Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

1983 MAYIS Cilt 7 Sayı 2
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Geology of Kula - Selendi (Manisa) area
Ahmet Türkecan Erdoğdu Günay
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ABSTRACT • Tertiary and Quaternary aged sediments and volcanic rock units cover large area« in Kula -Selendi region. Tat purpose oï the Investigation is to construct tue Oenozoio stratigraphy aneT to find outthe place of the volcanic In the stratigraphie sequence. Furthermore, because of the usefulness m regionalgsotectonic research and explanations of the petrochenucal and pétrographie Investigations in volcanlorook» we also studied Quaternary Kula basaltic volaanies in detail. The Menderes massif metamorphiosand granités constitute the basement rooks In the Investigated area (E§m© formation and Güney höyüformation). 33ıîs unit ise overlain by Mugadağı marble« Pormo-Triaaie in ago, Mesoaoic units are Kızılca,söğüt formation and Vesdrler melange emplaced In Upper Cretaceous, Wm observed Cenozolc rock unitssuck as Kürtköyü formation, Yeniköy formation, Mkondere voloànlcs, Karaboîdere vol«anlcs of Mioceneand Ahmetler formation, Ulubey Sormatîon, Beydafi volcanlca, Payamtepe volcanios of Pliocene and Asartepe formation and Kula volcaatca of Quaternary. Burgaz volcanics, Mekcitepe volcanlcs and Divlitt«pevoioanlcs were determined a» the three phase» of Kula volcanies. We evaluated fliat these rocks are indifferent origin from all the oiher voloanios in the region.

  • Kula-Selendi(Manisa)

  • Oily Sediments

  • Volcanic Rocks

  • Petrology

  • Petrochemistry

  • Geotectonic Evolution

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  • Boran, T , Türkecan, A , Menci, A , Günay, E . Kula-Selendi (Manisa) Dolaylarının Jeolojisi. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 7 (1983 ): 3-30

  • Flysoh-turbidites of the Lice-Kulp area (Diyarbakır province, BE Turkey) and thew environ, ment of deposition
    Salim Genç
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    ABSTBACT: HM Idee-Knlp area Includes metanıorphlc, jgııeoııs and Miocene sedimentary rooks. Themetamorphics, m part of the southern margin of the Bitlia massif, underlying the northern part of thearea have been thrust over the Miocene sedunents In south. The Miocene sediment» have been divided In tosix distlnoi formations! Üçdaınlar tarnation, as one tof these six formations, displays, on the basis of itsmembers and their reciprocal relation», the charaeteristiea of flysch facie» and turbiditte rocks. Takingthese features in to account the Ucdamlar foımattonı has been defined a» "flysch-turbldite". The flyschturbldites are typical to toe region by their well observed graded bedding to places and various BoumaIntervals. A rose diagram prepared by the measurements from seMmeotary structures (groove and flutecasts) tatioates a turbidltio current direction from OT to NW, Fossils charecterizing both shallow anddeep marble fades conditions eo.exists in the fiyscluturaidites »* the area, This situafloo probably impliesthat some materials including Algea were first deposited to shallow water and were subjected to penecomtemporaneons »lumping and redeposition by turbidity currents to a deeper environment where Globigertaeswere settling

  • Lice-Kulp(Diyarbakır)

  • Flysoh-Turbidites

  • Depositional Environments

  • Metamorphics

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  • Greensmith, J.T., Hatch F.H. ve Rastall, E,H„ 1971: Petrology of the sedimentary rocto (fifth edition) 502 e,

  • Heezett, B.C. ve HoUtoter, O., 1Ö84: Deep-sea current evidence from abyssal sediments. Marine Geology, 1, 141.174.

  • Hesse, R», 1975: Turbiditio and non-turWdltlo mudstone of Cretaceous fiysoh sections of the East Alpa and other basins. Sadimentology, 19, 90-114.

