Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

1995 MAYIS Cilt 19 Sayı 1
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  • Metamorphic

  • Pressure and Temperature

  • Yıldızeli(Sivas Batısı)

  • Jeotermobarometre

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  • Seismic Hazard Analysis; Theory and Application
    Kamil Kayabali
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  • Seismic Hazard Analysis

  • Probabilistik Approach

  • Theory and Practice

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  • The Effects of Production Capacity Limits in The Cut off Grade Decisions
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    ABSTRACT: In this study, the effects of production capacity limits are investigated in the cut off grade decisions, Firstly, the relationships among the cut off grade, avarage grade and tonnage are analyzed in case of both normal and lognormal distributions for reserve-grades distribution, Second, the effects to the cut off grade decisions that are limited in feeding to plant, output from plait and mine depletion capacities are analyzed. Finally, applications of this research are done by using the data of production plants and drill-holes of Etibank-Gümüşkoy Silver Mine Company,

  • Border Tenor

  • Production Capacity

  • Reserve

  • Tenor

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  • Sücaattin Baran
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    ABSTRACT: One of the most suitable ways for disposing the solid-wastes is to store them under suitable conditions, However; a storage which is not prepared according to the suitable technical qualities causes important dangers for underground waters Owing to this, the storage places must be selected according to the geological conditions and built on these data,

  • Solid Waste

  • Selection of Warehouse Locations

  • geomorphological Status

  • Geology-Hydrogeology Status

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  • Niggli-An Interactive Quickbasic Program For Calculating And Evaluating the Niggli Parameters of Magmatic Rocks
    Fuat Yavuz Yilmaz Bürküt Murat Budakoğlu
    View as PDF

    ABSTRACT: Using some simple calculation techniques the ma jor chemical analyses results of magmatic rocks can be transformed in into the parameters which present useful informations about petrological determinations, The parameters which were also na med as Niggli values achieve the differ antiation trends of magmatic rocks, their magmatic provinces and alkali characters of chemically analysed rocks. They also give important informations about the then type of magmas which rocks are derived NIGGLI which was written in QUICKBASIC calculates the Niggli parameters of major chemical analyses, evatutes the results in terms of petrochemistry and presents their variations as graphics. The compiled form of program is aproximately 356 kbyt, This program operates under the IBM compatible personal computers have a VGA graphics card

  • Niggli Parameter

  • İgneous Rocks

  • İnteraktif Quickbasic

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  • Geology Principles

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  • Ali Haydar Gültekin
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  • Semi-Fossilized

  • Dinosaur

  • Egg

  • Öygür, V., 1993, Jurassic Park, Bilimin Halk Düzeyine İndirilmesinin Yolu, Jeoloji Mühendisliği, s, 42, 118427,

  • Jinghua, and Xiaosi, F,, 1994, Xixia, the Kingdom of Dinozaur Egg Fossils, China and World Cultural Exchange, No, 4, pp. 20-21 Beijing,

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