Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

1996 KASIM Cilt 20 Sayı 1
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Mehmet Ekmekçi
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  • Uranium

  • Hydrogeology

  • Litholoji

  • Geothermal

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  • Cem Saraç A.erhan Temam Deniz Mamurek Fikret Kaçafoğlu
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  • Eskişehir Ovası

  • Ground-water

  • İndicator

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  • Osman Koptagel
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  • Chromium

  • Ore

  • Chemical

  • Anıl,,. M., 1989, Tûıtope - Şerefoglo Ç/L Maraş), Ko- ` mirler (G. Antep) arası ofiyolitlerin petrografisi île bunlara bağlı krom yataklarının jeolojik, ve-jeokimyasal incelenmesi.. Yerbilimleri, CÜ Yay., 6 - 7/1 - 2, 55 - 64

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  • İfyas Yilmazer
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  • Water

  • Mud

  • Drilling

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  • A.cihat Kütük Mahmut Yüksel Sonay Sözüdoğru Ferda Ömer İsrafil Kayabah
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  • Gördes

  • Tuff

  • Mineralogy

  • Plant Growing

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  • Mehmet Zeki Çamur
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  • Mineral

  • Water

  • Let`s collapse

  • Thermodynamics

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  • Engin Ertürk
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  • Ankara-Gerede

  • The night

  • Rock

  • Floor

  • Inclinometre

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  • Ömer Aydan
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  • Japonya(Hyogo Kan Non Int)

  • Fault

  • Earthquake

  • Tectonic

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  • Candan Gökçeoğlu
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  • Schmidt Toughness

  • Strength

  • Rock

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  • İlyas Yilmazer
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  • Balçova Tunnel

  • Geotechnic

  • Tecnosediment

  • Kretase Flysch

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  • Anatas Minerals

  • X-Ray

  • Diffractometry

  • Quantitative Analysis

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  • Aydoğan Akbulut
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  • Çayırhan(Nallıhan-Ankara)

  • Thermal Reactor

  • Flue Gas Treatment

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  • Metamorphic Rocks

  • Main Discontinuity

  • Sedimentary Rocks

  • Manisa-Demirci

  • Rüstem Pehlivan
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  • Kuzuluk(Akyazı)

  • Termomineral Source

  • Hydrothermal

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  • Natural Gas

  • Metagazi

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  • Engin Öncü Sümer Mine Sümer Sefer Örçen
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