  • Horn, D.R., Dwtog, M., Delaeh, M.N. va Horn, B.M., ` 1971: Turbidites of the northeast Pacific, Sedlmentology, 16t 65-69,

  • Kay, M., 1974: Geosyncllnes, fiysoh and mélanges. Dott, R.H. ve Shaver, B.H. (yönetmenler) `de: Modern and ancient géosynclinal sedimentation, See. Boon. Pala. Min. Spec. Publ. 19. 3T7.8S0.

  • Kinsman, D.J.J., İ9ö9: Modes of formation, sedimentary associations and diagnostic features of shallow water and supraüdal evaporitso. Amer. Assoc. Petr. Geol, Bull. s 58/4 830-840

  • Kuenen, P.H., 1964: Deep.şea sanda and ancient turbldites. Bouma, A.H. ve Brouwer, A, (yönetmenler) `de: Turbidites, Developments in Sedlmentology 3, 3-33, Hlsevierj Amsterdam.

  • Kuenea, P.H., 1967: Géosynclinal sédimentation (Introauction to a symposium). Geol, Rundsçh,â 56, 1-19

  • Kuenen, P.H. ve Oarozzd, A., 1853: Turbidity current« anfl sliding in géosynclinal baslna of the Alpa J, Geol., »1, 863-373.

  • Kukal, Z,, 1&71: Geology of recent sediments. 4S0 s, Acadejnlc Preœ, Londra.

  • McKee, E.D., 1065: Experimentfl on ripple lamination. Mlddleton, G.V. (yönetmen)` da: Primary sedlmeotary structures and their hydrodynamic Interpretation, Spec, PuW, Soc, Boon, Pala. Min, Tulsa, 12, 06.88.

  • Mlddleton, G, V., 1968: Bxpertm^ts on density and tur. bldity currenta. l. Motloa. of the head. Can, J, Barth Sei., 8, 528-64«,

  • Pettijohn, F.J, Dotter, P.B. ve Slever, R., 1972: Bmû and sandstone, 618 s, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.

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  • Read, H.H. ve Watson, J., 1974: Introduetioa to Geology. 683 s., Macmillan, Londra.,

  • Sander, Ï.B., 1985: Primary sedimentary structures formed by turbidity currents and related resedimentation mechaniamş. Mlddleton, G.V, (yönet, men)`de: Primary sedtaaitary structureg and their hydrodynamic löterpretatioo. Spec, Publ. Soc. Boon. Pala. Min. Tulsa, 12. 192.217,

  • Schlager, W. ve Schlager, M., 1873: caastio sediments associated with radiolarltes (Taughlbodçn.gehionten, upper Jurassic, Eastern Alps). Sedlmentology, 20, flS.89

  • Schmalz, R.F., 196»: Deep water êvaporlte deposition: A genetic model. Amer, Aasoe. Pete. Geol, BuU. 63/4 798.823.

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  • Van der Lihgen, G.J., 1968: Preliminary sedtaxentological evolution of some flysoh-lilM deposits from the Makara basin, central Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. New Zealand Jour. Geol, Geophys. 11, 45B-47T

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  • Genç, S . (1983). Lice-Kulp Yöresi (Diyarbakır İli, GD Türkiye) Filiş-Tûrbiditleri ve Çökelme Ortamları . Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi , 7 (2) , 31-36 . Retrieved from

  • Genç, S . Lice-Kulp Yöresi (Diyarbakır İli, GD Türkiye) Filiş-Tûrbiditleri ve Çökelme Ortamları. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 7 (1983 ): 31-36

