Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

1982 EYLÜL Cilt 6 Sayı 3
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Genesis of uranium deposits in neogene sedimentary rooks, menderes metamorpMc massif; Turkey
Hüseyin Yilmaz
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ABSTRACT: Uranium deposits in the Köprübaşı area, Western Turkey occur Im the fluviiitil« sedimentaryrocks, which are uudsuhiin by high grade metamorphlo rocks of the Menderes Massif, These deposits (occur inconglomerates, with abondant eilt and clay matrix and sandstone of coarse clastic Bedlmeötary rocks ofNeagene age. The uranium ore Is present aa matrix Impregnations of uraiiixmi in tabular lenses withinconglomerates and sandstone*. On the basis of their mineralogiical and geochemical oharacteristtcs, they canbe (lividad In to type»; Oxidized and mvDxldlzed, Oxidized deposit can be subdivided In to jarosite-waylanolte richand ilmenite-magiieti`te subtypes`, both of which occur near exposures of uetamorphio basement rocks.Uranium in the lunenlte-magnettte rich subtype is disseminated unUiwmly throughout the sand matrix ofconglomerate whereas it is found in the jarosijte-waylandlte miatture in the jarosrfte-waylandite subtype. Theunoxfdlzed second type contains outhigenlo pyrite and siderite. Vranium in this type is also disseminatedthroughout the clay matrix of fflhe sandstone body. Ore grade uranium concentrations In the unoxWlzed deposit is confined to pyrite-rioh zones, whereas onlylow grade miiicriJi/.ution loeeurs In Blderlte-rlol| zones. Authlgenfcally formed pyrite during and after diiagenesis, which was important la establishtag a favourable geoehemloal environment, was oxidized by movinggroiHufwater resulting In eonsumptton of oxygen inpyriite-rich zones, with consequent formation of aulfiteby pyrtte breakdown. Sulfite, subsequently, disproportionate^ in to HS and SOr The HS generated by thisprocess is believed to have been the major reducing ageng during the formation of this deposit. Althoughthe Jarosite-waylandite-assooiated uraium deposits occur m the oxidized ground, they were apparently derivedfrom oxidation of other unoxidlzed bodies. All the deposits, therefore, are epigeneMo in origin, formed byprecipitation *of uranium by groundwater solution» that moved through host rook. The basement metamorphlcrooks are believed to have been the major source of uranium

  • Neogene Sedimentary

  • Köprübaşı-Gördes

  • Uranium Deposits

  • Metamorpic Massifs

  • Adams, J.A.S., Osmond, J.K, ve Rogers, J.J.W., 1963, The geochemistry of thorium and uranium, Phys, Chem, Earth, 3, 299-349

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  • The geological media in terms of groundwater and the olassİfİcaiion of aquifers
    Hasan Turgut Öztaş
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    ABSTRACT: Hi the first part of this paper, the geological media are classified toto four group» accordingto their ability the bearing of to hold water. In the second part, the aqutfen», whiich are Ute most important groupfrom the soienttflo, technical and economical point, of Tftew, are classified In the frame of the criterionproposed by the author.

  • Groundwater

  • Geological Media

  • Aquifers Olassificaiion

  • Hydrogeology

  • BLANK, H, R, SOHROEDER, M.O., 1973, Geologic Classification of Aquifers, Groundwater, Vol, 11, No. %, pp. 3-5

  • BÖGÖMÖLÖV, G. V. BBKTOHaURINE, A, !„ 1955, Hydrogéologie Spécialisée, Publie avec L`aide du Centre National da la Recherche Scientifique, 236 p., Moscov

  • CASTANY, G., 1963, Traité Pratique des Eaux Souterranines, Dunod, 657 p,, Paris

  • DAVIS, S,N, de WIEST,, R, J. M., 1986, Hidrogeology, John Wiley and Sons Inc., 463 p., New York de WIEST, R, J, M., 1965, Geohydrology, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 366 p., New York

  • ERGUVANDI, K. - YÜZER, E., 1973, Yeraltısuları Jeolojisi, İTÜ Kütüphanesi, Sayı: 987, 340 s., İstanbul

