • Erol, O., Yurdakul, E,, Algan Ü,, Gürel, N,, Hereee, E.-, Tekirli, E., Unsal, Y .ve Yüksel, M., 1980, Anka, ra Metropoliten Arazi Kullanım Haritası: M.T.A. Genel Müdürlüğü Raporu, 99 s

  • Kasapof lu, KM,, 1980, Ankara Kenti Zeminlerinin Jeo « mühendislik Özellikleri- Doçentlik Tezi, H.Ü. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Ankara, 206 s .

  • Kasapof lu, K,B,, 1982, Ankara kenti zeminlerinin jeo - mühendislik Özellikleri: Yerbilimleri, 9; 19-40.

  • Kiper, O,B„ 198E a, Etİmesgut-Batıkent Yöresindeki Üst Pliyosen Çökellerinin Jeo-mühendislik Özellikleri ve Konsolidasyonu: Doktora-Tezi, H,ÜS Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Ankara, 160 s.

  • Kiper, O3. ? 1983 h} Btimesgut«Batıkent yöresindeki Pliyosen çökellerinin jeo-mühendislik özellikleri: Yerbilimleri, 10, 59-70s

  • Ordemir, I., Alyanak, T, and Birand, A, 1965, Report on Ankara Clay: M.E.T.U. Faculty of Enginering Publ. noè 12, 27 p.

  • İcifer, B . (1984). Pliyosen`de Ankara ile Etimesgut-Batıkent Havzaları Arasında Uzanan Paleosırt . Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi , 8 (3) , 33-38 . Retrieved from

  • İcifer, B . Pliyosen`de Ankara ile Etimesgut-Batıkent Havzaları Arasında Uzanan Paleosırt. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 8 (1984 ): 33-38

  • Diagenetic and environmental properties of the clay minerals
    Cengiz Yetiş Cavit Demirkol
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    ABSTRACT: Magnetic a»d environ-mental properties of the day mineral» ape vartaMe, The major diage nette phase diagrams of the argillaceous sediments and sedimentary rock faciles ûave been established by thi chemical dates of the natural phylloâlHcates, The presence erf glauciOTiite is a usefiil criteria for the mariai and shalow imarine sedîm^ts and is not affected much fey the burial diiagenesas. Chlorite» are f&mmû b} weathering of the primary micas .They replaces ilites and otheiF ûlagenesis, speeîfloaliy at the beglimlnf of metamorphtem, Smectttes are exposed to Important mtaeralogica thages which extend from the beginning of sedimentation to late stage of diagenesis. The iDceurenoe of chio rites In the sedimentary rocks M controlled by the other phases rather than their thermal stabMJty; the: Câisappêar at toe late stage of metamorph&m. lllltes form through a series of chemical reactions unde P « T conditions.

  • Clay Minerals

  • Diagenetic

  • Environmental Properties

  • Marine Origin Sediments

  • Grim, R.B., 1068, Clay mineralogy: 2nd Ed, Mac GrawHill, Ne York.

  • Leone, M,% Alaino, B, and Calderone, S,, 1975, Genesis of chlorite pellets from Mesozoic bedded cherts of Sicily: Jour, Bed, petr, 45» 618-Ö28

  • Odin^ G.S., 1972, Observations on the structure of gl&uconite vermicular pellets: Sedimentalogy, 19, 285-204,

  • Pettijohnf E,J,, 1075, Sedimentary rocks: Harper and Row» New York, 628 s,

  • Pettijohn, Bé J4J Potter, P,E„ Siever, Ri? 1972? Sand ant Sandstone: Springer, Ne York, 618 »

  • Porenga, D.H., 1967, Glauconite and chammositë as depth indicators in the marine environments (Ed, A, Hallam) : Marine geology, Sp, Issue 5, 495-502,

  • Selley, R.C,, 1978, (a), Aïicient sedimentary Environments: Chapman and Hall London, 287 s.

  • Selley, R.O., 1978 (b). An Inrdoction to scdimentotogy: Academic Press, I^ondon, 408 s .

  • Velde, B,f 1978^ Phase equilibria studies in the system MgO - A1SO3 . SiO2 ^ H^O, chlorites and associated minerals: Min, Mag,, B9f 297«S12ä

  • Velde, B,, 1976, The chemical evolution of glauconite pellets aa seen by mïçroprobé determinations: Mili, Mab,? 40, 783-760,

  • Volde, B.» 1981: Diagenetic reactions in, Clys: Parker, A, and Sellwood, B.W., Ed, Sediment Diagône, sis: NATO ASI series, Lancaster, 215.268,

  • Weaver, C.E., 1959, The clay petrology of sediments: Clays Clah min, 6, 158-187.

  • Winkler, H.G.F.» 1964, Ban P - T feld der daigenese und niedrigtemperierten Metamorphose auf Qrunû von Mneralreaktionen: Beitrage zur min, Petf.,

  • Yetiş, C , Demirkol, C . (1984). Kil Minerallerinin Diyajenetik ve Ortamsal Nitelikleri . Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi , 8 (3) , 39-44 . Retrieved from

  • Yetiş, C , Demirkol, C . Kil Minerallerinin Diyajenetik ve Ortamsal Nitelikleri. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 8 (1984 ): 39-44

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