  • Mineralogy of the Turkish Borate Deposits
    Cahit Helvaci
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    ABSTRACT: Boron » one of the most mobile and least abundant element», lihr average amount of boronto the Earth`s crust being estimated at less than 10 parts per million. However, it te found in mineralswhich `Dccur in nearly all geologic environments. Although boron is «>ne of tt» rarer aid mm unevenlydistributed element» in the Earth`s crust, there are extraordinary concentrations of toron deposits on anindustrial seal« in some localized areas. >r.The known borate deposits of Turkey were dejesited in lacustrine sediments of Tertiary age duringperiods of volcanic activity wh?ch commenced İn the early Tertiary period and omftnued at least to tuebeginning of the Quaternary. All Turkish borate deposit« appear to be aMoclatetİ wMth voloiuitc activity andthey have been classified as deposits related to voles nie aettvlty.Although colemanJte, a very common calcium borate, is the predominant mineral in all boratedistrict« apart friMn Ktrka, the detaUed mineralogy of the Turkish borate deposits varies considerably. Otterprincipal borate minerals are ulexlte (sodium calcium borate) and borax (sodium borate). Borax occursonly at Kfrka, TertsoMte occurs In the B^a,tUo deposits and pandermite is ateo restofcted appeaiİBg onlyin the Bigadiç and Sultancayiri deposits.Turkey has mofle recent rapid strides towards rivalling the U.S.A. a» the world*» leading producer oifborates. Boron and borate minerals find extensive uses in today`» modern induaMes,

  • Turkey

  • Borate Deposits

  • Mineralogy

  • Volcanic Activity

  • Aristarain, L.F. ve Hurlbut, O.S. Jnr., 1S72, Boron mi. . neraÎB and deposits. Part I-Uses, distribution and economic minerals of boron. Part H-Geological environments and classification of boron deposits : Mln. Record, 8, 165.220

  • Baysal, O., 1972a, Sankaya (Kırka) borat yataklarının mmerolojik ve jenstik incelenmesi* Hacettepe Ünlv. doçentlik tezi, 157 a.

  • Baysal, O., 1072b, Tunelllte, a new hydrous strontium borate from the Sankaya borate deposits in Turkey: Bull. Min. Res. Expl. Inst. Turkey, 79, 22.29

  • Baysal, O,, 1973, New hydrous magnesium-borate ml. nerals In Turkey; kurnakovlte, Inderite, Inderborite: Bull, Mm, Res, Expl, Inst. Turkey, 80. 93-103

  • Baysal, O., 1976, Türkiye bor tuzlan; Hacettepe Üniv. Fen ve Müh, Bil, Derg., 6, 207.226

  • Braitech, O,, 1959, Über p-veatchlt, eine neue veatehitevarietat aus den Zechsteinsalz: Beitrage zue Mineralogie Und Pétrographie, 6, 352-356

  • Brown, W.W, ve Jones, K.D., 1971, Borate deposits of Turkey in Geology and History of Turkey: The Petroleum Exploration Society of Libya, Tripoli, Campbell, A.S. (ed.)

  • Bugge, Jens A,W„ 1951, Minerals from the skarn iron are deposits at Arendal, Norway, Cahnlte from Klodeberg mine: K. Norske Vldenak. Splskab. Porh., 24, 79-81

  • Embrey, P.G., 1960, Cahnlte from Capo dl Bove, Rome : Min, Mag,, 32, 866-668

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  • Helvacı, C„ 1977, Geology, mineralogy and geochemistry of the borate deposits and associated rocks at the Emet Valley, Turkey: F3i. D. Thesis, University of Nottingham

  • Helvacı, O„ 1978, A review of the mineralogy of the Turkish borate deposits: Mercian Geol,, 6, 257-270

  • Helvacı, C, ve Firman, R.J., 1976, Geological setting and mineralogy of Emet borate deposits, Turkey: Trans. Inst, Mining Metall, (Section B), 85, B, 142-152

  • Helvacı, Firman, R.J., 1977, Emet borat yatak, larının jeolojik konumu ve mineralojisi: Jeo, Müh, Derg., 2, 17-28

  • tnan, K., 1972, New borate district, Esklşehir-Kırka province, Turkey: Trans. Inst. Mining and Metall., 81, B163-165

  • Irian, K,, 1973, The mineralogy Mid geochemistry of the Kırka borate deposit, Turkey: Ph. D, Thesis, University of Manchester.