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  • Mineralogy of Etir Plain, Şebinkarahisar fluorite minemlimiion and investigation it by fluid inclusion method
    Faruk Çalapkulu Zeynep Ayan
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    ABSTRACT: Fluorite mineralization of Etir Plaine İs located in upper Cretaceous andesltic volcanic rocksin north western, Şebinkarahisar, Giresun. This unit is overlaid by Lutetien volcano . Sedimentary rook»which starts with a basal conglomerate,Fluorite veinlets, up to SO cm. In length, vary between 1-1? cm. tn thtehkness Those »re eoncentratedin three zones trending in. N 10° W _ N 40°W and which have lengthsupto 285 m.In the walls of the veins kaialenlzatlon and some »lUclficatton could be noticable, MJneraloglcal investigations of those veins revealed that the veins were formed in two stages:1, Green fluorite . sphalerite - galena - tennantlte (freiberglte) and ealoopyrite have took place%. link fluorite andyor quartz-purple fluorite have took place.These two stages are seperated from each other by breeelatlon and fragments which belong to first stageare cemented by pink fluorite and purple fluorite.Beside, by working on fluid inclusions of sphalerite and fluorite, homogênlzatlon temperatures of mineralizatiiMi In different stages Is determined, carried out on the samples. The honusgenization tenipeatures ofchanges between ISO0 , 250» O, Absence of halite (NaOI) crystals In the fluid inclusions indicate that salinity Issteady below 80%. 

  • Etir Plain(Şebinkarahisar)

  • Fluorite Minemlimiion

  • Fluid İnclusion Method

  • Giresun

  • Akıncı, Ö.T., 1978, Bulancak sülfid damarlarında, sıvı kapanım çalışması: Türkiye Jeol. Kur, Bült. 19, «-52

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  • Ergün, A,, 1976, Giresun ili, Şebinkarahisar ilçesi ,Etir köy fluorit zuhurunun genel prospeksiyon raporu : MTA, E.H.M. Dairesi. Raporu, Arşiv No. 1047 ( Yaymlanmamıı)

  • Ketin, t, 1986, Anadolu`nun Tektonik Birlikleri MTA, Derg,, 66, 23-34

  • Öğün, Y„ 1979, Şebinkarahisar Çorak yayla, Eskine yayla, Çukurovası Bölgesinde sedimanlar içinde, ki uranyum olanakları ve jeolojisi: MTA, Enst. Radyoaktif Mineraller ve Kömür Dairesi Rp, No. SOS, (Yayınlanmamış)

  • Örgün N., 1972, Giresun , Şebinkarahisar, Çukurovası sektörü uranyum etüdü nihai raporu : MTA, Enst, Radyoaktif Mineraller ve Kömür Dairesi Rp, No. 437 (Ylymlanmamıg)

  • Roedder, E,, 1979, Fluid Inclusions as Samples of Ore Fluids: Geochemistry of Hydrothermal ore Deposits, John Wiley and Sons. 2. Baskı, 798 sh,

  • Tahlr, Y., 1980 Giresun - Şebinkarahisar, Hskine Yayla, Çukurovası mevkii ve Gönük yayla arasında uranyum aramaları etüdü: A.Ü.F.F, Mineraloji kürsüsü Dipl, galıgması.

  • Banded iron formation
    Ahmet Çağatay
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    ABSTRACT: The bandet iron formations, which now provide 50 %of the Iron productton in the world areclassified. The geochemistry, metamorphlsm, age«, technology and their relationship to other mineral deposits discus

  • Banded İron Formation

  • Petrographie

  • Mineralogyh

  • Carbonate Facies

  • Silicates Facies

  • Appel, P, U., 1974, On an unmetamorphosed iron-for. mation in the early Preeambrian of South-West Greenland, -Mineralium Deposita vol. 9., pp 75- 82, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York.

  • Barbour, A, P., 1978, Distribution of phosphorus in the iron ore deposits of Itabira, Minas Gérais, Brazil.- Econ. Geol,, vol. 68, pp. 52-64.

  • Barbour, A. P., 1975, Carbonate-apatite in Freeambrian cherty iron formation. Barağa County, Mic higan, , Econ. Geol, vol. 70, pp. 583-586

  • Becker, R. H. ve Clayton, R. N., 1972 Carbon isotopic evidence for the origin of a banded iron-formation in Western Australia. - Geochlm. Cosmochim. Aeta, vol. 36, pp. 677- 595.

  • Boyle, R. W. ve Davis, J. L,,, 1973, Geochim, Oosmochlm Acta, vol. 37, p. 1389.

  • Cloud, P., 1973, Boon, Geol., vol, 68, p, 967 ve p, 1138

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  • Gundersen, J. N ve Schwartz, G. M., 1962, The geology of the metamorphased Biwabik Iron formation, Eastern Mesabi district, Minnesota,- Minn, Geol. Survey Bull. 48

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  • Ertem Tuncali
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  • Continental in Poland

  • Coal-Bearing Formations

  • Types of Coal Deds

  • Tectonic

  • XXm. Uluslararası Jeoloji Kongresine (Çekoslovakya) Prof, Dr. Edward OÜIK, 1968 tarafından sunulan makalesi

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