  • tnan, K,, Dunham, A.C. ve Esson, J., 1978, The mineralogy, geochemistry and origin of the Kırka borate deposit, Eskişehir province, Turkey: Trans, Inst, Min, Metall, (Section B), 82, B114- 123

  • Kumbasar, I,, 1979, Veatchite.A, a new modification of veatchite: Amer, Mineral., 64, 362-366

  • Malinko, S.V., 1966, Fist find of eahnite in the U,S,S,R,: Dokl, Acad. Scl, U.8.S.R., Earth Scl. Sect,, 166, 116.120. Transi. 695-679

  • Meixner, H., 1952, Einige Boratminerale (Colemanit und Tertschit, ein neues Mineral) aus der Türkei: Fortschr. Mineralogie, 31, 39-42

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  • Özpeker, I., 1969, Batı Anadolu borat yataklarinm mukayeseli ve jene tik etüdü; Doktora tezi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, 116 s

  • Öapeker, ve inan, K,, 1978, Batı Anadolu borat yatak, larmda izlenen minerai birliklerinin yatak evrimiyle İlişkileri; Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bült,, 21, 1-10

  • Palaohe, C. ve Bauer, L..H,, 1972, Cahnite, a new boro. arsenate of calcium from Fraklln, New Jersey: Amer, Mineral,, 12, 149.183

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  • Watanabe, T,, 1964, Geochemical cycle and concentra, tion of boron in the earth`s crust: V.l. Verdenkii Inst. Geochlm, and Anal, Chem, U.S.SR,, 2, 167-177

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  • Tschauda (Eakunian) Oastropods of Hameakoy formation from OéliboïuPenunaula
    Güler Taner
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    ABSTRACT: Pliocene deposits extending along Dardanelles are oradeln by quaternary sediment whichmay be best observée! to Hamzatoy, mort of Gelibolu town. These sediment contain a rich and: very wellpreserved fauna of Tschauda (Bakımian) Oastropods which characterize the Ponto-Oaspic basin of EasternPamtethy»

  • Gelibolu Penunaula

  • Hamzakoy Formation

  • Tschauda (Eakunian)

  • Oastropods

  • Andrussow, N„ 1897, Fossile und lebende Dreissensidae Buraslens: Ext. des Trav. de la Soc, Nat, de St. Géol, et de Min,, Vol. xxv,

  • Dybowski, W,, 1888, Die Gastrepoden Fauna des Kaspischen Meeres-Zeit, für Malakozoologie, 1.79,

  • Eiohwald, E,, 1841, Fauna Öaspio-Oaueasia, Petropall: Nouv, Mém, de la soc, des Natural Tom, VII, 1.83

  • Erol, O. ve Nuttal, O.P., 1973, Çanakkale Yöresinin bazı denizel Kuvaterner depoları: Coğrafya Araştırma Dergisi, Sayı 5-6,

  • Federov, P.V., 1977, Correlation schema of the Pleistocene of the Pontocaspian, Mediterranean and Russian plei, xth Inxua Congres, 134.

  • Krnicki, F., 1887, Bullet de la Moscow, Bd, x,, Nr, 2,

  • Linne, E., 1758, Systema Naturae Ed, x, vol. 1°, Laurentil Salvli, Holmiae, 1-83

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  • Pfannestiel, M„ 1944, Die diluvialen Entwicklungsstadien und die Urgeschichte von Dardanellen, Marmarameer und Bosporus: Geologische Bundschau, Bd, xxxiv, Heft 7/8, 343-424.

  • Sandberger, Fr., 1875, Die Land und Süsswasseroonohylien der Vorwelt. Wies baden.

  • Taner, G., 1982, Die Molluskenfauna und pliozäne Stratigraphie des Halbinsel . Gelibolu: Commlnlcations de la Fac. des Sciences de 1* Université d`Ankara, Cx Géol. Tom. 25.

  • Wenz, W„ 1926, Fossilium Catalogius für Gastropoden: Bölüm I, 32-40.

  • Wenz, W., 1938, Gastropoda, Teil I: Handbuch der Paleozoologie, Bd, 6,

  • Taner, G . (1983). Gelibolu Yarımadası Hamzakoy Formasyonunun Çavda (Baküniyen) Gastropoda`ları . Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi , 7 (2) , 55-62 . Retrieved from

  • Taner, G . Gelibolu Yarımadası Hamzakoy Formasyonunun Çavda (Baküniyen) Gastropoda`ları. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 7 (1983 ): 55-62

  • An example for the determination of the Permian - Triaeslc transition by the foraminifera population foncurrent Range zones (Aladağlar Region, Eastern Taurus Mountains)
    Ahmet Işik
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    ABSTRACT: Aladaf regton, iiroıınd Kii^iiksıı and IMidëken yayla, TJppeırmost Permian, Poııninıi-TriasHİc. transition, and Lowermost Triasslo are repreBented by marine Umestone sequences, la order to clarify the oharaoterlstio iof rermian-Triïissio trasiNitioıı, au Investigatton to define formnlnUera population concmwnt range zones has been carried out In thèse sequences. In the sequence where no stratigraphie hiatus could be found, the par!» corresponding to the zones exhtMt different facie». The lower part consisting of htoclastic, dark-brown limestones at Uppermost Permian age contains foraminifera i»f Dagmarlta chanakohfensta Keitlinger, dlolnvalvulina voııdersclııııitü Ileichel, Staffellai »p., FiM`hyphïoï» »p., Faradagmorlta sp,, Kamurana sp, and atgael fragments like (.Syinnoco dlum sp,t PennocalonluB sp, and Mi`/, sp. This part Is defined as the first foraminifera population concurrent range zone. The seeoiMl part wliioolitic limestones of Uppermost Pt^rmiiin-l.second foramtaüıfera population eianourrent range «one, Dagmarita sp,, Paehypholfe sp, anfl * Oyelogyra sp. have been found In the core» of o»Utes and Cyologyra ? mahajeri Ho to ftm cement. The part above consistingof yenow-Tgray limestones mt Lowermost Permian age contains Cyologyra Î mahajer^, Üeetocornusplra Icalhori Bröniimiann, Zaninetti and Bozorgnla, Ammodtecus parapriscus. Ho, Glomosplrella sp., Barlandla sp, and Harlandinita sp, an it is defined as the third foraminifera population concurrent range zone. The upper. nvMt part consisting- of light-gray limestones which are laminated In its lower sections and thick bedded 1B ite upper sections contains Meandosplra pusllle (Ho), Glonu»plreUa sp. Thus, it is defined em the fourth foriiminiferu p()pulatiAs a result, It M shown that around KÜettksu and I>isTriassl« transition te gradatioaal by mean» of the defined foraminifera population concurrent range zone».

  • Foraminifera Population

  • Common Range Zones

  • Aladağlar Region(Eastern Taurus Mountains)

  • Marine Limestones

  • Altmer, D., Zaninettl, L..1 1977, Kamurana bronjümannl, n, gen, n, sp, ` un nouveau forammlfêre por. celané perforé du Permien supérieur du Taurus oriental, Turquie; Note Lab. Paleoni Univ, Geneve, 8, 6s,

  • Altmer, D,, Zamnetti, L,, 1980, Lie Trias dans la région de Pınarbaşı, Taurus oriental, Turquie: unités Iilthologiques, miçrapoléontologle, millleux de dépôt; Riv, ttal. Paleont, 86, 4, 705-760,

  • Blumenthal, M,M„ 1952, Toroslar`da Yüksek Aladaf Silsilesinin copafyası, Stragrafisi ve Tektonif 1 hakkında yeni

  • Bronnimann, P., Zanmetti, L, ve Botorgnla, F„ İ972, Triassic (Skythian) smaller Foraminlfera from the Elika formation of the central Alborz, northern Iran and from the Sinsl formation of the Dolomites, northern îti : Mitt, Geol, Bergbaustud,, 21, 861-884, Innsbruck

  • Demirtaşlı, E,, 1967, Pınarbagı-Sarız-Mafra civarının jeolojisi ; M.T.A, Bnst, Derleme Rap, 4383 Ankara,

  • Erentöz, C„ 1968, Türkiye stratigrafisinde yeni bilgiler: Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enst, Der,, 69, 1.19 Ankara.

  • Lys, M„ Marcoux, J,, 1978, Les niveaux du Permien supérieur des Nappes d`Antalya (Taurides Occidentales, Turquie) G E. Acad, Se, Paris, 286, 20, 1417.1470

  • Özgül, N„ 1976, Toroslar`m bazı temel jeoloji özellikleri: Türkiye Jeol, Kur, Bült,, 19, 1, 65-78 Ankara.

  • Reiohel, M., 1945, Sur quelques foraminiféres nouveaux du Permian mediterranées: Eclogae Geol. Helv,, 38, 2, 556, Lausanne.

  • Reltllngar, M., 1965, Development of foraminifera In the late Permlon and early Triassic of the Trans. Caucasian Territory (Rusça`dan) : Vopr. Micropaleant, 9, 46-70 Moscow

  • Schmidt, C,G„ 1964, Türkiye-Irak smınnda, Harbol civarmda mevcut Permiyen ve Mesozoik formasyonlar; Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enst, Der,, 62, 99.115 Ankara.

  • Tekeli, O., Aksay, A,, Brtan, I.E., Işık, A,, Ürgün B.M., 1981, Toros Ofiyolit Projeleri; Aladaf Projesi: MTA Enst, Derleme Rap. 8978 Ankara.

  • Zaninetü, L,, 1976, Les foraminiféres du Trias, Essai de synthèse et correlation entre les domains mesogeens européen et asiotique: Riv, îtai. Pakont. 82, 1, 2585,

  • Işık, A . (1983). Permiyen-Triyas Geçişinin Foraminifer Topluluk Ortak Menzil Zonları Yardımıyla Saptanmasına İlişkin Bir Örnek (Aladağlar Bölgesi, Doğu Toroslar) . Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi , 7 (2) , 63-68 . Retrieved from

  • Işık, A . Permiyen-Triyas Geçişinin Foraminifer Topluluk Ortak Menzil Zonları Yardımıyla Saptanmasına İlişkin Bir Örnek (Aladağlar Bölgesi, Doğu Toroslar). Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 7 (1983 ): 63-68

  • Karamadam graniia and geology arouund it
    Mehmet Semih Ulakoğlu
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    ABSTBACT: The study area located within the Olicia section o( antf-Tauru» portion of ïaurus belt Isframed within ttie northern portion of AJadafs,In this particular location at the bottom antlçaınMan metamorphits on it uncomfortably crystallizedCambrian Umeatonea Devonian-Oarboniferous-Permian limestones are unoomiortably situated. After thisage sorting-, the formations are named, accordingly.Thta granite tee aged as Hersinlan, In reference to structural assoeiattoni the base formations areaffected by Huronlan (Ak)î next to it by Oaledoian (Ac) and the upper unite are by Hercinhuı (AF) andby Alpen (A) orogenesis. 

  • Karamadazı Graniia

  • Cilicia Cut

  • Aladaglar

  • Stratigraphy

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  • Okay, A.C., 1957, Kayseri, Niğde ve Tuz gölü arasındaki bölgenin jeoloji etüdü. I.U.F.F, mec, c. XXII, No. 1-2, İstanbul

  • Özgül, N, ve Diferleri., 1973, Tufanbeyli dolayının Kambriyen-Tersiyer kayaları, T.J.K. bülteni, c. XVI, s, 1, ss, 82-100, Ankara

  • Özgül, N., 1976, Torosların bazı temel jeoloji özellikleri, T.J.K. bülteni, s, 19, ss. 65-78, Ankara

  • Türkünal, S., 1965, Yahyalı kazasının güney ve ku. zeydogu dolaylarının jeolojisi, M T.A, Enst, R p. No. 3650, Ankara

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  • Ulakoğlu, M . Karamadazı Graniti ve Çevresinin jeolojisi. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 7 (1983 ): 69-78

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